"Cscade Pools, Left Fork of North Creek" This one is technically and physically trying since I used several of the techniques I have written about on the page including exposing for the shadows and developing for the highlights (see my article "To Zone or Not to Zone" as well as the article on maintaining sharp focuse for both near and far. This was another very tough hike to get to. I started well before sunrise by dropping off a ledge above the creek. It was a VERY steep descent, 800 vertical feet, hike down; again, my pack loads out at about 45 pounds. There is no overnight camping allowed in the canyon so it's in and out. After the descent there is a 4 1/2 mile hike upstream to the deadfall which is un-passable without ropes and technical climbing. Also, there is no trail and this is a well watered part of the desert so the brush is huge, so it is bushwhacking the full 4 1/2 miles in, and of course out, followed by an 800 ft ascent on very tired legs. I wish I could do it again... maybe sometime when I have jet packs. The last time I tried to get in here I got to the bottom and this small stream was a raging torrent that was about waist deep. So it was a no/go. I used a Toyo 45A camera and an Induro Carbon Fiber Tripod with a magnesium three way head on it. A Schneider 65mm Sinaron lens with a #61 Dark Green filter and a linear Polarizer filter stacked together, and Kodak T-Max 100 film that I rated at ASA 50.
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