This shot was taken in Tokyo from inside the Yurikamome elevated train while I was attempting my bucket shot. (Rainbow Bridge and Tokyo Tower with a train in motion)
It was my last night in Japan, and I had a two-hour window to get my bucket shot—between the moment the Tower lights turned on and 8 PM, when they changed colours. I spent the night travelling back and forth between two stations, waiting for the perfect moment.
On one of my return trips, I spotted a potential composition and stayed ready for a train to pass on the opposite track. When the conditions were perfect, I didn’t have the window seat. So I asked the person sitting there if they’d mind letting me take just one shot, and that’s how the photo happened—standing between the seats of a moving train, capturing a static background while another train passed in motion.
It was both physically and mentally challenging. Two hours, in the heat of Tokyo summer, jumping from one train to another to find the perfect condition and get a sharp image!
Shot at 70mm, 0.4 sec, f/2.8, and ISO 100—single shot.
It wasn’t the shot I had planned, but it became my favourite.
Love the image. The gradient in the sky makes all the difference so the buildings pop against the dark sky. Nice work!