First astro photo of the 2018 season.

Took my Nodal Ninja panoramic head out to my favourite bay on Lake Tarawera, Rotorua, New Zealand and shot this multi-...

Road to the Stars

Canon 77D with 18-55mm kit - 20sec, F/4.0, ISO3200, 18mm Picture I took a couple of months back at Onaero Bay, Taranaki...

Milky way with cheap gear

Hello to the Fstoppers Astrophotography Community, I just posted an image of the milky way which I shot using a,...

A great tool for finding dark skies!

Not sure how many folks know about this, but here is a great tool for finding dark skies around the world. http://...


Hey all, I wanted to create this group because I haven't seen a lot of astrophotographers on the site and I wanted to...

Dark Skies

This shot was taken a couple of years ago at Cherry Spring, State Park in PA. This place is one of the darkest skies I...

First Attempt At Astro

Shot with a Sigma SD Quattro H in Como, NC on 01/21/18 Sigma 14mm F1.8 Art Lens 100 ISO 7 Bracketed Shots 30s intervals...

Double arch

Double arch with the Milky Way above it. Any CC?

Along the Kilimanjaro Trail

Good afternoon, everyone! I just wanted to share this image I took at the second camp along the Machame route, while...

Needing advice on lenses

This shot was taken in the ghost town of Nelson, NV. Full disclosure, the sky is from Acadia NP. I recently dropped and...

Beginner question

Hello everyone! I started getting into photography and Astrophotography is what really got me more serious. I have been...

Would love your critique!

Took this from my back yard the other night. Worked on it in post to bring out detail would like some thoughts on the...

Would love some CC

My first attempt at star trails. I'm pretty happy with the way this came out, but I'm always interested in ways I can...

2017 Total Eclipse over Smith Rock, Oregon

I didn't get *the* Smith Rock photo of that rock climber but what can you do. Constructive feedback welcome. Thanks.

Florida's Eclipse of Aug-2017

Ever thought Florida did not have a full eclipse, about 70% of it was good enough for me.

Eclipse 2017 - Las Vegas

Las Vegas Eclipse 2017. I always say things happen for a reason, at first I thought the clouds were going to make...

Please offer any advice/criticism

This was my first attempt at astrophotography and Im looking to get better at it, so if you have any advice please...

Milkeyway over Apalachicola National Forest

Just happened to stop off at a good time on the way back from a 6 week road-trip.

Milky Way in Colorado

Outside Colorado Springs, it can be difficult to get a good shot of the Milky Way due to light pollution. Here I was...

Milky Way Photography over an abandoned Train Trestle

Hey fellow astro lovers! First disclaimer, I am not in love with the images I personally got from this trip to the...