over edit?

just wanted to see if you guys liked this edit

A Texas Mockingbird

Usually the Eastern Phoebes are out and about right after a rain, but I captured this Mockingbird scoping out bugs in...

Ancient Dream

The Externsteine, Germany have been my favorite subject for some time now, but I had never caught an actual beautiful...

Printer of choice

Hello all, I've been looking into starting to print my landscape photos and done a quick research online on printers. I...

Maria Gern

last Weekend a shoot sunrise at the Church of Maria Gern in Berchtesgaden Germany. In the background you see the...

gaining experience

over the last month my knowledge base has been flooded with ideas opinions and techniques thanks to the community. just...

Need Advice to improve landscape photography

Hi Everyone. I am new in landscape photography and need your advice to improve my skills. Thank you.

Legacy - Eltz Castle, Germany

I accidentally posted the first image of my "Legacy" series in the wrong forum. If you're interested in the story...

Forest road in Scotland

All comments and ideas to improve it are welcome.

Bluebird Blue

Caught this little Bluebird walking back to my car

awesome group help

so today someone from the group taught me a few tricks about detail. much thanks and a shout out to Thorsten Westheider...

Forgotten ruins

Does anyone else love photographing ruined piers and jetty’s?

How to detect clipping in Photoshop in real time

This is sort of a tutorial, not an actual question but I figured this might be useful for most people in this group. If...

Bend - Don't Break (foggy forest image)

I shot this image early in the morning last weekend trying to catch some fog in a coastal forest. This section of the...

Definition: Fall

On a morning walk in southern Michigan, the crisp sunlight, blooming autumn colors, and the leading lines of a...

Sun rising on the future

This is in the Arava valley in southern Israel near the Jordanian border.

Need ideas

We had some foggy patches today, so I checked on my favorite tree to see if it was now isolated against its background...

Down on MLK: Good morning

(Not sure if there's a better section for this...not really cityscapes which is closest other I found). I'm aware of a...


Near the top of Van Trump Park hike on Mt. Rainier. Stopped and had a sandwich here and took it all in.

experiment...hit or miss?

either way you see this I'm just testing things out to see how i can improve things in post. challenging myself to...