Beach Fence

Hi everyone, Haven't posted anything here in a while. I recently was able to finally take a trip out to the beach. This...

Suggestions/feedback for this picture

I took this picture the other day, and started editing and touching it up in lightroom. While I like the way it came...

Ice Whale

sólheimajökull Ice Whale

Critique wanted

One of the shots taken on my trip last weekend. Any suggestion on how to improve upon it is greatly appreciated.

Outdoors, nature and wild life photography

Hi to all, Joined Fstoppers and this group to share photos, learn and grow my photography output through exposure to...

Mossy Grove

Here's a location on Vancouver Island that I constantly revisit. Due to all the deadfall and chaotic environment, it's...

Latourell Falls

This last spring I was able to gather up the whole family and go waterfall hunting in the PNW region of the Gorge...

loving summer storm clouds

summer clouds rolling through the sky in southern NH

Lupine Hills

Spring has been exceptional this year in the Pacific Northwest, but I can't help but notice how early the blooms came...

Zion National Park

Sunrise in Zion and a cute bonsai-like juniper. We spent 10 days exploring Zion and Bryce. These are just two I liked,...

same place different season, in progress

There are certain places that seem to have more spirit than others. hope I have caught that for you all. If the weather...

First trip to the Grand Canyon

Took me 67 years but finally made it to the Grand Canyon. Comments and critiques welcome.

Morning mood

Light reaches the hay stacks on a lonely road leading from Reuschbach Germany as another day begins...morning mood.

Middle Prong River rapid

I shot this last weekend. It had been raining and the water was moving rather Quickly. I wanted to see what you think...

A walk in the forest

Stopped by for a coffee break and saw this wonderful scene right over the road...

At the River

at the reservoir at Noones' Falls in Peterborough NH

The light on the hill

A light above Jerusalem mountains, In a relatively stormy and windy day the sun managed to pop up for only a minute...

Lutuvu waterfall

That's a winter waterfall, because it borns when there are strong rains for long time. The spot is not really easy to...

Sunbeams & Sage Grass

Me to God: "You supply the light, I'll supply the photo." My goal was to make it as if you could walk into the scene...

Panorama of Wilsons Prom

Tidal river and mount Oberon at the Wilsons Promontory National Park