Cones and root

Just a quick stop off the side of the road where some pine cones piled up under a tree.

Waterfall in Switzerland

During my time in Switzerland I had the time to visit Zermatt. Known for the magical Swiss town and the daunting...

Andes Mountains & Laguna Miscanti

In the foothills above the Chile's Atacama desert is Laguna Miscanti. Foothills is a bit of a misnomer as the floor of...

SUP Sunset

Morro Bay, CA. This is just a processed JPG, haven't gotten to the RAW files from this trip yet.

Golden Moment

I like best of all autumn, because its leaves are a little yellow, its tone mellower, its colors richer,etc.......


36000 ft above all the disturbances. With "Outer" and "Inner" a little closer. Black and White conversion is through PS...


Here's a canyon that I've wanted to visit for a few years now. Relatively unknown, and absolutely no signs of human...

Curtsey and Bow

One of my favorite images taken in the forest locally.

Bolivian Andes

The Andes from Chile’s Atacama desert looking east towards Bolivia. The Atacama is a stunning area featuring the driest...

Farmland in NZ

Great sun shining on the green pastures of farmland in Southern NZ.

Southern Ocean.

Waves crashing against the rocks on the South Coast of NZ on a stormy day. It was only 3 degrees C.

Lake Hayes

It was a beautiful bright autumn day, with air like cider and water is so clear like a mirror. Lake Hayes, South Island...

Autumn Beauty

A beautiful morning shot at Lake Hayes, South Island, New Zealand

Mountaine Bistra

Viewer from the road to pick Medenica 2164m alt. Mavrovo national park. Nord Macedonia.

Stormy Day

This was a photo taken at sunset on a particularly stormy winter's evening in Aberystwyth West Wales. I hate missing...

Cherokee Lake Sunrise

Went to capture the comet a few weeks ago. The clouds covered it not long after we arrived. So I stayed around for the...

Yosemite Springtime

I visited the park for the first time in 2017 and this is what I came away with. I’m hoping to get back there this fall.

It depends on the eye

One more surprise for me. On my profile I added a new photo. This time it is a small dam and right beneath the dam is a...

Storm Francis

I've seen a number of images from this location in bad weather so when Storm Francis rolled in I thought I'd pop down...

Rise and Shine

unexpected view while waiting for some birds to fly past