We Review the Canon RF 100-300mm f/2.8L IS USM Lens

I got an opportunity to use the brand-new Canon RF 100-300mm f/2.8L IS USM zoom lens. This expensive and large zoom lens with a large aperture is even more amazing than I initially expected. In this article, I share my experience and thoughts on this lens from real-world use.

Behind the Scenes of 'Man of Steel'

'Man of Steel' is number one right now in the box office. Whether you loved the movie, hated it or haven't even seen it yet; it's hard to argue that this installment of the Superman franchise was a step up from the last iteration. Check out this 13 minute long behind the scenes feature on the movie where they discuss the making of the movie. Watch closely and try to pick out different lighting set-ups.

More Than Just a Tablet: We Review the Huion Inspiroy Dial 2

It’s one thing to have a dedicated graphic tablet for editing and a whole world of convenience to have a versatile editing console. Let’s check out why the Inspiroy Dial 2 can be considered more than just a tablet.

How To Care For Your Camera: Cleaning, Maintenance & More

If you have never taken the time to learn some of the basics of camera care then this is your video. System checks, cleaning, strap threading, and general maintenance are all covered in this video published by Canon USA. But don't let the excessive Canon logos fool you. These care tips are just as useful to all our Nikon shooters too.

7 Simple Principles To Ensure Success On Your Next Shoot

A few months ago, I was involved in a shoot that seemed to do everything right. Managing ever larger shoots, photo or video, is not rocket science but does require planning and thought. Here are some basic pointers of what I saw first hand that we can all apply to increase the chances of successful outcomes on our shoots.

New, Comprehensive Canon Lens Experience Through the Eyes of 15 Photography Greats

B&H has launched what is easily the most comprehensive platform for understanding Canon glass that we have ever seen: the Canon Lens Experience. Backed by 15 powerhouse photographers including Gregory Heisler, Jeremy Cowart, Jim Wark and Randy Kerr, the new platform lets you get a very in-depth look at lenses, what they do and what images taken with them look like.

Shoot Two Completely Different Lighting Setups with One Push of the Shutter Button

You might someday find yourself working within the overall vision of someone else – like an editor, an art director or, in this case, a director of photography – when shooting on assignment for publications as big as Sports Illustrated. Limited time with your subject and being asked for simple lighting against a simple background isn’t uncommon in this industry. So how would you go about getting the type of photographs your employer wants plus creating a dramatically lit and colored set for yourself?

How to Quickly Remove Your Ex in Photoshop

So many times people post cropped photos on social media in order to get rid of their ex or someone they don't care about anymore. While cropping gets rid of the unwanted face, it still leaves other body parts in the frame, and makes the photo look weird - and makes people focus on the fact someone was cropped out instead of focusing on that great photo of you. This very informative and easy to follow video shows a very easy way to get rid of a person in just few minutes, and how to leave no trace behind.

First Look: Profoto Collapsible Reflectors

A reflector is a reflector. Right? That was my first thought when I was asked to be the first to review Profoto's new line of collapsible reflectors. "It's a reflector, are you serious?" I mean come on, in what possible way could this be any different from everything else I've used? A reflector is a reflector. However, obviously I said yes and here we are…and I was wrong. So very, very wrong.

10 Crucial Values You Need to Know in Landscape Photography

Technical perfection, originality, environmentalism, story, aesthetics, and realism are all concepts or principles we as landscape photographers can value. What we value will define how we do our landscape photography and if those photos will ever be any good.

Is Instagram Hostile to Photographers?

If you’re like me, you’re one of Instagram’s billion active users, and if you’re a photographer, it’s a natural choice to have a presence on the platform that has been synonymous with photography over the last decade. Instagram, however, doesn’t seem to care about photographers — only users. Should that change? Can it?

LevelUp For Photoshop Turns Work Into Play

We live in a gaming culture, where everything is marked with achievements, badges and trophies. Not only has this service been brought into video games everywhere, but websites such as reddit, eBay and various forums everywhere have a scoring and achievement system that encourages interactivity. It was only a matter of time until programs such as Photoshop got on board with this idea.

Instagram Introduces New Features Designed for Better Control

It's no secret that Instagram is a bit of a free-for-all in some respects. Every day, I fend off the usual swarm of bots and comments offering me services of questionable legality. Instagram seems to have recognized this, introducing several new tools today, all designed around increased control and positivity in the app experience.

Seven Tips for Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is like a unicorn: no one knows whether it really exists, but vague hope persists. Balance is particularly difficult for entrepreneurs because we wear so many hats. More often than not, work-life balance is like a seesaw, with life on one end and work at the other. One side is always either up or down, and time spent in the middle is fleeting. The seesaw will never be completely balanced, but there are ways to maximize the time spent in the middle. These seven tips will give you a start.

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started with Capture One Pro

Over the years, Capture One has evolved tremendously in its feature set, and has steadily become one of - or arguably the best - raw processor available. Despite all it's advantages and praises, many remain hesitant to adopt it, largely due to its seeming complexity and the intimidation factor associated with a truly professional tool. In this tutorial I'll be guiding you through the key aspects of Capture One version 12, and demonstrating that it's actually quite intuitive and straightforward to use.

Instagram Is Testing Hiding a Post's Like Count

New screenshots suggest Instagram is toying with the idea of hiding the number of likes a photo has received. If rolled out, the change would alter the entire dynamic of the platform, given that many influencers rely on their likes count for business purposes.

The Increased Risk of Lasers for Mirrorless Cameras

I have been shooting concerts for many years. These are mostly bands in small, dark, and obscure venues with not much light to work with. But eventually a lot of bands started to use lasers as a part of their show. That resulted once in a damaged sensor. I believe today there is a greater risk with mirrorless cameras and lasers.

Three Lightroom Shortcuts That Will Save You Time

You probably use Lightroom because of the efficiency in processing batches of images, which in turn frees up more of your valuable time. But why use the software without the convenience of its many shortcuts, which save you time and make your work easier?

The Must Have Tool For Blogging Photographers

Blogging is essential for photography. Not only does it provide an unique interaction with potential clients and fans of your work, but it’s also essential for SEO purposes. When building web presence, every expert in the field of SEO and Web Development will tell you to blog often, and this tool is essential for the modern day blogging photographer.

Top 7 Smartphone Photography Tips That Will Make You Forget Your Camera

In a recent article of mine, I discussed switching from a DSLR to a smartphone for casual photography. Recently, one of my friends reached out to me and asked what camera he should get for a trip he is going to. I told him: to use his phone and gave him some tips. Here are the top 7 tips that every smartphone photographer should know.

How Joining Canon Professional Services Saved my Photography Career

If you're a professional or semi-professional photographer chances are you've probably needed to get a lens calibrated or sensor cleaning from time to time. That's exactly what I needed last week when I noticed my Canon 24-70 f2.8 V2 was noticeably softer.

The Lion City: Tilt-Shift And Timelapse Like You've Never Seen Before

Check out this jaw-dropping (I know we throw that word around a lot here, but seriously...I mean it this time, if you disagree, you can have your money back) video project by Keith Loutit. Filmed in Singapore, this timelapse explores depth of field in a way that I've never seen before. It's simply incredible!