Four Powerful Capture One Features to Supercharge Your Photography Workflow

Capture One doesn’t need to be introduced anymore. It’s Phase One's professional raw converter, and it has grown into a very compelling Lightroom alternative over the past few years. The software is meant to develop raw files, but it can do much more. Its usage doesn’t have to stop at simple exposure and contrast tweaks. Let’s see how we can unleash its full potential and, as Phase One likes to phrase it, experience the ultimate image quality.

Why Don't We Have Automatic Sensor Dust Removal in Lightroom Yet?

Artificial intelligence is pervading every corner of our digital lives, and Adobe is powering their editing software with Sensei, their artificially intelligent tool. But so far, it's lacking the ability to deal with the common issue of sensor spots automatically in Lightroom, which would make our lives much easier.

Create Seamless Selections Using Luminosity Masks

Creating selections in Photoshop can be a painstaking process, oftentimes with mixed results. I learned about luminosity masking by way of exposure blending for landscapes, but its applications are varied.

All 50 States by 50 Different Talented Photographers, Taken on July 4th

Lots of people get out and travel, and spend time in some of the most scenic places the United States has to offer during the week of Independence Day. I'm even writing this article from a cafe nestled deep in Sequoia National Forest in California! In celebration of this holiday, CanvasFactory worked closely with 50 photographers in all 50 states to take an iconic image that represented where they reside, and have presented them all in a single, interactive map.

[App] Shooting Raw With Your iPhone: 645PRO App

The 645 PRO app is designed with photographers in mind. With cell phones being used more and more for taking pictures, it's no wonder that this app is coming out for the iPhone. Aside from shooting raw, it has plenty of features that will grab your interest.

Paying More Attention by Shooting Without Looking (Through the Viewfinder)

It’s very easy to get used to the option of being able to “spray and pray” – shoot a nearly obscene amount of photographs and hope for a few that meander over the line to above average. I know I can be guilty of this sometimes – modern shutters are both a benefit and a crutch. So I issued myself a challenge: go out and shoot without looking.

Sony Releases Imaging Edge: Software to Support Sophisticated Creative Work

Sony just released their new software suite, Imaging Edge, which is the combination of three applications. The three different programs come bundled together in a single installer which is available for both Windows and Apple computers which you can download here. The software set features several functions and controls that aren't exactly new to the world of photography but are designed in a way to help streamline workflows for photographers. In addition, just as was outlined in Sony's original announcement, Imaging Edge is designed to maximize the capabilities of the Pixel Shift Multi Shooting technology.

We Go Hands on With the New Leica Q3

Leica has just released their long-awaited update to the fan-favorite Q line-up called the Leica Q3. I’ve been using it for a couple of hours each day for the past three days. So, how does it feel to shoot with it, and should you want one?

Canon's Flagship Mirrorless Camera Is Likely Coming in 2021

Canon's mirrorless lenses have been met with much acclaim, but many photographers are anxiously awaiting a truly professional level body to accompany them. A Japanese newspaper is reporting that that camera, equivalent to a 1D flagship body, will be announced sometime in 2021.

Photon for Mac and Windows Is a Very Unique Color Grading Editor

I understand what color grading and LUTs (Color Lookup Tables) are and how they can improve a photo or video. But a new application for Mac and Windows has a rather revolutionary interface that helps you visualize what your image values are and lets you modify them to your heart's content.

Comprehensive Guide to Shooting and Editing Astrophotography Time-Lapse Videos

The Syrp Genie caught everyone's attention with its contemporary design and advanced automation features that made it a time-lapse photographer's best tool in the field. Today, photographer Mark Gee shares tips on how to set up and use the Genie while offering a few great suggestions that apply to all methods of landscape photography, from what apps he uses on his phone to help him plan every shot to how to edit for final output. Need to shoot a time-lapse soon? Whether you're experienced or just starting, there's undoubtedly something in here for you.

Can You Really Claim It Was Shot With a Phone?

Plenty of phone companies claim that their advertising images were shot with their phones. Some are outright lying, but others are in more of a grey area. When is it accurate to claim that is was shot with a phone?

Flying Cars: Creating A 58 Foot Composite Print For BMW

Sean Madden, creative director from the ad agency Brains On Fire, reached out to me earlier this year and asked if given an arsenal of stunt drivers, the newest high performance BMW's, and a closed race course, could I create a 58 foot long composite print for BMW. My answer? "When can I start?" Watch the video and read the post below to learn how the shoot came together.

Stop Working for Free as a Photographer or Videographer

Whether you're a photographer, videographer, or a retoucher, you've probably been asked for free work once in your life. Recently, I've noticed an enormous increase of job postings from companies or individuals who are seeking free photography or videography work, or in their own words, "volunteer work." In the past, free work ads were a relatively rare occurrence, but recently they have become quite commonplace. It is possibly related to the increase of photographers in the market as well as the increase in the number of photographers or videographers who want to dive into the market. It's not difficult to offer an explanation for the growing trend of free digital imaging work, and it is even easier to find a solution that might overcome the problems caused by it: Never ever work for free in any circumstances.

Could Apple Silicon Make Final Cut Pro X Cool Again?

Despite the headline, I’ve always thought that Final Cut Pro X was cool. It still is, and it’s still my favorite non-linear video editor. That said, industry inertia has always pushed me to use Adobe’s bloated Premiere Pro, but Apple’s new Macs using their own silicon in the form of the M1 processor may have just given the industry to come back to an old favorite.

How Much Depth of Field Do You Need?

Depth of Field, or a lack thereof, has become a buzzword of sorts in photography circles. Many times the term is used as a blanket nomenclature to cover anything to do with how much or little of a subject is in focus. What we often fail to consider is why. Why are we choosing to use as much or as little depth as we do? It's time to look past aesthetics and really think about depth of field in relation to our subjects.

Sony Announces ‘G Master’ Lineup of Lenses: Fast Aperture Zooms Have Officially Arrived to Mirrorless

One of the primary reasons many have given for stalling in making the switch to mirrorless is the lack of solid fast aperture zooms. With the newly announced Sony G Master series and initial debut of a FE 24-70mm f/2.8, FE 70-200mm f/2.8 OSS, and FE 85mm f/1.4 lenses, not only are we getting the highly requested fast zooms, but we are getting some of the best precision optics overall for the Sony Alpha system.

The KeyMission Could Have Been Nikon's Future, but it Isn't Anymore

Nikon released a trio of new cameras at the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show, all under a new umbrella called “KeyMission.” While two of them were mostly GoPro clones, the third was arguably the most interesting, and not just for its strange name and looks: The KeyMission360. This camera was the most forward-looking product that Nikon has put out, more so than any potential mirrorless camera or DSLR that’s come out in the past few years. And then it let its 360 ambitions wither and die.

The Strangely Beautiful Photographic World Of GTA 5

GTA 5 is not just a successful video game, it’s the highest grossing entertainment product of all time. Part of it's success is down to it’s beautiful, immersive virtual environment. This environment has inspired a number of keen eyed photographers out there to bring us some beautiful street and landscape photography. It beggars the question – is this really photography and if not, well, what is it?

Drone Crashes During World Cup Slalom, Nearly Hitting Skier

When Austrian Alpine Skier Marcel Hirscher made his way down the course during the World Cup Slalom in Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, gates weren't his only obstacle. In a miraculous near miss, what looks to be a very expensive drone made an explosive appearance only ten seconds into the run. As the drone shattered into tiny pieces, a very loud message about the dangers of drone use in professional sports was exemplified on the world stage.

That New Camera Won’t Make You a Better Photographer

Let's face it, we photographers like shiny objects. Especially when first starting out, it’s always tempting to find some new camera, lens, or other tool we can put in our tool belt that is going to help us be a better photographer. Sadly, that cool new piece of gear is not really going to make you a better photographer, but here are a few things that might.

6 Wacky Ways To Supercharge Your Creativity To Become A Better Photographer

Creativity is the core building block of every great photographer. Those who know how to foster and stimulate the power of their creativity often can enjoy a tremendous boost in their work. Some methods such as listening to music or getting hammered are pretty common knowledge but there are also an endless collection of somewhat less orthodox methods that are also worth giving a whirl!

A Guide to 'The Instagram Look'

I'll preface this by saying that I am in no way bashing the Instagram community, other photographers, or their style. I got to be curious about why these Instagram portrait photographers were gaining such popularity. If you search any of the various Instagram "superhubs," you'll see this style crowding the pages. Once deconstructed, there isn't much to the look that has exploded across social media in the last year. Though there isn't much to it, there is certainly some work involved. It's not always as simple as a few sliders in the Instagram editor.

Photoshop Tutorial: How To Add Sun Beams To Your Photo

Our friend Glyn Dewis has been sharing his straightforward and very helpful post-production tutorials with us for a long time. This time he shares about how to add dramatic sun beams to your photos in post-production. Something I've been trying to master for a long time! Read below to learn more about how Glyn created this cool elephant image from a safari park snapshot.

Sigma Announces Full-Frame Foveon Camera Is Indefinitely Delayed

Sigma was expected to announce a new full-frame mirrorless L mount camera with its unique Foveon sensor later this month, but unfortunately, the company has announced that the camera will now be delayed indefinitely. Nonetheless, they still intend to release the camera eventually, albeit with a complete redesign.