Answering the Age-Old Question: What Camera Should I Buy?

As a photojournalism professor, one of the questions I get asked most by beginning photographers is, "What camera should I buy?" As if there's a single, definitive answer to that. The answer I always give is: What do you want to do? There's a camera out there for everyone, and here's a guide for what to look for when you're starting out.

4K in Your Pocket With The Panasonic LX100

Panasonic announced their new breakthrough product, the advanced point and shoot Panasonic LX100, which can record 4K on a 16.8MP 4/3rds sensor with an optically image established fast zoom lens designed by Leica and includes a 2.7K EVF. It's even designed with lines mimicking classic cameras so it looks good too. All this and it can still fit in your jacket pocket.

1000 Miles, 100 Days: One Photographer's Journey

Photographer Carlton Ward Jr. doesn't want to save the world with his imagery but he definitely wants to try and save Florida. Specifically, a wildlands passageway that connects the Everglades of southern Florida to the Okefenokee swamp in Southern Georgia. For 100 days in 2012, he, along with a filmmaker, bear biologist and conservationist, crossed the entire state in a continuous path using kayaks, paddleboards, bicycles, horses and their own feet. The visual chronicle was recently published as a book and broadcast as a PBS special.

The Canon EOS R3 Will Be 24 Megapixels According To EXIF Data

Despite confirming a ton of specs, Canon has held back revealing the resolution of its forthcoming speed beast. However, EXIF data from images shot using a prototype R3 at the Olympics show that the camera has a 24-megapixel sensor.

Planning for the Shot of a Lifetime - Supermoon 2016

This article is a twist on the more common behind the scenes post. Instead of writing about the thought process of the shot in retrospect, I am starting this article several days before the full moon, to showcase my process and mindset when planning for a once in a lifetime shot of the Supermoon.

Fstoppers Interview With Outdoor Adventure Photographer Celin Serbo

This past November while on a trip to Colorado, I had the chance to meet up with Celin Serbo, an outdoor lifestyle photographer whose client list includes the likes of Nikon, Backpacker Magazine, Nat Geo Adventure, and First Ascent, among many others. We spoke about the challenges of capturing images in the field, the importance of being business-savvy, and the obstacles of incorporating filmmaking into the services he offers.

Lighting From the Outside In: Experiment With Lighting to Get Your Photographic Creativity Flowing

We've all done it. We find a location for our subject, place them, set up a light pointing down at 45 degrees, check the light power, and start shooting. When shooting an environmental portrait, there's a lot to worry about. From interacting with your subject to hauling equipment and making sure makeup and wardrobe are on point, it's easy to fall back on our go-to lighting setups. As an exercise, though, let's concentrate on ancillary lighting first and see how it can drive the narrative of our shot.

First Impressions: Sony ZV-E10 II and 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS II Lens

I recently had the good fortune of spending some time with Sony's latest ZV-E10 II camera and the updated version of their iconic APS-C zoom lens, the E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS II. Let's take a look at what makes Sony's latest ZV camera and compact vlogging lens so compelling for content creators.
Most Common Wedding Vendor Issue: The Photographer

Couples getting married often purchase wedding insurance to guard against any unexpected accidents or issues involving vendors. A recent report by Travelers insurance found that 58 percent of all vendor issues involved photographers. Vendor-related issues led the survey as the leading cause of wedding-related problems with photographers leading the field by a wide margin.

How to Discover Unique Landscape Photography Spots Before Takeoff

Getting ready for your next landscape photography expedition? If you want to bring back winning shots, you need a variety of great places to shoot. Points of interest are easy to find, but the easy-to-find places are prime targets for hordes of tourists.

Fearless Photogs: CBS's Look At The Adventurous Filmmakers From Sender Films

CBS's Jeff Glor recently interviewed Pete Mortimer, known mostly for his work on this Citibank Commercial and the 60 Minutes special on free solo climber Alex Honnold. In this interview, Pete discusses the mental attitude needed for his line of work, and emphasizes how crucial safety is while dangling off of a rock. During the interview, a rock actually breaks loose in a brief moment of danger, which illustrates just how dangerous things can become. Embedded video in the full post.

Microsoft Announces Another Device to Its Surface Lineup, Their First Laptop

Welcome the newest member of Microsoft's Surface family, the Surface Laptop, along with the new Windows 10 S and an updated version of the Surface Arc Mouse. The Surface Laptop falls right between the Surface Pro 4, a powerful tablet made to replace your laptop, and the Surface Book, a laptop that can function as a tablet. This new device serves as Microsoft's first clamshell-style laptop and is a clear response to Apple's MacBook built with both the latest hardware and plenty of style.

A Recap Of The Trouble In The Visual Effects Industry

Visual effects artists are very much like our cousins, in the sense that our industry is visually based much like they are. We felt that we had to post about this for the sake of awareness in case you aren't familiar with the news. Also, we wanted to create an open dialogue and hear from our readers about what they thought about all of this.

First and Final Frames In Cinema With a Side-by-Side Comparison

In many cases the difference between the first and last frame of a film can be the evolution of a great adventure, while other times it can be the bridge of similarity between a characters development. Like bookends to a journey through cinematic storytelling, the beginning and end of a film can tell so much by their side-by-side comparison. In this short video, first and last frames of a handful of films are compiled together to showcase the evolution of storytelling in cinema.

Is the LCD Screen Killing Your Artistic Vision?

It happened. After wrestling with lighting, posing, finding the right angle and composition, and bringing out that perfect moment, you finally caught the shot. It's everything you saw in your head and more. This! This is what it's all about. You've got the butterflies in your stomach that accompany that feeling when you've managed to get your art out into the real world. "Can I see it?" Oh no. "Sure," you say, doing your best to sound enthusiastic. "'s nice, but I look fat. Can we try something else?" "Of course we can," you say, "let's switch it up." All the while you're thinking in your head that it was perfect as it was.

[Viral Video] Underwater Inception - Fishing Under Ice Upside Down

This viral video is not as boring as the title of it leads you to believe. With over 3 million views and growing, videographer Juuso Mettälä records two fishermen fishing under ice, upside down. The effect is visually impressive. Check it out in the full post.
Incredible Imagery of a Climber Scaling Frozen Niagara Falls

The world's eyes have been on climbing lately. With the recent incredible 19 day climb of the Dawn Wall in Yosemite Valley and now this, the Red Bull sponsored venture of scaling the frozen heights of Niagara Falls, climbing is producing some increasingly spectacular imagery. Canadian climber William Gadd became the first to ascend these icy walls - a dangerous stunt leaving us with incredible video and photos!

This Aerial Video of a "Typical" San Francisco Morning is Anything But

Toby Harriman, founder of the creative collective Planet Unicorn and good friend of mine, just finished a beautiful aerial video featuring my hometown, San Francisco. In just two, one hour flights, Toby was able to masterfully capture the beautiful pink sunrise and signature San Francisco fog out the door of a helicopter. It reminds me how much I love this city.

How to Stay Creative and Curate Your Instagram to Gain Followers

Anyone that has researched the best practices for gaining followers on Instagram knows that your feed and profile should follow a similar style. I absolutely hated this recommendation and came up with an alternative so I don’t feel so constricted creatively while still maintaining a curated profile.

Getting The Shot: Kayaker Dropping Off A 65-foot Waterfall

Bugs, rain, rough terrain and carrying gear– forget about all of that. Shift your focus and get creative all of a sudden. Think: how can you approach taking an image that you'll have just one chance to get, but also capture it in a unique way? One take is all Tim Kemple had, and using a Phase One camera, he scored this shot of kayaker Tyler Bradt going over a waterfall in the jungles of Mexico.

June's Best Facebook Group Photos

Week after week, month after month I am continually blown away by the talent pool found in our Fstoppers Facebook Group. What is more stunning is the level of improvement seen from members. I have watched those who went from boring, amateur, flawed images in January improve to jaw dropping, heart stopping dramatic masterpieces of posing and light in June. This past month has seen a slough of outstanding images, each truly great on their own merit.

Talking Ethics in Photography

While some photographers are on the hunt for the most outrageous image, others become increasingly sensitive to what they shoot. We are confronted with a never ending stream of images that blurs our ability for ethical judgement. I asked Joey Lawrence and Graham Macindoe about their opinion.

Captivating Video Shows The Making Of A Limited Edition Leica Camera

In this beautifully shot video, get an inside look into the process of which Leica crafted a limited edition Leica M9-P "Edition Hermès". This video has very dynamic sound that adds another level of texture, where you can almost feel the materials they are hand crafting into place. According to an Engadget article, ther will be about 100 of these produced, and they will sell for a mere $50,000(!)

The Best Camera For Beginning Film Shooters? Maybe!

Although words like "best" and "ultimate" are fun to throw around, of course there is no objectively best camera out there for a beginner. But to me, the Yashica Mat 124G is pretty close for a variety of reasons. From its handling to price, there is a lot to appreciate in this little gem. Here are some of my favorite features and why I think a person starting out in film photography might be in hog heaven with the little Yashica.

Create Your Own Lighting Modifier On A Budget - Part I

Since moving into my new house about a month ago, I've been thinking more and more about creating my own studio setup using as little resources as possible. As much as I'd love to own a huge Profoto Octa in my house, it's just not always possible. So why not build your own lighting rigs using equipment readily available at your nearest hardware store?