Where Is Photography Going?

As technology advances, the tools photographers can use to create their visions are more accessible, varied, and intuitive than ever before. I have a feeling this means our definition of photography and our uses for it are going to expand like crazy. It may also mean a photographic renaissance.

Ten Rules of Proper Networking and Business Etiquette

Photography is a business largely built on referrals, word of mouth and reputation. How you present yourself to others and take advantage of chance opportunities can make or break your career. Are you presenting the best possible version of yourself to clients and fellow photographers?

No Samsung, We Don't Need the Galaxy S4 Zoom

Samsung has a weird, and to me slightly irritating, inclination that is bordering on habit: pushing products into hybrid scenarios that are doing just fine where they are. As someone who likes to have a camera, a tablet and a phone as separate devices (because, well I use them at different times for different things), I am continually baffled by the choice to shoehorn them into each other. I’m also disappointed that consumers are rewarding this, and Samsung is at it again with the Galaxy S4 Zoom.

The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Many Photographers Considering Changing Careers

The coronavirus pandemic is causing significant disruptions in the photo industry that are seriously affecting the financial standing of a lot of professionals. It has been so serious, in fact, that according to a recent survey, almost one out of every five professionals is considering leaving the industry entirely.

How I Overpowered the Sun in This Outdoor Portrait Shoot

What happens when the sun is setting and you want to get a balanced exposure of the setting sun in the background and your subject? The reality is you can't without the use of a strobe and high speed sync. In this article, I’ll share with you how I was able to get a perfect exposure on my subject and the background using high-speed sync.

Speech to Text in Premiere Pro Is Here

It's a massive time-saver if you don't have to write out text, get it into your video project, align it correctly, and make corrections. It's now automatic in Premiere Pro, and it's something that puts Adobe ahead of Final Cut and Da Vinci Resolve.

Would You Buy a Retro-Styled Canon Camera?

Retro-styled cameras, one simply an aesthetic attraction, have grown wildly in popularity, with companies like Fujifilm demonstrating that mechanical controls can be highly functional and even preferable to digital options. Canon may be the next company to jump on the train.

Buy The Studio Gear We Used To Start Fstoppers And Our Photography Careers

12 years ago I assisted a commercial photographer and I fell in love with photography and decided to make it my career. I started little by little buying all of the gear from another fellow photographer in an attempt to go pro as soon as I graduated college. Tomorrow, all of that gear will be sold.

'Inversion Immersion' - Incredible Time-lapse Film Shows the Beauty of Portland Being Swallowed by Fog

As photographers and filmmakers, sometimes the most incredible scenes we capture happen when we least expect them. Such was the case for 19-year-old talent Andrew Studer, when he ventured to downtown Portland, Oregon to shoot a sunset. The beautiful fog that engulfed the city after the sun went down convinced Studer to stick around, and the resulting time-lapse film is an incredible display of weather in the Northwest’s second most populated city.

Is It Time We Dropped Master/Slave Terminology?

In recent weeks, racial inequality has been brought to the forefront of awareness for many around the world. In light of the cultural shift that has the world talking about the Black Lives Matter movement, is it time for the photography community to change some terminology?

Ideas and Inspiration for Greater Success in Landscape Photography

In this excellent installment of the B&H Prospectives video series, photographer Robert Rodriguez Jr. explains what goes in to taking successful landscape images, offers his thought process while out in the field, and dives in to some worthy ideas to inspire the development of your art.

Storehouse: The Best Media Sharing App in the World Adds Lightroom Support

Every day, people are taking more and more fantastic photographs. The only problem is that they’re all stuck in the Camera Roll or Lightroom. What if there were an easy — I mean, actually EASY — way to share multiple photos and videos from your shoots along with text in a clean, media-centric, easy-to-view format for your followers to enjoy? Enter, Storehouse: the app that I, personally, am going to use exclusively to share my own content from this point forward. It’s that good.
Pearl Harbor in Images: 'A Date Which Will Live in Infamy'

If you were raised in the United States, you were taught about the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. You’ve heard the famous description of it by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who called it “a date which will live in infamy.” With a lack of declaration of war and without warning — and killing 2,403 Americans — the surprise attack by Japan’s military on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was judged to be a war crime, and was the impetus for the U.S. officially entering World War II. You know this, but there’s a good chance you haven’t seen many (or any) photos from that day.

Photoshop's Content-Aware Tool Is About to Get a Major Upgrade

The Content-Aware Fill tool in Photoshop is nothing short of magic when it works, but that can be hit or miss depending on what it has to work with in the image and what you're trying to get rid of. Adobe is giving the feature a major upgrade, and you can see a preview of it here.

How To Master Lightroom with Ben Willmore

As a wedding photographer, I don't know what I would do without Lightroom. I can remember when I first started using Lightroom, I knew practically nothing. Even though I've learned a few tips and tricks from Pye over at SLR Lounge, I still think anyone can benefit from learning more about the programs they use on a day-to-day basis.

Selfie: Narcissism or Marketing Tool for Your Photography Business?

Some people use social media platforms as their emotional outlet, some for vanity purposes. I use social media to brand my photography business. This approach may not fit every photography niche, but I would like to explain how it fits mine, and I am sure you will note a thing or two that you could use as well. I hope you can interpolate my experience onto the niche you work in.

Danger Zone: Risky Moments for Photographers in the Field

Photography isn't always the safest pursuit, especially when you delve into the world of documentary and travel photography. Shooting out in the field can be unpredictable, from the weather and terrain, to the wildlife and the local people. The more you push the extremes of your photography, oftentimes, the more risk you'll take — to both your gear, and yourself.

Shunning Popular Opinions to Elevate your Photographs

Certain beliefs dominate photography, leading to a monotonous similarity in images. Breaking free from peer-pressure-imposed restrictions can revolutionize your pictures. But don’t expect those lost in the fog of mediocrity and with limited imagination to appreciate it.

See NYC Days and Nights Combined into One Glorious Frame

Every now and then a cool photo series makes the rounds on the internet and it's hard to miss. But because I like to play it safe and Stephen Wilkes's "Day and Night" exhibit is too awesome to miss I had to post it. Stephen spends no less than 10 hours shooting each New York City landmark until he captures the perspectives of both day and night, to be combined into a single frame. The results are inside.

Choosing the Best Photos for Your Portfolio

Choosing the ideal images for your portfolio can often seem as hard or harder than actually taking the photos in the first place. Most photographers tend to treat their portfolio as a dumping ground for as much work as possible with the intention that quantity is the key to building their credibility. More often than not, the opposite is true.

Sony's RX100 Looks Amazing, But Do You Care?

I've been looking at the Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-RX100 for a couple weeks now, and as awesome as the specs look on paper, I'm somehow still in a fog of "meh." The compact point-and-shoot camera used to be relevant, but I haven't felt that to be the case for some time now. These days, the compact camera market belongs to the cell phone, and for anything else I'll just pick up a DSLR or a mirrorless. So what do you think? Do you care this camera exists?

New Samyang 10mm f/2.8 ED AS NCS CS Lens

Samyang announced the release of their new 10mm f/2.8 ED AS NCS CS Lens for Canon today and it is now available for pre-order on B&H with a price tag of $529.00. Orders of this lens are scheduled to ship on March 25. It seems like it will be a manual focus lens with no word on the autofocus capability that was spinning the rumor mill.

'Advanced Product Photography': A Free Video Tutorial

We create tons of free content on a weekly basis for our YouTube channel, but until now, we have exclusively sold our "professional" photography tutorials on the Fstoppers store. But today, thanks to a few sponsors, we've created a free 45-minute tutorial on product photography.

Shooting Celebs - The Wonderful World of Celebrity Fashion With Emily Shur

How would it feel to photograph Will Ferrell or Seth Rogen? How would you ever get to be able to shoot clients like these? How do you marry technical capability and develop your own style to deliver something unique? What if you could learn from someone doing this sort of work day in day out? Well, now you can, in this exclusive interview with Emily Shur.

Black Hole Series Looks at a World Faster Than Our Own

Fabian Oefner’s latest series entitled Black Hole shows us a world of paint, drills, and motion, all within 1/40,000th of a second. While high speed photography is nothing new, the art of it is still underground, as its still incredibly expensive. Oefner’s newest work uses high speed photography to show us a world of color that our eyes normally could not process.

Capturing the Beauty: Enhancing Your Photography Skills With a Telephoto Lens for Small Waterfalls

Photography is an art that allows us to capture moments, freeze time, and express our creativity. One fascinating subject that many photographers are drawn to is small waterfalls. These cascading wonders provide an incredible opportunity to capture the beauty of nature. While wide angle lenses are often popular for landscape photography, telephoto lenses have their own unique advantages. In this post, let's explore how using a telephoto lens can significantly enhance your photography skills when capturing small waterfalls. Specifically, we will discuss the benefits of long exposures at half a second, and explore the focal length range from 70 to 200mm.