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Jack Alexander
London, England, GB

Articles written by Jack Alexander

Here's How a Photographer Took a Wet Plate Portrait Over a Live Video Chat

Photographers directing virtual photoshoots through video calls has become the new trend, since lockdown laws were enforced throughout the world. However, one photographer has gone a step further and has managed to produce what may just be the first ever wet plate portrait taken over a live stream, through video call app Zoom.

Disney Mocked for Terrible CGI Attempt in Covering Actress's Butt

Disney have found themselves the latest target of ridicule for poor CGI, as audiences noticed the attempt to cover up Daryl Hannah’s butt in a scene where she runs into the sea. The editors appear to have merely duplicated her wig and attempted to digitally stick it over her bottom.

New York Court Rules That by Posting on Instagram, This Photographer Gave up Her Exclusive Licensing Rights

There’s been much confusion and many legal dramas in recent years surrounding the use of images in online articles, particularly the legality of a picture embedded from social media. Now, a New York federal court has sided with Mashable after they faced legal action from a photographer who was unhappy they embedded her Instagram post into their article.

Photographer Uses His Drone as a Safe Way to Take Portraits of Locals in Quarantine

Strict laws around social distancing has meant an abrupt halt to most photographers’ shooting schedules. One creative wedding photographer, however, is finding a resourceful way to continue taking portraits while documenting lockdown: he’s using his drone to take pictures of his neighbors and their families.

Photographer on Safari Catches Five Cheetahs Trying to Cross Croc-Infested River

A photographer was on hand to capture the dramatic scene as five male cheetahs attempted to cross a dangerous river – one that has strong currents and is known for being infested with crocodiles. He was on a safari in Kenya when he was able to document all five animals taking to the water together.

Amateur Photographer Captures World's 'Most Colorful' Spider

An amateur photographer has captured what many are calling the world’s “most colorful spider.” Taken in India, the photos showcase the multitude of colors of this tiny peacock spider, which include pink, blue, purple, red, and orange.

Photographer Discovers Frozen Waves in Colorado Lake

Photographer Eric Gross can still recall the first time he stumbled across this incredible phenomenon during a photo trip in Colorado, where he resides. Venturing to an alpine lake, he found that the waves of the water had frozen, almost as if time had stood still.