Finding Your Voice in Street Photography

Street photography is a broad term that often doesn’t fully capture what it means to photograph life as it happens. For many, it’s about documenting reality, while for others, it’s more about creating something abstract or artistic. If you’ve ever felt caught between these two approaches, you’re not alone.

Why the Canon R1 and R5 Mark II Aren't for Me

There is quite a lot of excitement about the new Canon cameras. Of course, the much-anticipated Canon flagship is bound to attract attention, as well as the much-improved Canon R5 Mark II, which builds on the legacy of the famous R5. Yet, I am not buying any of these cameras. Here’s why.

How Adobe Is Hurting Creatives

Adobe has been a cornerstone in the creative industry for decades, with professionals relying on its software to bring their visions to life. Yet, the relationship between Adobe and its users is showing signs of strain, particularly for those who have been loyal customers since the early days.

Becoming a Professional Photographer After 40: What You Need to Know

Can you become a professional photographer after the age of 40? It's a question that might have crossed your mind, especially if you've recently found a passion for photography. Whether you're starting from scratch or have dabbled in the craft, the prospect of turning a late-found passion into a career can be both exciting and daunting.

A Photographer's Transition into the World of Video Production

Entering the world of photography can be challenging enough. The world of video can feel even more daunting! For someone who has solely focused on photography 100% from day one, taking on the challenge of video is a whole new world. Here are the things I learned from creating my video for my work as a photographer without video experience.

Review of the SmallRig VB99 Pro Mini V-Mount Battery

There is a lot of power required for video recordings, often more than a normal camera battery can deliver for an extended period of time. An external battery can be the answer to that problem. I have reviewed the excellent SmallRig VB99 Pro Mini V-Mount battery.

Common Natural Light Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Natural light is one of the most versatile tools in photography, but it can also be tricky to master. The way you use it can make or break your images, and getting it right takes some practice and attention to detail.

Camera Modes Explained: From Auto to Manual and Everything In Between

Understanding your camera’s modes is crucial to controlling how your photos turn out. It’s what separates a snapshot from a well-crafted image, and knowing when to use each mode can dramatically improve your photography. If you're new to photography, here's what you need to know about camera modes.

How Subtle Lighting Changes Elevate Your Photography

Understanding how to control and manipulate light can transform an ordinary photo into something extraordinary. This is especially important when shooting in challenging conditions or trying to achieve a specific look, where ambient light alone might not suffice.

The Problematic Concept of the 'Muse' in Portrait Photography

Have you ever described a portrait subject as your muse? Beneath the seemingly charming facade of the word lies a complex and often problematic history surrounding the photographic muse. As we examine this age-old concept through a modern lens, it becomes clear that the term "muse" is most often reductive, sexist, and objectifying. This article explores why the concept of a muse might be best left in the past.

How to Perfectly Expose Film

The nuances of film exposure can be tricky, especially when you’re just starting out, but getting a grasp on these basics will dramatically improve your work.

The Black and White Landscape Photography

Black and white landscape photography is an art that goes beyond just removing color from your images. It’s about understanding the deeper elements that make a black and white photo impactful—contrast, luminosity, and structure. These elements come together to create images that are not only visually striking but also emotionally resonant.

How to Create Compelling Narratives in Your Photos

Photography captures moments, but it can do more than that. It can tell stories, convey emotions, and draw viewers into a scene, making them feel as if they’re part of it. This is why understanding how to approach photography not just as a snapshot but as a crafted narrative is crucial. It can elevate your work, turning a simple image into something memorable.

Why Imperfection Still Matters in Photography

Photography has evolved dramatically over the last century. This shift isn't just about technological advancements; it's also about how we perceive what makes a photograph "great."

Real-World Performance of the Canon EOS R5 Mark II

If you’re considering the Canon R5 Mark II, you’re probably asking yourself how it measures up in real-world use, particularly with its new sensor. This review takes a close look.

The Power of Simple Lighting Techniques

Creating dramatic sports imagery requires more than just a camera and a subject; it demands a thoughtful approach to lighting and composition that elevates the final image to match the intensity of the event.

How to Photograph Wrinkles: Tips for Effective Lighting

Photographing skin with texture or wrinkles requires careful consideration of your lighting choices. Whether you want to emphasize the character of someone’s face or gently soften their features, understanding how light interacts with texture is essential.

Tips to Improve Your Landscape Photo Compositions

Composition can be a challenging aspect to master in landscape photography. Even the most breathtaking view doesn’t automatically result in a great photo. The challenge lies in translating that view into a compelling image.

What Really Matters in Photography

The pursuit of better image quality often dominates discussions about photography but that might not be the answer you’re looking for.

Field Review: Godox Lux Master Retro Camera Flash

I’m a victim of Instagram ads. They are responsible for an unsettling number of impulse purchases I’ve made, and the most recent is the Godox Lux Master Retro Camera Flash.

A Review of the Fujifilm XF 16-50mm f/2.8-4.8 R LM WR Lens

With Fuji's X Series sensors now reaching 40 megapixels, having a kit lens that can handle the increased demand for sharpness and detail is crucial. The XF 16-50mm f/2.8-4.8 R LM WR makes that promise, but can it deliver?

How to Quickly Sort and Select Your Best Photos

Sorting through a mountain of unprocessed photos can feel overwhelming. You may find yourself with hundreds, even thousands, of images sitting on your hard drive, each one waiting for your attention. The challenge of finding the best shots in that mess is real.

My Partner Finds Out How Much My Camera Gear Costs

Photography is expensive, and there’s no way around your significant other eventually finding out. Instead of waiting around for that moment, I decided to just get it over with and record it in real-time.
Essential Equipment for Your Office

As I write this article, I am sitting on the Hinomi X1 ergonomic chair, and I've never been more comfortable working in my office. I got this chair three weeks ago and have spent many hours testing it. In this review, I'll share my experience.

The Complete Landscape Photography Workflow

Capturing a great landscape photograph involves more than just pressing the shutter. To truly elevate your work, you need to understand the entire process—from planning your shoot to perfecting the final image.

Is Medium Format Worth It?

High-end gear can be tempting, especially when it promises unmatched image quality. But is it always worth it?

Why Unpopular Choices Can Lead to Unique Photography

Choosing your own path in photography isn't always easy, especially when popular opinion often points in a different direction. This video is a thoughtful reflection on how your personal tastes can influence your photographic journey, even if those tastes aren't mainstream.

Adobe Announces Integration of Lightroom and

Adobe has announced an integration of camera hardware and software that will be a game changer for news and event photographers. Beginning today as a beta implementation, photographers using a camera with C2C (camera-to-cloud) technology built in will be able to upload images from their camera into, where images can be instantly edited using Adobe Lightroom. This workflow will allow a photographer to shoot an all-day event without stopping to download images onto a computer. Culling, editing, and delivery can be handled by an off-site editor anywhere.

Why Every Photographer Needs a Portfolio

Creating a photography portfolio might seem like a task reserved for professionals, but it can be important even if you’re just an amateur. It’s not just about showcasing your work. It’s about growth, self-evaluation, and keeping your passion alive.

Has the Backpack Ecosystem Arrived? Nanuk’s N-PVD 30L Backpack Reviewed

After 10+ years, I’ve realized no single camera bag is perfect, but some get close. The Nanuk N-PVD 30L combines a high-quality bag with a useful storage system. In this review, I’ll go through what I loved and explain how it fits into Nanuk’s broader “N-CUBIK ecosystem.”

How to Balance Planning and Spontaneity in Landscape Photography

You’ve probably experienced those moments when the weather changes unexpectedly or you find yourself on the wrong trail. These challenges are all part of the landscape photography journey, but how you handle them can make or break your shot. Preparation, persistence, and a little flexibility can lead to stunning results.

How to Master Photoshop’s Generative Fill for Complex Edits

When using Photoshop’s Generative Fill, you might assume it’s the perfect solution for removing unwanted objects. However, reality often tells a different story. Removing complex elements like fences can quickly turn into a frustrating task, especially when Generative Fill keeps replacing one fence with another. Here's how to get around those issues.

A Month in Monochrome: Exploring the Leica M10 Monochrom

If you’ve been contemplating a shift in your photography, especially if black-and-white imagery has intrigued you, you’re not alone. Sometimes, a new tool or a different approach is what it takes to reignite your creative spark.

The Differences Between Photo and Cine Lenses

The evolution of camera technology has blurred the lines between photo and video gear, leaving you to navigate a mix of options. One key area where this confusion is most apparent is in the choice between photo lenses and cine lenses.

Review: Zhiyun Smooth 5S AI – A Game-Changer for Smartphone Filmmakers

As a passionate landscape photographer, I often emphasize that a phone will never fully replace a professional camera. However, in an age where social media dominates and more photos and videos are being captured on personal phones than ever before, it's important to acknowledge the innovations enabling phone users to capture incredible footage and photos. The Zhiyun Smooth 5S AI is one such innovation worth noting.