Are You Tapping Into the Full Power of Adobe Lightroom’s Masking Tools?

Adobe Lightroom has continued to improve as various tools inside the software have matured. One area in Lightroom that has made tremendous advances is masking, but are you maximizing the masking options in your photo editing to take advantage of these impressive features?

The Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8: A Must-Have Lens for Canon APS-C Users

The Canon RF mount has been limited in its lens options, particularly for APS-C users. If you've found yourself frustrated with the lack of fast, versatile lenses for Canon’s APS-C mirrorless cameras, you're not alone. However, there's good news. Canon is finally allowing third-party manufacturers to develop for the RF mount, and Sigma's 18-50mm f/2.8 DC DN Contemporary lens is a standout in this new lineup.

Restoring Natural Skin Tones in Lightroom

Skin tones can be tricky, especially when using on-camera flash at events like weddings. The bright light often washes out the natural color, leaving skin looking pale or flat. However, there’s a quick and effective method in Lightroom to bring back those natural tones.

The Leica Q3: Is It Worth the Hype?

With its distinctive design and premium price, the Leica Q3 is an intriguing camera. Does it deliver enough to justify its steep cost?

How to Use Backlighting for Dynamic Portraits

Backlighting is a powerful technique that can transform your portraits by adding depth, dimension, and a distinct visual impact. By positioning a light source behind your subject, you can create striking highlights that outline the contours of your subject’s hair and body, making them stand out against the background.

Tips from a Pro: We Interview Live Music Photographer Kevin Kerr

Live music photography is an area that intrigues many, yet few really find a breakthrough. We recently spoke with Kevin Kerr, who swapped his Silicon Valley profession for a career in live music photography. Find out what is in his gear bag and what goes into a great live music photograph.

How to Choose Between Canon's R1 and R5 Mark II

Canon recently released two high-end cameras, the R1 and the R5 Mark II, both packed with features that make them standouts. Choosing between them depends on what you plan to shoot and how you shoot it.

Why Black and White Films Are Easier on the Eyes

Color is essential in filmmaking, yet black and white has an enduring appeal that transcends time. Black and white films offer a unique visual experience, allowing viewers to focus on composition, contrast, and texture. This often leads to a more intense emotional connection with the story.

Strategies To Help Revive Your Declining Wedding Photography Business

It’s no secret that photographers from various genres are experiencing a decline in bookings. The ease of using a smartphone and the quality that anyone can get from those devices have reduced the need to hire a professional for small and even mid-level shoots. Wedding photography is a genre where people are accustomed to hiring professional photographers, and the smartphone has had a lesser impact here.

The Versatile Nikon 28-400mm: Is It Worth the Investment?

In challenging environments like the mountains, versatility in your gear is key. A lens that can handle a wide range of focal lengths gives you the flexibility to capture diverse scenes, all without the hassle of constant lens changes.

PortraitPro 24: Redefining Digital Retouching

Retouching has long been a time-consuming process that not many of us photographers enjoy. Yet, it is inevitable to have to retouch your photos. Fortunately, PortraitPro 24 is introducing more advanced features and capabilities that have further cemented the software’s reputation as a must-have tool for portrait photographers. Read on to find out why.

7 Telephoto Lens Mistakes to Avoid for Better Landscape Photography

Using a telephoto lens is one of the most powerful tools for capturing landscape photography. It enables you to explore perspectives far beyond what classic wide-angle shots can achieve, allowing for creative and compelling compositions. However, using a telephoto lens can be tricky, especially if you’re just getting started. In this article, I share my top seven mistakes to avoid when using a telephoto lens, along with some technical advice and creative tips to enhance your photography.

We've Used the Zoner Photo Studio X 2024 Update and You Might Want To As Well

When it comes to photo editing software, the selection out there is not huge by any means. However, the programs that are available to us at least stand out from one another in interesting ways. Today we’re going to talk about Zoner Photo Studio X, more specifically the 2024 update.

Lightroom Masking: A Step-by-Step Guide

Lightroom’s masking tools can dramatically transform an image by targeting specific areas for enhancement. Here's a look at a powerful approach to editing using them.

Common Photography Portfolio Mistakes to Avoid

Whether you're looking to advance your career or simply improve your craft, the way you present your work speaks volumes. A polished portfolio distinguishes you from the amateurs, showing not only your technical skills but also your ability to curate. Understanding which shots to include—and more importantly, which to leave out—is a crucial step in this process.

10 Simple Tips to Capture Professional Photos With Your Phone

Phone cameras have reached a point where they are capable of taking professional quality images. Whether you're brand new to photography or trying to get the most out of your phone photos on your next vacation, there will be a few tips here for you.
Why the New Tamron 28-300mm Is a Great All-in-One Lens

The Tamron 28-300mm f/4-7.1 lens might not seem like an obvious choice for professionals, but it’s a versatile option for a wide range of situations. Whether you're traveling, exploring the outdoors, or simply need an all-in-one solution, this lens offers a lot in a compact package.

Mastering Harsh Sunlight for Stunning Portraits

Shooting portraits in challenging light can be intimidating, but it’s also a great opportunity to explore creative possibilities. When you’re out in bright, harsh sunlight, knowing how to manage that light is key to producing compelling images that stand out.

Navigating Financial Challenges in Photography

The financial landscape for photographers has always been unpredictable. You might have a great year followed by months of little to no work. This ebb and flow can make it difficult to maintain a consistent income.

Monopods: When and Why to Use Them

Monopods are a versatile and often overlooked tool. They offer a unique blend of stability and mobility that can be crucial for certain types of photography.

Outdoor Family Portraits: Lighting and Location Essentials

Scouting locations for outdoor family portraits requires a thoughtful approach to lighting, composition, and finding the right environment to make your subjects shine. Whether you’re dealing with direct sunlight or working in shaded areas, understanding how light interacts with your surroundings is crucial.

9 Tips for Better Colors in Your Photos

Knowing how to adjust colors during photo editing can greatly improve your images. In this video, Albert Dros gives nine awesome tips on how to do it.

Simple Tips to Instantly Improve Your Photography

Improving your photography skills doesn’t have to be complicated. Whether you’re new to photography or just looking to refine your craft, there are some straightforward tips that can make a big difference in how you approach taking pictures.

Is the Fujifilm X-T50 Worth It? Key Features and Trade-offs

The Fujifilm X-T50 offers nearly all the advanced features of its pricier siblings but in a more compact and affordable package. With a 40-megapixel sensor and in-body stabilization, it’s designed to bridge the gap between high-end performance and portability.

Why Excuses Are Ruining Your Photography

The drive for success often meets a major roadblock: self-doubt. When you let it control you, it can freeze your progress, making you feel stuck and frustrated. If you’re finding it hard to pick up your camera because you’re overwhelmed by negative thoughts, you’re not alone.

Why Identifying Your Subject is Crucial in Photography

It might sound simple, but one of the most critical elements is identifying the subject within your frame. Without a clear subject, your viewer’s eye has nowhere to settle, leaving your photo feeling chaotic and unfinished.

Transform Your Photos with Simple Lightroom Adjustments

Creating magical light in your photos can turn a good image into something truly captivating. If you’ve ever struggled with making a bright, contrast-rich scene feel more dynamic and visually appealing, this tutorial might be exactly what you need.

Is the Pentax 17 Worth It? Pros and Cons Explored

When it comes to film cameras, the Pentax 17 has sparked quite a bit of interest. If you’re considering diving into film photography or are simply looking to add another camera to your collection, here's a good look at the Pentax 17.

Techniques for Turning Harsh Light into Photographic Art

Harsh light is often seen as a photographer's nemesis, washing out colors and flattening textures. But what if you could turn that challenging light into a creative advantage? That's exactly what this video explores.

How to Reignite Your Passion for Photography

Feeling stuck in your photography? It’s not uncommon to hit a creative wall where the joy of capturing images fades, leaving you unmotivated. If this sounds familiar, there's a photographer whose work might reignite your passion.

Neewer PL60C and RGB1200 Metal LED Panel Lights. Do They Make the Grade?

Permanent lighting has come a long way over the last half-decade. Although intended primarily for video use, photographers are increasingly using permanent lighting. Neewer has significantly more than a toehold in the lighting market. But do these panel lights stand up to scrutiny?

Tamron 35-150mm f/2-2.8: A Versatile Powerhouse

When you're faced with the question, "If you could only have one lens, what would it be?" it can be a tough one, especially if you're a gear enthusiast. But if you had to choose, the Tamron 35-150mm f/2-2.8 Di III VXD would be a good candidate.

The Nikon Z 35mm f/1.4: A Budget-Friendly Lens With Big Potential

Nikon has just released the Z 35mm f/1.4 lens, and it's catching attention for its bright aperture and affordable price. This lens is a compelling option if you’re looking to capture stunning wide angle shots without breaking the bank.

PanoVolo Is a Winner for Creating Panoramas From Drone Photography

Every so often, I find a new piece of software I was unaware of but that gets me excited when I discover and use it. Recently, I stumbled upon PanoVolo, a new Windows/Mac app for creating panoramas with a minimum of fuss that still provides very high-quality output.

Mastering Framing Techniques for Stunning Landscape Photos

Framing is one of the most powerful tools in photography. It’s not just about what’s in your shot, but how you use the environment to draw attention to your subject. The way you position elements within your frame can turn a simple scene into something extraordinary, guiding the viewer’s eye and adding layers of meaning to your image.

The Importance of Consistent Practice in Photography

The impact of consistent practice on your photography skills can't be overstated. Returning to a familiar event or place after years away can reveal surprising changes in your approach and results, highlighting the importance of regular shooting to maintain and improve your craft.

Canon EOS R5 Mark II vs. R5: Is the Upgrade Worth It?

When a company releases an upgrade to a popular camera model, the question isn’t just about the new features—it’s about whether it’s worth upgrading. The Canon EOS R5 was already a standout in the mirrorless camera market, but now the EOS R5 Mark II is here, promising to raise the bar even higher.