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Below are the most bookmarked articles by our members.
The Birth of Photography: When Amateurs Led the Field

Where do the foundations of photography lie? If the physical principles of the camera had been understood for millennia and chemists had known for some time that silver reacted to light, what then led to a convergence of understanding in the 1830s?

'Alchemie': A Behind-the-Scenes Look Into Another World

Creating new jaw-dropping images or video can be daunting when it seems as if everything has already been done. During a recent scroll through an underwater photography forum the mouths of many underwater photographers hit the floor with a poetic dance underwater using prisms to tell the story.

How to Use Negative Space to Create Stronger Photos

We talk a lot about how to shoot what's in a photo: subject poses, framing, foreground elements, etc., but what's in the photo is just as important as what's not in it. This helpful video will show you how to create stronger photos by embracing negative space.

When Is It Time to Switch Camera Brands?

There's a lot made about switching camera brands, with comparison of specs and the latest features driving most of the discussion. However, this thoughtful video essay takes a much more pragmatic approach to the question, and it's well worth watching.

Speed Up Lightroom With These Five Tips

Are you in the market for a faster Lightroom? If so then today must be your lucky day. Here are some under the hood suggestions to achieve just that.

Comparing All 2018 MacBook Pro 15-Inch Laptops for Video Editing

Whether you use Final Cut Pro, Premiere, or Resolve, video editing is most likely the most intensive use of your machine's graphics card, CPU, and RAM. This video gives a comparison between the machines when benchmarked and tested in various situations.

Studio Photographers: Why You Should Be Using a Light Meter

One of the most profitable pieces of equipment a professional photographer can own is also one of the least used today. It can be simple to use while being relatively affordable to purchase and can elevate your lighting immediately.

How to Cut Hair Out of Complicated Photo Backgrounds

Cutting hair out from a solid color studio backdrop is an intricate enough task itself, but cutting it out from a complicated background is enough to make some of us defenestrate our computers. Luckily, this helpful tutorial will show you how to do it, and you won't have to throw your computer out the window.

Stop Hating Your Favorite Shots

Some of my favorite photos are starting to feel old to me after looking at them so many times. Don't forget this is only a personal perception and often not shared by your audience.

35mm Focal Length: Yea or Nay?

If someone came to you and said you're going traveling and for one reason or another can only bring one lens with you, what lens is the first that comes to mind? How many of you would think of a solid 35mm prime?

Tips and Techniques for Photographing a Plus-Size Model

As a photographer you are often presented with a wide range of both challenges and opportunities. Along with managing your lighting, your camera settings, and your location selections, the physical proportions of the individuals you work with will also play a part in how you set up specific poses and shots.

Fstoppers Reviews the Hair Retouching Course From Retouching Academy

Hair retouching is something that most retouchers and photographers cringe to think about. It's also something that we really need to be fluent in because the situation will come up where there will be things you need to fix. The Hair Retouching course by Retouching Academy with Michael Woloszynowicz is a full overview of the variety of hair issues and how to fix them.

When Is Photography Not Photography?

Has photography in the widest cultural sense morphed in to something that isn't photography? Renowned director and photographer Wim Wenders takes aim at the smartphone.

Maximizing Lightroom’s Capabilities With the Adjustment Brush

While most photographers will perform their detailed edits in Photoshop, Lightroom has several tools that can save you the time of taking your photo into a second software. With just a few helpful tips, Lightroom’s adjustment brush is capable of more than you think.

The Must-Have Videography Accessory for Your Sony Camera

With so many accessories for all cameras these days, it's sometimes a little difficult to see the wood from the trees. Here, Cody Blue explains which of his accessories for his Sony is absolutely essential to his videography.

Why Hardcore Purists Can't Make a Quality Photograph of a High Contrast Scene

Purists say they don't edit their photographs at all and they don't have to if the right camera settings were used. I'm fine with that philosophy if cheap old low-end cameras are used and they only can shoot in JPEG mode. Otherwise this approach is a complete waste of money on expensive cameras.

Here's Why You Should Blend Short and Long Exposures

What do you do if what you want necessitates a long exposure but external factors such as wind make that difficult? Well, lucky for you, this tutorial by Mike Ver Sprill will show you how to overcome that by blending shots made with both long and short exposure times.

The Godox AD400 Pro: Priced Too High, Too Low, or Just Right?

Godox has been disrupting the lighting industry for several years now with their budget-friendly options for studio strobes and on location lighting. The Godox system is growing even larger with the addition of their newest on-location light, but does this new light make sense to those budget-conscious photographers that have adopted the system?

Don Giannatti Wants You to Get Yourself Out There Through Marketing Strategies

It’s likely that if you're reading this, you are interested in some aspect of photography. If you are interested in making an income from your photography, something you may be struggling with is marketing yourself and your work. This video from Don Giannatti will give you the kick in the pants you need to get yourself out there and get paying clients.

Use Atmosphere to Simplify Your Images

Landscape photographs are often otherworldly, filled with dazzling colors and light. In his latest video, photographer Thomas Heaton demonstrates how to make the most of atmospheric conditions devoid of light to create beautiful, simple images.

How to Take Better Landscape Photos When Flying Your Drone

If you enjoy shooting landscapes, a drone can offer a vastly different perspective that can open up a wealth of new possibilities even in places you've already shot before. This great tutorial will give you some helpful tips for getting the most out of yours.

What Is the Best Portrait Lens?

When it comes to portraits, two major factors determine how good a lens is for many photographers and they are focal length and aperture. Generally speaking, many photographers prefer to have a relatively long focal length with a wide aperture as this helps with both the framing of the shot and also the kind of background blur you can achieve.

Some Excellent Tips and Tricks for Creating Better Panoramic Photos

A lot of us spend most of our photographic time in a 4:3 or 3:2 image format or something close to those, but of course, there's an entire different world awaiting you when you make those ratios a bit more extreme. This excellent video will give you some helpful tips for better panoramic images.

Shooting the Groomsmen in a Wedding

Shooting groomsmen can be fun but challenging too given the huge amount of time and attention that often goes into the shooting of the bride and the bridesmaids. Vanessa Joy shares her tips on photographing the groomsmen in this video.

Reports of the Death of the DSLR Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

As a lot of photographers anxiously await the release of professional full frame mirrorless cameras from Canon and Nikon, a lot of people are climbing the bell tower to toll the death knell for the DSLR. Such a reaction might be a bit premature.

How You Can Take Better Pictures of Lightning

Getting amazing shots of lightning storms often takes a lot of planning, patience, and long exposure equipment. Photographers who apply these techniques are like photographic storm chasers improving their odds of getting the best possible image at a specific location. But what if you just happen to get caught in a lightning storm while out shooting and you're not prepared?