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5 Spring Cleaning Tasks You Have to Do

If you go by the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, it’s going to be an early spring — a great excuse to get some photography-related spring cleaning done. Here are some of the spring cleaning tasks you should consider.

As a Beginner, Should You Offer Free Shoots to Build Your Portfolio?

When you are new to photography or videography, it can be a bit tough to get clients to give you a chance, which might lead you to wonder if you should offer your services for free. This quick and helpful video discusses why it might be beneficial to do a few free shoots to build out your portfolio a bit.

How to Spot a Photography Scam

Scams are nothing new to photographers, but scammers are getting cleverer and more thorough. A scammer who targeted me in November was the most convincing one I’ve had yet. I’m going to share the scammer’s emails and the clues that gave him away.

3 Creative Ideas to Attract Wedding Photography Clients

The top question that haunts wedding photographers is: how do I get more clients? When it comes to wedding photography, get creative with your marketing tactics. These ideas to attract wedding photography clients will refresh your routine and expose you to clients you may not otherwise reach.

5 Underrated Items in My Camera Bag

With all the discussion of the best camera on the planet or the most powerful lights, there’s a lot in a professional photographer's bag that goes overlooked. So today, I’m going to take a short look at what’s in my own camera bag.

8 Ways Your Website is Holding You Back

Photography websites are here to stay, despite social media's best efforts. Having a website is really affordable and simple in 2020, but there are several faux pas that could be stopping your viewers from booking you.

Common Wedding Photography Pricing Myths

Wedding photography is a tricky and demanding genre, and the business side of it can be just as difficult as the shooting itself. If you are looking to improve your wedding business, this great video discusses several common wedding photography pricing myths and what you should do instead to ensure you are putting as much money into your pocket as possible.

Helpful Tips for Being a More Productive Photographer or Videographer

Being a freelance photographer or videographer is an never-ending onslaught of emails, invoices, phone calls, marketing, networking, and occasionally, picking up a camera. It takes a lot of discipline and savvy to successfully balance it all while still having a life outside work and not getting burned out. If you sometimes struggle to be productive and efficient, this excellent video will give you some helpful tips to speed you on your way.

How the Unfortunate Events Around 'Bad Boys' Made Michael Bay Famous

Did you know that the initial idea for "Bad Boys" was to have Jon Lovitz and Dana Carvey as the main actors? If that happened, today, the movie would be probably known as a family movie. Instead, there were unfortunate events around the production of the blockbuster that made a few people quite famous.

How Much Should You Charge for Your Photography?

One of the most nebulous concepts in professional photography is the task of pricing your services and products. If this is something you struggle with, this helpful video will give you a lot of great guidelines for knowing what to charge to maximize your income.

Process Versus Results: Which Is More Important to You?

Some photographers love the meditative process of film photography: it's tactile, immersive, and for some, evocative. However, there are those among us who put this traditional practice on a pedestal, claiming that it is the only true form of photography. But as long you get the image that you want, does the process really matter?

The Importance of the Investment Menu for 'In-Person Sales'

If you are running a luxury photography studio but have not starting using in-person sales (IPS) you may be leaving money on the table. The investment menu is key to having a fluid sales session. But did you know the importance of where you place the collections on the menu?

Photographers, Not Everything is Relative

We live in a day and age where the phrase "Everything is relative" is the final word for many conversations and a basis for conclusions. This kind of mentality can lead to disastrous results.

5 Great Pieces of Photography Advice I Have Received

I have been fortunate enough to be on the receiving end of some great advice over the years. In this article, I go over the five bits that have resonated the most with me and that I think of on every shoot.

Three New Ways to Sell Art and Landscape Prints

You can have unbelievable landscape photographs ,but it might be difficult to make money. You can have a stunning artistic shot, but if there isn't a celebrity or product in the photograph, it's difficult to make money. If you love to take pictures for purely personal enjoyment, this article won't add much to your life. This is for the people who want to make money from their work.

5 Tasks to Complete Before Starting Your Year

2020 is underway, and there are a few tasks you should look at doing before you really get into the year. These jobs will save you time and give you a great starting point for the year.

How to Get Your First Paying Job

Getting your first paying job is without a doubt the hardest task you will ever complete as a professional photographer. In this video, I give my advice on how to obtain your first paying client.

One of My Top Three Photography Career Tools

You need balance as a photographer, and that means addressing the business side as well. We are creative beings, and running the day to day is something we're so great at avoiding.

The Importance of Good Taste to Being a Successful Photographer

There seems to be a black hole of information on the topic of taste when it comes to photography, despite it being critical for what most of us strive to achieve. In making this video, I discovered why it's such an avoided topic.

Ignore 98% of the Photography Market to Win

The video title alone should make you want to come and dispute this claim, but give it a couple of minutes of your time. The majority of people won’t support you or appreciate your work. You’re not alone, and here is an example.

The Secret to Longevity in Photography

Whenever an aspiring photographer asks me for the secret to beginning their career, I always respond with the same answer: Step one is to remember that photography is a marathon and not a sprint.

Blogging for Photographers in 2020: What Actually Works?

When it comes to blogging, there are a lot of things that can help drive traffic to your site. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of things that you can spend tons of time on and be left with a minimal return. In this video, Corey and Dylan give photographers a solid game plan for going into 2020.

How to Quadruple Your Portrait Profits

Scottsdale, Arizona-based headshot photographer Tony Taafe went from selling $60,000 in his first year of business to $250,000 in his third, and he wants to help other photographers do the same thing.

Why Capture One Is Better for Professionals

We all know that Lightroom has its ever-growing list of issues. Yet for IT-illiterate folk like myself, the change can be daunting. However, my move to C1 is perhaps the best thing I have done in 2019.

How to Deal with Price Cutting Photographers

We have all been there, you pitch for a job and some other photographer has come in so much cheaper than you that the client would be a fool to not go with them. In this video I go over how to deal with these photographers.

Why I Bought a Nikon D750 in 2019

Tis the season for spending on camera gear and all the latest and greatest tools. But sometimes, the best investment isn’t always the most flashy.

How to Restart Your Career as a Photographer in Another Country

Despite the fact that it requires certain skills at a certain level, photography is one of the easiest things to do as a job anywhere in the world. But there are some other things to consider if you are relocating to another country.

How to Always Get Paid on Time

While the dream is to bill global giants for high-end work, the reality is that many photographers and videographers are often doing small jobs for tiny companies. Getting paid on time can be a bit of a battle, so here’s a system to try and advice to consider in order to make sure your invoices don’t disappear.

Don't Skimp on These Five Items

Photography is expensive, although there are many areas where we can save and cut corners. However, these five items are certainly things that you don't want to skimp on.

Is Creativity a Curse?

Is everyone creative, or is it something we’re cursed with?

Thinking About Fine Art Printing? Lindsay Adler Shares Her Process

As photographers, many of us are guilty of capturing images but rarely taking the time to create prints. For those of you who do print your images, you know what everyone else is missing. Recently, NYC-based fashion photographer Lindsay Adler decided to create her first fine art print collection.