Only Hours Left To Enter Fstoppers Biggest Photography Contest Ever

The first ever Fstoppers Workshop in the Bahamas is happening May 28th - June 1st at Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas and we want to give one of our readers the trip of a lifetime for FREE! We are actually doing 2 separate contests and they both end today, Friday May 28th at midnight eastern time.  If you are looking to expand your own photo skills, connect with other photographers in your field, explore a different genre of photography, or simply take a vacation you can write off, this is going to be the event to attend. How do you win this trip for free? Details are below:

Contest 1: All expense paid trip to the 2014 Fstoppers Workshop in Nassau, Bahamas.

This contest is open to everyone world-wide. On February 1st, 2014, one lucky Fstoppers fan will win a flight voucher worth up to $500 to travel to the workshop in the Bahamas. They will also win accommodations for 5 nights at the Atlantis Resort and access to any of the courses offered throughout the event. A passport is required to enter the Bahamas so make sure your documents are current and up to date.

How to enter (each option below will count as a separate entry): All you have to do is leave a comment on this post below explaining why you want to win this contest. Vulgar or trolling entries will be disqualified/deleted so keep it nice

Twitter: Simply follow @fstoppers and retweet the following message between now and Jan 31st: "Follow @Fstoppers and retweet this message to win a free trip to the Bahamas for the Fstoppers Photo Workshop"

Youtube: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel at and leave a comment on this contest video here.

Facebook: Like our Fstoppers Page and leave a comment on this contest post to qualify. BONUS: Share the Facebook contest post on your own wall and earn a second entry.

On February 1st we will randomly choose 1 name from each of the areas mentioned above and randomly draw one as the grand prize winner.

Contest 2: Full Refund on All Paid Classes

This second contest is open only to those who have signed up and paid for a class at the 2014 Fstoppers Workshop. To inspire you guys to sign up early, rather than waiting until the last minute, on February 1st we will pick one lucky attendee and reimburse their entire photography workshop class package. The full refund amount will depend on the number of classes bought prior to the announcement of the winner. Since this year's workshop is limited to about 200 students, your chances of being chosen are much greater than the above contest open to the general public.

Additional Rules and Terms:
All entries must be submitted before 11:59 PM eastern time on January 31st for consideration. Prizes are contingent on winner attending the workshop and are worth no actual monetary value. Winning trip and classes cannot be transferred or given to anyone other than the winner. Passport is required.

To learn more about the first ever Fstoppers workshop head over to or watch the video below.

Patrick Hall's picture

Patrick Hall is a founder of and a photographer based out of Charleston, South Carolina.

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I've been straddling the gap between amateur hobbyist to serious freelancer, and I think this would be an incredibly helpful tipping point!

Wining this contest would be an amazing learning experience I'm a 23 old photographer been following your guys work for a while it's such an inspiration what you guys give to us inspiring photographers , win or lose this contest I'm always grateful for what you guys give back to us viewers thank you fstoppers

I've been taking photos since I was a teenager. Throughout the years I have seen my photography skills develop and improve but I feel I am still far from being an exceptional photographer. I started out with film and reluctantly moved into digital but eventually fell in love with digital as well. Digital has allowed me to literally take thousands upon thousands of photos. However sometimes, I just feel like I don't want to be behind the lens; sometimes I just want to enjoy that moment and soak it all in. That to me is what makes me think like a photographer. To be a great photographer is what I strive to be and like soaking in that moment, I'd like to soak in everything I can about photography and continue to learn from fellow photographers.

Would be great to win this contest, as I'd love to have the opportunity to learn from some incredibly talented and successful photographers! In this business, you can literally learn something new every day, and I'm sure I could learn a whole lot if my name was chosen. Thanks for the opportunity, guys!!!

I'm broke as a joke but I will see you guys there!!

I want to go so I can compare beard grooming techniques with Lee.

I want to win this contest because for me it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to capture images with Fstoppers and other renown photographers I would never have a chance to be in the same room with, let alone in such an exotic location. I can't even imagine the things I would learn at such a workshop.

I want to learn from Peter Hurley! That would be awesome.

I'd love to win this trip as I just purchased a new dslr and want to take my images to the next level!

as a photographer living in Israel with a small photography community. I think this workshop could be the best thing that ever happend to me

I want to win this contest because it would be an amazing experience and I need all the help I can get.

Wow! I would love to take part in this workshop for more than one reason. I have been doing film and photography for years and am always looking to improve my skills, and I think an oportunity like this would take me to the next level.

Pick me! I've never travelled as far as the Bahamas before, and would love to hear some experts share their knowledge. Also I live in England so would love to see the sunshine, please?

Would love to visit the Bahamas, never been there yet.

As a UK resident I am spoiled by the soft diffuse light the weather provides for 90% of the year and would relish the chance to tackle the problems of direct sunlight..for once.

I have to win this contest, please FStoppers help me change my life by coming to this amazing workshop!

C'mon! How could I NOT throw my hat into the ring to show Hurley I've perfected the "squint".

That trip would be the most amazing gift! It's going to be a very hectic year with classes and projects and I'd love to live that experience! Thank you!

im right around the corner from the Bahamas in Florida. I don't want to miss something that's so close and would be so useful


I would love to win this trip! Learning from these amazing photographers is the best way to become a better photographer.

So cool! i'd love to get this opportunity to learn from some of the best in the business. What better place to do so than the Bahamas? Count me in!


Sounds great. I'll win! :)

Fstoppers has been a great learning and inspirational resource for many years. I would love to meet the people that make this website what it is!

Hola, quisiera resumir lo que senti cuando vi la aportunidad de ganar este concurso, e
ha sido mi sueno poder formarme como fotografo con profesores de talla internacional y asi desenvolverme en este medio con alto nivel de profesionalismo.

I wan to win this once in a lifetime opportunity to grow and learn more in the art of photography and to better enhance my skill set as a professional. I think this would be so amazing and well worth the experience!

Free Photography trip to the Bahamas with amazing photography Pros? My work is dying for the next level. Sign me up!

I'd love to win this contest so I can "kill two birds with one stone" -- Shooting and sun! I'm in. This would be a great way to start the second month of the year.

Getting away to a beautiful place with your favorite photogaphers from cold weather in Norway ..feels to good to be true.this kind of heaven doesnt exist...fingers crossed anyway

I had the chance to visit the Bahamas once and ever since I'm in love with this place and want to go back! The same is true about the first time I saw Mark Wallace talking about photography! He hepled me so much through my journey learning photography and realising thats my passion. And I'm a step closer opening my own studio and living my dream! Thank you !!!

It is a one in a lifetime opportunity, top photographers and gorgeous location !
All the best theory with the hands on experience will definitely help me to bring my photography skills to the next level !!

I would love to visit the Bahamas - been freezing here in Minnesota all winter! I also find that when attending a hands on photo workshop I get more out of it and my photography really improves!


I have an emotional and nostalgic reason for entering.

In 1970 I was 12 and my parents took the family on a the most amazing vacation ever to the Bahamas, on their friends sailboat. It was this trip and my fathers photographs that inspired me to take up photography.

I have not been back since, but I have scans from some of the photos my father took during that trip. I have a fascinating story about this trip, but too lengthy to tell here.

See them here:

I would love to Go to the Bahamas and Learn from the Top Photographers in the World. Its too Cold in Canada. Bring on the Bahamas Heat!

Wow. great oppurtunity you are giving even to photographers who are not so well gifted with money. Even I would like to win this trip, I can only imagine what a great oppurtunity this is...

This truly is an once in a lifetime contest. Not only have I ever been to that location (travel!), but I also can say 100% that I surely haven't met any of the legends who will probably be hard pressed to provide any info that I already know. :)
This would feel like winning a million in a lottery and getting smarter at the same time.

Because it's the Bahamas and it's just what I need to get myself back into photography

Love to attend this workshop learning from SLR Lounge to Mark Wallace. And Meeting you guys again from London.

It's going to be a long and lonely journey from Melbourne Australia, but this workshop is just something I have to do for myself as a photographer. Every hour worked, every dollar put away for this trip is going to be worth it. I'd lose my mind to have the opportunity to have more chance to attend more workshops and have accommodation covered. Regardless, I can't wait for the end of May!

I'd love to go because you guys feel like family and it would be fun to meet you all. It would be a great time, and I'm jealous of all who get to go!

Thanks for setting this up guys! My business needs a shot in the arm. I'm recovering from bereavement, burnout and a slow year. Pick me. I hope all is well.

Great opportunity! Thank you!

Nice job lads! Irish boy needs a tan. Keep Rockin' it lads.......BTW: I'm in Dublin, Ireland. It's a long flight but I'm willing if you are.... ;-)

I would love to Stop my Focus point on a palm tree in Bahamas at sunset, to make a photo shoot to the Ocean, to feel the sand above my feet while attending one of your amazing workshops, to learn and discover more about the endlessly fascinating world of photography , cause who knows, maybe one day I will be a pro - never give up on art and on what photography can bring to your inner self!

And just to complete my other comment...

Over the past two years I have been following FSTOPPERS.COM from Brazil and my photography skills are improving on a daily basis thanks to your great work. I woul love to win the All expense paid trip to the 2014 Fstoppers Workshop in Nassau, Bahamas to promote all the wornderful photography posts in Brazil and to have the amazing experience of meeting personally the founding fathers of this site! Congratulations on your Wonderful work for the International photography community. Thanks once again.

I work from home so I never get to get out, this would a great opportunity.

I follow your site daily - I would love to go and get hands on experience from some of the Awesome Photographers!

Please choose me! Never been to a workshop(family and bills first) and being able to learn from 10 top photographers in the field, this would be epic!!!!

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