Only Hours Left To Enter Fstoppers Biggest Photography Contest Ever

The first ever Fstoppers Workshop in the Bahamas is happening May 28th - June 1st at Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas and we want to give one of our readers the trip of a lifetime for FREE! We are actually doing 2 separate contests and they both end today, Friday May 28th at midnight eastern time.  If you are looking to expand your own photo skills, connect with other photographers in your field, explore a different genre of photography, or simply take a vacation you can write off, this is going to be the event to attend. How do you win this trip for free? Details are below:

Contest 1: All expense paid trip to the 2014 Fstoppers Workshop in Nassau, Bahamas.

This contest is open to everyone world-wide. On February 1st, 2014, one lucky Fstoppers fan will win a flight voucher worth up to $500 to travel to the workshop in the Bahamas. They will also win accommodations for 5 nights at the Atlantis Resort and access to any of the courses offered throughout the event. A passport is required to enter the Bahamas so make sure your documents are current and up to date.

How to enter (each option below will count as a separate entry): All you have to do is leave a comment on this post below explaining why you want to win this contest. Vulgar or trolling entries will be disqualified/deleted so keep it nice

Twitter: Simply follow @fstoppers and retweet the following message between now and Jan 31st: "Follow @Fstoppers and retweet this message to win a free trip to the Bahamas for the Fstoppers Photo Workshop"

Youtube: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel at and leave a comment on this contest video here.

Facebook: Like our Fstoppers Page and leave a comment on this contest post to qualify. BONUS: Share the Facebook contest post on your own wall and earn a second entry.

On February 1st we will randomly choose 1 name from each of the areas mentioned above and randomly draw one as the grand prize winner.

Contest 2: Full Refund on All Paid Classes

This second contest is open only to those who have signed up and paid for a class at the 2014 Fstoppers Workshop. To inspire you guys to sign up early, rather than waiting until the last minute, on February 1st we will pick one lucky attendee and reimburse their entire photography workshop class package. The full refund amount will depend on the number of classes bought prior to the announcement of the winner. Since this year's workshop is limited to about 200 students, your chances of being chosen are much greater than the above contest open to the general public.

Additional Rules and Terms:
All entries must be submitted before 11:59 PM eastern time on January 31st for consideration. Prizes are contingent on winner attending the workshop and are worth no actual monetary value. Winning trip and classes cannot be transferred or given to anyone other than the winner. Passport is required.

To learn more about the first ever Fstoppers workshop head over to or watch the video below.

Patrick Hall's picture

Patrick Hall is a founder of and a photographer based out of Charleston, South Carolina.

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The Bahamas in itself is a dream vacation and what a dream it would be going there to learn what I love to do from all my favorite photographers like Mark Wallace, Peter Hurley, Aaron Nace amongst others would simply be like winning the lotto. The winner will definitely be an extremely lucky individual. Thank you guys for putting this on.

I worked in the corporate world for a national retail chain, giving 50+ hours of my life to this 'job' or what they called a 'career'. Fstoppers released a video "How to become a professional commercial wedding photographer." Being skeptical but feeling this underlying emotion inside to pursue whatever it was that was driving me to buy this product, I ended up doing so. Within 2 months, I spent a good portion of my savings on my camera equipment to at least be on par with Lee Morris and Patrick Hall. After taking all their advice on equipment, photography methods and completing their video, I was able to convince myself to take that leap of faith and quit my job last September. I then officially started my business the next month. I have 2 children right now who mean the world to me. I get to spend more time with them now since I was able to gather the courage to become a full time photographer. When I heard about the workshop I was so excited and planned to go. I then got news I am expecting a 3rd child and I must save what I have for my future baby girl. However, I would love to still have a chance at being a part of this fantastic creation that Lee, Patrick and the fstoppers team put together, that has already changed my life for the better. -Keoua Medeiros

I wanna win!! Go to this workshop is a big dream. Improve my skills with tips of the best photographers and yet travel to Bahamas. Has no words... just DREAM.

This is great. It's the only way I'll get to go. Wish me luck

I wanna win! Go to this workshop is a big dream. Improve my skills with
tips of the best photographers and yet travel to Bahamas. Has no
words... just DREAM.

It would be great to win this trip to your workshop and learn from these 10 amazing photographers.!

This is an awesome opportunity!

Would change the life of my family and I without a doubt. So many incredible people involved, literally the opportunity of a life time!

Me and my girlfriend love going to the Bahamas we go every year. It’s a magical place. Even better if we get to learn from the best in the Biz like Aaron Nace, Mark Wallace, Peter Hurley and
many more....We are both Pro photographers so if we win it would be like a Buy
one get one free deal being that we both would want to see all the Workshops...

Good Luck to everyone hope to see you all there.

Both economic and political situations in my country (Venezuela) have reached such a difficult point that thinking about going on your own to a once in a lifetime opportunity like this would be unthinkable...
I'd be happy beyond words to be awarded with this prize, and having the chance to continue growing as a professional.
There are just so much in this workshop to choose from, it's an awesome project. Hope i get the chance... fingers crossed!!

I've never been to the Bahamas. In fact, I've never been anywhere. :)

This is a perfect opportunity to improve my skills and to launch a business. As an advanced amateur with a 'real' job I have been waiting for a reason to go 'pro' and this would give me just the confidence I need to do so.

I'd very much like to enjoy the company of you professionals in an exotic locale!

I would love to be a part of this experience! It would help me a lot ,not only by meeting new people but by expanding my knowledge about Photography. I have been practicing Photography as a hobby for about 6 years and now is when I recently got my first Dslr camera to become a professional!! If I win, I will take my boyfriend with me as well (hes a pro photographer which I work with) . We will both be so ecstatic and grateful if we are able to go fulfill one of our lifetime dreams! Thanks for the amazing opportunity :)
- Daisy

I lost my job Feb. 2013 and my fallback was my passion for photography. Now after almost a year establishing my photography business, I'm still struggling how to find the market for me. I tried to go into Real Estate, wedding, events, sports hey even maternity. If I win, I hope I would discover from these amazing mentors what's their secrets to their success.

The secret might be finding which one of those things truly speaks to you and pursuing that one field with all your gusto.. ;)

I need to learn those that I can't learn from teachers at class.

When I was searching for a wedding Photog, being a photog myself, I came across your site. I knew then you were the guy for the job. The Charleston beach wedding with the steel drum band and having you stay and hang out, even though you had to go to the surf shop to get a suit was amazing. I've been searching my entire life for a creative outlet, through AP art in high school, a stint in governers school and applying to SCAD, but I never had the confidence in myself that I could make a viable living to support my family including my twin 20 month old baby girls as an artist. I must say that until you have experienced twins, you dont know what financial hardship means. I have passed on nearly a dozen photography seminars because diapers and baby food are expensive. That said, my girls are the most important thing to me in the world and probably the most photographed. So I have put my dreams on hold, working 9-5, in a cubicle wishing I was out doing what I truely love and have a passion for and thats sharing my unique perspective on the world. Working 9-5 is not how I envisioned my life, I am a creative soul with a passion for photography and have reached a plateau but I do what I have to do for my family. It would mean everything to me to be mentored by the amazing teachers you have lined up for this conference. I would hope it would get me on track to get out of a cube and into the world to share how I view the world through a lens. Thank you for putting this on and hopefully I'll get the chance of a lifetime to help my creative dreams come true.

In simply reading the comments, it's clear that there are many deserving photographers they would want and need this opportunity. Instead of sharing my story of "my year of challenges", perhaps I can focus this 2014 season more about contributions. If I were chosen as the trip winner, I would offer my services as an underwater photographer instructor for anyone on the trip. I've been a professional photographer since 1998, and a Dive Instructor since 2011. What a great opportunity to help anyone wanting to become a certified diver AND discover the underwater world of photography. Good luck to everyone... Keep shooting..

I'm a passionate Art and Design student studying photography at the University of Michigan. This trip would further enhance my technical skills in photography and help me reach my dreams in life.

I would love this trip, very uninspired in the Canadian winter and lack of motivation. Plus I could use a nice tan.

I am starting to make my business and this would be a great place to improve my skills! Always looking to learn as much as I can!

Isn't it time I truly find out if my gear is water resistant? ;)

I got married last year in Atlantis only to have it all end in betrayal shortly after. Photography is my passion and I'd love to redeem Atlantis as a happy place. This would absolutely do that for me :)

This is incredible, I would love the opportunity to learn more about the photography bug that I have been bitten by ;) I spend so much time scouring the internet for photographers that I admire and just wanting to learn all that I can from them. I would really love this opportunity. Lee, I've always been a huge fan...even back in the day serving at Groundswell together! Thanks for the chance guys!

LMAO at all these people giving sob-stories to win their place. SAD

You guys need someone like me to attend this workshop. Self thought because my A.D.D. would not allow me to participate in a regular class environment, unless these workshops are regular then count me out.
I also need to congratulate Peter Hurley for beating me in his fantasy football league final.

I let my passport expire in 2007 not having gone anywhere since 2002. Concentrated on work for the last 10 years and really travelling was the last thing I wanted to do. This opportunity however is once in a lifetime, I actually want to get up and go through the process of renewing my passport just for the chance to win this trip. Ironically I'm no longer in the career I sacrificed all that time for, and am now pursuing one as a photographer, which makes this workshop that much more important to me.
Be a hell of a birthday present too seeing as I was born on May 28th.
Good luck to all entrants but I can't help but wish I can win.

This looks amazing! This would be an amazing opportunity!

I wasn't born talented, I was born ambitious. I worked my brains out to get to where I am. No matter where you are holding in photography you will always learn more from others. Learning from the best would be a dream come true.

I'm looking to grow as a a photographer, am always interested in exposing myself to different learning experiences.

Would be awesome to participate to this OMG

I am a corporate and wedding cinematographer looking to expand my skills into photography as I have a real passion for creating images that tell stories, particularly travel shots. I would love to win this trip so that I can fully pursue my photography dream and fast track it with the fantastic teachings from the f stoppers courses.

This is it! Just an amazing opportunity for me to take the next step into photography. I'm just finishing my degree in Communication Design and this workshop opportunity would make me so much more complete as a Designer. It would be pretty difficult to choose one from the list, but that difficulty would mean that I've already won, so, it wouldn't be that bad! Best regards.

I would LOVE to have the opportunity to attend this amazing photography workshop. I am so glad I discovered FStoppers last year and purchased the Wedding Workshop Videos. It all started because I was trying to figure out how to jailbreak my ipad and I randomly found a youtube video of Lee talking about it. I ended up not needing to jail break my ipad because I discovered the CamRanger, also thanks to you guys! From the FStopper wedding workshop I found out about SLRLounge and I subsequently purchased their Lightroom Workshop Collection which has made all the difference to me as I have stepped into Wedding photography. I shot 4 weddings in August and one last month. I COULD NOT have done this without your help! Thank you for providing such amazing resources! I am so grateful!

Thank you for this opportunity! I really hope to win because I'm a studend and I cannot afford a trip to Bahamas, it would be great!

Not only are you going to be able to learn from highly skilled photographers BUT be in the Bahamas BABY! I'm by far a pro, I'm a sponge. Photography is a passion of mine. I want to absorb knowledge and excel my artistic eye. (Or should I say eyes mate? Ahoy! lol) Yes, I also have cheesy sense of humor. :-)

I'd love to win

I am a beginner photographer eager to learn more about this

I would like to win a trip to Bahamas, because the last time I saw the SUN here in Finland was two months ago. Lack of the light and D-vitamin takes off all my creativity and all I do is click F5 to refresh fstoppers page if there would be something new to read. Luckily we got sun this week but the temperature dropped down to -15°C = 6,8°F!

Ok let's cut the BS, Eventhough I havent seen the sun in two months I love the winter, darkness and coldness here in finland. I just want to get to Bahamas and learn new tricks, I would definitely go if I had the money but as a student it's not that easy to get extra money for trips like this! The reason why I would like to go is to meet the fellow photographers and learn new social skills from them and see how they interact with people in order to get new clients. I think creativity comes from yourself not from copying other's work.

Sob stories aside. I really, really, r e a l l y just want to win so I can give my career a great kick and I think this is the perfect opportunity as us folks in the caribbean rarely get a chance like this. So here's to good luck and potential a great learning experience in May!

To win this competition would be a great opportunity for a young and ambitious photographer here in Denmark.
im a 19 years old guy living in denmark, and im fighting everyday to make a living of my big passion. a year ago I started my own business alongside my studies. it is hard but I am highly motivated to complete it while running my business. I would get so much out of learning from some of the best in the world and it would kick start my career as a professional wedding photographer.
my name is Rasmus and here is my website:

To win this competition would be a great opportunity for a young and ambitious photographer here in Denmark.
im a 19 years old guy living in denmark, and im fighting everyday to make a living of my big passion. a year ago I started my own business alongside my studies. it is hard but I am highly motivated to complete it while running my business. I would get so much out of learning from some of the best in the world and it would kick start my career as a professional wedding photographer.
my name is Rasmus and here is my website:

Having retired recently I want to improve my skills AND enjoy the beauty of the Bahamas!

Coming from Montenegro, ex Yugoslavia , eastern European country, with only 600 000 hab., as locally well known photographer (2 times, fashion photog. of the year, etc) definitely need this chance to go out of borders and get some new fresh knowledge, sharing in the same time my experience. Wishing you all good light!

I want to get out of the corporate world and into photography full time. I think this would be a good place to start!

I'm too pale and like to learn from talented people

i'd love to learn.

also, i'm wondering how many comments this might have it the workshop were in hoboken or omaha or something.

This would be a great opportunity and would provide me the training that I have so long craved for to get my feet wet in earning money as a photographer. I have always wanted to go to the Bahamas and with a wedding of my own to plan, what better of a place than to do it. I would love the chance to earn the training from such experienced people!

I'd love to win because, living in Wisconsin, the types of things I get to photograph most of the year include: ice, clouds, snow, folks in their long underwear. I'd really love and appreciate some tropical photography!

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