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Travel Photos

Upload Your Best Travel Photos
  • Submission Deadline: Fri, 20 Mar 20 16:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
1.74 - "Needs Work" 

The only lens i own is a canon kit 18-55 from 2014 and none wide angle, so to get this job done, i entered a clothing store, went to the second floor and shot through a dirty window, casting shadow on the camera using my winter jacket.
I set a 10s timer, put the camera below my arms, my friend points it to the right composition and wait for the picture. Simple, made very professionally.

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I'm a amateur photographer, studying engineering and taking pictures in my free time.
Would you mind to take a second and justify your vote, to help me taking better images?

Was the lighting bad? Is the resolution/sharpness too low? Its missing color at post production? Is it missing a stronger subject? Is there a better crop?

Thank you so much for the help!