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Travel Photos

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  • Submission Deadline: Fri, 20 Mar 20 16:00:00 +0000

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2.87 - "Solid" 

It's difficult to give a sense of scale in the vertical granite walls of Yosemite. With this photo, I tried my best to show how insignificant and ephemeral we are related to nature

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Great shot! Maybe a vertical crop? Just feel like there's too much on the right that doesn't add to the image.

I think you're right Terence, vertical would help enhance the sense of scale. I looked at your portfolio Dan and found that the vast majority of your photos are horizontal. Take one this way, take one that way... force yourself to take too many photos trying vertical and horizontal for your shots until you "see" them in your head even before taking the shot. Some photogs even haul around a cutout cardboard in the dimensions of your sensor format. They hold it up, move it in and out, and turn it to find the best composition. And I think you're also right, Terence, that the right side is not helping.

Nice ;) I would crop it to vertical 4-5 ratio and put the human scale on the third line