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2.84 - "Solid" 

While traveling in Scotland I woke up at 1am after going to bed at midnight so I could make it to this view point to watch the sunrise was definitely worth it and I would do it again. Starting the 2.5 mile hike with only my headlamp for light made hiking this trail for the first time interesting. The first part of the trail was very easy to follow but once the trail became steep there were so many paths to follow and with only my head lamp for light I chose one the looked well traveled. This trail quickly became even steeper and I started to hike most of the 2,000 feet in elevation gain. Even though I took a more round about way to this amazing view point the path I took lead me to the rock and I actually got to hike though the rock formation which was an experience I will never forget.

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Incredible story. I want to be your friend, lol.

LOL, thanks, it was an amazing hike and a location I wanted to see for a very long time.

Wonderful, check out my gallery and my instagram profile.Here's a wonderful rating for your photo.