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  • Submission Deadline: Fri, 20 Mar 20 16:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.64 - "Solid" 

Backpacking in Upper Mustang, Nepal

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Nice travel photo!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

Great pic! I would dial down saturation a bit tho

Thanks Dmitry! I didn't add much saturation (3 on the saturation slider in Lightroom, 4 on vibrance), but point taken--I think a lot of saturation got introduced through contrast and changing white and black points.

Might need to desaturate a bit to compensate for that.

Technically it doesn't matter how many units of saturation/vibrance slider you dialed in. As you said saturation may come from contrast. Increasing white point and decreasing black point creates contrast and thus adds saturation. Let alone you can start he whole post-processing after a profile has been applied during import.

And of course all of that counts only when we speak raw files. If they JPGs your camera may output any colors depending on the settings.

So point being don't look at sliders -- they're meaningless. Trust your eyes!

Contrast looks great on mountains in the far (I may reduce blue saturation tho) but contrast and saturation are excessive in the foreground -- people, meadows.