Critique the Community

This was Difficult!

Your Most Complicated Photoshoot
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 01 Mar 25 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.59 - "Solid" 

Random streets of Manila in the Philippines. I saw a homeless guy sleeping on a sidewalk. Should I take the shot? It might be a boring shot again... Maybe I should wait for mass of people walking and frame him in-between them, waited for 15 minutes.... the shot didn't work. Maybe with buses and cars, waited for 10 minutes... meh.. didn't work as well (the photo looks typical and very easy). I waited 10 minutes again, I gave-up and put my camera on my sling bag. Suddenly, a burst of motorcycles sound was coming towards the scene. I hurriedly, grab my camera with my shaky hand, frame the scene and wait for the right moment and carefully take the picture. Ok that was a good try (I was thinking it was a failed shot, since it was very fast, only on a single shot mode & not on burst mode). When I check the image with raise eyebrow (surprised), this is exactly what I wanted and somehow exceed my expectation from that scene, with fast moving bikes and subject inside the hand of the rider... Maybe "This was difficult!" at least to me, since I was using my only 3rd hand X-E1 w/ lens 27mm f2.8 pancake. Also, use single shot mode because the burst mode continuous shot on this camera is very slow. I have to take this shot on the right moment at the time on single shot mode. Edited in LR, with basic adjustments, simple s-curb, and white balance.

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J'explore moi aussi l'univers de l'effet filé depuis quelque temps. J'avoue que c'est une mise en scène pointilleuse et avec un peu de chance on arrive à un résultat super bien réaliser. Je valide la patience et l'effort de créativité que vous avez eu. Bravo !

Great shot! If he was turned towards the camera then this photo would be 5/5 for sure! Still an amazing image!