This image was shot using light painting at night in a field north of Toronto.
I called up my friend and asked him if he wants to do a shoot with his car (blue) and he said he'll bring another guy with his car as well (red).
It was cold outside in September and we had to find a nice field with not many distractions and a nice background and shoot at around 9 pm. I asked both drivers to light paint their own cars while I was watching the camera on long exposure to get enough detail in. It took a few shots to get it right and this was the best one of the bunch.
It was shot with the Canon 5dmk3 and the 24mm-105mm f4 lens at f13 for an exposure of 94seconds.
It was difficult because of the weather being cold, the location sometimes had other cars drive by, also getting two people together and asking them to light paint their own cars and also since this was my first ever light painting photo shoot, also figuring out the correct exposure also took a bit.
It's still one of my favorite shots.