Trending Posts in Macro


A chrysalis opened up at my parents house today. I missed the emergence , but got the it when it was see through and...

Lunch Time

I'm not sure what species it is exactly. I think it's some kind of Cheiracanthium. The spider was very busy. Feedback...

For the eyes !

This time I got them in focus. All eight of them ... Sadly the awkward angle caused me to cut off two legs ...

A plumemoth ...

... wandering in my backyard. I took these pictures on the same day I took those of the wasp(s). Lots of activity in...

A few pics from Mom's back yard.

Here're a few shots from my Mom and Dad's back yard. The Monarch caterpillar was tiny 1/1 on a micro 4/3 sensor and...

Green Shield Bug, Nymph(Palomena prasina)

I found this little guy, a couple of days ago. It's a final-stage nymph of a green shield bug (Palomena prasina). Green...

An Experiment

When I started with photography, a couple of years ago, I bought a Marumi Achromat +5 Lens Adapter. Just for figuring...

Ants farming - reply to 'Insect Galore!'

These are some pictures I have taken last month - not the best pictures - but they document some interesting ant...

Trying to improve my Macro Skill

Hi everybody! I'm trying to improve my Macro Photogrpahy skill. Here a few examples, what I have done so far. I shoot...

Wasps in the backyard

Hi everybody, Lately I upgraded from a powershot superzoom camera to a Canon Eos 200D (Also know as the SL2 Rebel in...

New lens (Olympus 60mm Macro) and first post

Hi everyone. I've enjoyed taking pictures for a long time, but only really started trying to learn how to actually do...

Northen Cricket Frog

Here's a tiny little frog. This is a full grown adult and about an inch long. Not quite 1-1 on my micro 4/3 sensor, but...

The Hunt

I found today some ants, fighting their prey.


Both images are shot in available light. Crazy how fast those wings are! It's also crazy what is going in on in picture...

Grasshopper (Tettigoniidae, Pholidoptera ?)

I found this grasshopper (Tettigoniidae, Pholidoptera ?) in the woods. It was sitting on this dead twig. The picture's...

Scarlet Lily beetle

Inspired by the work of others to branch out. Here's one of my first attempts at capturing a Scarlet Lily beetle, busy...

Lynx Spider

Brandon has inspired me to think about spiders! This green lynx lived in a shrub behind my house for a while. One day I...

Weekend Spiders

Unbelievable that I have arachnophobia... But as long they not too big and don't jump on me, it seems okay... ;)...

Backyard Bugs

Just a few shots from my backyard over the last couple days. Any tips, comments, or critiques would be greatly...

A Soldier Beetle (Cantharidae)

Hi Everybody Yesterday before it began to rain, I found this little bright red guy. It was really cooperative. I really...