Canon Continues to Restrict Third-Party Lenses, Frustrating Photographers

Canon's RF mount has generally produced some quite impressive lenses, but the company has also been quite aggressive in stopping third-party manufacturers from creating lenses for the mount, much to the frustration of many photographers. In a recent interview, the company has confirmed that their strategy has effectively not changed.

Fstoppers Nikon Pocket Wizard FlexTT5, MiniTT1, And AC3 Review

Patrick and I have been in contact with LPA Design (the company that makes Pocket Wizards) for a few months now and we were excited to hear that they would be sending us a few beta units of the unreleased Nikon FlexTT5, MiniTT1, and AC3 units. Our website is not about reviewing gear but we did want to push these units. I called up Sigma and asked for a loaner 800mm 5.6 lens and Patrick planned a shoot that involved every SB-800 and SB-80DX that we own. Check out the video below, and then view the full post to read detailed info about the shoots and check out the high res images. If you enjoy this content, follow us on Twitter to stay updated when our next video is released.
Model making funny face with color chart

It's happened to me and it has most likely happened to you: you order a shirt and can't wait for it to arrive. Then it does and it's a completely different hue than what was pictured in the online store or catalog. Odds are the photographer may not have used a color chart during his or her shoot. There are many photographers that never learn to use a color chart at all, and others who won't do a shoot without one. Here are a few major points on how a color chart can help make your product photography color spot on.

Canon Is Announcing Multiple New 70-200mm Lenses Soon [Rumor]

The Canon 70-200mm lens lineup contains some of the company's best and most popular lenses. Nonetheless, with several of the lenses hovering around the decade mark in age, it may be about time to upgrade them. Thankfully, word has it that that's exactly what Canon will be doing in short time.

Post The Highest Quality Photos Onto Facebook With These Two Export Presets and Plug-In Options

We all work so hard preparing, shooting, retouching, and giving our all to creating our images. After everything is finished and the photos look amazing, we can't wait to share our photos to the world! But how do we know we're uploading the highest quality photos possible? Last year, I shared with you all a preset that I use daily to export photos out of Lightroom for Facebook. In this article, I'll add to my list of recommendations and show you two options that I swear by and have tested over-and-over to make sure I share crisp not only Facebook, but other mediums such as my website; so you can share the same quality!

Oops Olympus! Justin Bieber's New Music Video Was Also Shot With GoPros [UPDATED]

A couple of nights ago a close friend of mine, Jesse, gushed over Justin Bieber's new music video, 'Beauty and A Beat'. How it was entirely shot with the new Olympus TG-1 (a point-and-shoot camera) and how I should write a post about it for the site. So, taking his lead I went ahead and did some research on Justin's new music video.

Nikon Sales of High-End Cameras Slipping

Nikon has always been the silver medal holder in the High End Digital Camera race behind Canon, but always remained proud with their numbers boasting well above Sony, Fuji or Olympus. With their recent quarterly statements however, Nikon seems to be struggling even more than they had thought, and posted slipping numbers for the third quarter of the year.

5 Things Non-Photographers Should Stop Asking Photographers

If you are a photographer in any capacity, chances are you deal with the same repetitive questions and comments from non-photographers when your photography comes up in discussions. It gets old, and despite it usually being well-meaning, I wish people would stop asking these five things.

Life After Apple: Month One

As I wrote about before, I have always been the biggest Apple fan anyone’s ever seen. Especially with my background in graphic design, it only made sense to use an Apple computer. Naturally, as I transitioned into being a photographer, I continued to use nothing but Apple computers, and I do still maintain that they make an excellent, high-quality product. That said, it does come at a price, a rather hefty price that made me question things.

THIS is Why You Need Insurance - Don't Risk Your Livelihood

The likelihood of this experience ever happening to you is pretty small, however, while you may never make the same mistakes I made, this story is a reflection of the stupid decisions that tend to tag along with us as people. The same warnings and lessons that I'm about to share apply to everyone.

Photography Clients Are Still Willing To Pay A Premium For Unique Work

Last summer we flew Mike Kelley, one of my favorite architecture photographers, to Charleston for 3 weeks to film the 8 hour tutorial How To Photograph Real Estate, Architecture and Interiors . Mike's technique of light painting and compositing is so polished and time consuming that I assumed no Realtor would actually want to pay for it. I was wrong.

Photographer Takes on a Nerve-Wracking Project: Headshots of Fellow Photographers

Dani Diamond is a talented portrait photographer based out of Connecticut and is also an active member of our Fstoppers Facebook Group. His headshot work is impeccable and eye-catching. Recently Dani has started a personal project coined simply as "The Project." His mission is to find fellow photographers from around the world, take their headshots and challenge his craft under the scrutiny of his talented peers.

A Dell Update Bricked My Computer

Unfortunate things happen with computers all the time. I understand that. But when a recommended Dell update bricks a Dell computer, I expect Dell to fix it.

Steampunk Meets Retro With the Fuji X-T5

With Fujifilm's latest release of the X-T5, I knew it wouldn't be long before brackets and mounting rigs would begin appearing online. For my own cameras, it's always been Smallrig brackets due to the build quality and considered design. So, after purchasing the X-T5, I went directly to their site to see if any were available and promptly purchased one, but that's not all they had available.

Eight More Things About Being a Photographer I Wish I'd Known Earlier

When I wrote "Seven Things About Being a Photographer I Wish I'd Known Earlier," I wasn't expecting such a strong response. I had far more than seven things I wish I'd known, but I tried to trim the fat and keep the article lean. Well, I liked the fat. So, now I'm compiling the trimmings into their own article, although I don't mean to infer that these eight are less important than my first seven; they aren't. I also can't guarantee there won't be a further set in the future. Make of that what you will.

How To Make A Steadicam From Two Old Hard Drives

Do you have any old hard drives kicking around? If you fancy yourself a bit of a DIY'er you might be pleasantly susprised at what you can make out of those old storage devices! Youtube user, Rulof Maker, shows us how to make a Steadicam out of 2 old hard drives and a few pieces from the hardware store. How's that for a fun spring project?

Fstoppers Reviews the Fujifilm X-T20 Mirrorless Camera

Fuji’s latest little brother, the Fujifilm X-T20, has hit the streets and I’ve finally managed to get my hands on one and put it through its paces. It’s a great little camera with some noticeable improvements and a few of the same flaws as its predecessor. It feels like Fuji has really tried to differentiate their double-digit line this time and created an interesting option for those not needing all the additional features of the X-Pro2 or X-T2, but possibly wanting a more consumer-oriented camera. Let’s dive right in and take a look.
Putting Together A Photoshoot Part I: Moodboard And Concept Development

When we first start out on any sort of endeavor, be it creative or otherwise, we all most likely begin same way: a head full of ideas, but a distinct lack of understanding and experience of how to achieve them. Over time, through the benevolence of others, and many hours of Youtube tutorials, our ability catches up and we reach the place where creativity meets experience

Travel Backup Photography Kit

With some lengthy upcoming trips for personal work, I have been doing some research into ways to keep my photographs and video footage backed up in the field. One of these trips involves a three-week stint in remote villages. A particular concern on this trip is data loss; so, I have been working to create a backup system that is durable and can run without access to mains power. Today, I will share my solution with you.

Canon Maintains Its Position at Number One

Canon Inc. has just announced that it has maintained its position as the global market leader for interchangeable lens digital cameras (DSLR and Mirrorless) for the 17th consecutive year (from 2003 to 2019).

Do This To Get Perfect Prints

Some time ago, I wrote an article about soft proofing in Lightroom and Photoshop. It's an essential step in any professional printing workflow. Today, I show the additional steps required to create perfect prints. Cross-Platform LUTs Are Now Even Better in Lightroom and Camera Raw

A little while ago I showed you a fantastic LUTs pack, called, compatible with most photo and video editing including Capture One, Lightroom, Premiere, and Resolve. However, since Lightroom has been updated, it’s now even better than before with much better integration with both the CC and Classic CC versions.