Is Canon Planning to Add a Cooling Fan to an M-Series Camera?

With camera bodies getting smaller and processors getting faster, it’s no wonder that manufacturers are having to explore new means of dispersing heat. This is not the first Canon patent to show a cooling fan inside, and how they could be implemented is still something of a conundrum.

It's All in Your Head: Photographic Vision Over Photographic Skills

Photographers will spend tons of money and lots of time perfecting their use of the tools of their trade. We buy books and classes, watch tutorials, and spend time practicing, gather in professional groups, and shadow other photographers. While we learn how to use our gear, there is one thing we shouldn’t overlook, because it’s the thing that ultimately matters the most: vision.

Portrait: A Documentary Insatgram vs Professional

Andy Newman created this intriguing documentary that explores the question "In the age of Instagram, what sets a professional photographer apart. In this film, photographer Andria Lindquist and web designer/ professional instagramer Cory Staudacher talk about their outlook on photography and how it has impacted their life. Two points I couldn't agree more on is how Cory talks about how important sharing your work and building a community is, and Andria talks about following your heart and continue to do what makes you truly happy.

How to Photograph the Northern Lights

The Northern Lights season has now drawn to a close. However, the next couple of seasons could be very special indeed for auroras chasers. Join me as I discuss the beauty of the Northern Lights, some of the science behind them, and how I capture this magical experience.

Mixing Harsh Shadowy Natural Light With Artificial Light

The first time I shot in this style was accidental to be honest. I'd love to say it was an artistic epiphany but sadly the truth of the matter is that I was too darn lazy to close the windows. However when I took the test shot, I realized I absolutely loved the effect! To think that I was rewarded for my lazine...err....creative moment of clarity!

Is This Transforming Tetris Camera Bag the Solution You Never Knew You Needed?

In all your years of photography, have your camera bags been mostly the same, with slight variations? Most likely black and rectangular. Inside, they likely had padded dividers and smaller zipper compartments. The good ones had a slot for a laptop. Some may have had slight variations: if you had a Pelican case, it was a hard shell. If you had other brands, it was made of sturdy fabric. With slight differences, have they been mostly the same, though, haven't they? A rectangle with dividers. Mine have. Until now. Until what I’m renaming, “The Tetris Transforming Camera Bag”, also known as the Peak Design Travel Backpack.

Fstoppers Atlantis: The Most Fulfilling Experience Of My Life So Far

I've had some pretty amazing experiences in my life. has given me incredible opportunities like meeting Bon Jovi, or riding in the first Lamborghini Aventador in America. Our international workshop last week took a year of planning and insane amounts of stress. On top of it all, I had the flu during the entire week. Even still, last week was the most rewarding week of my life.

I Bet You’re Making These Silly Instagram Mistakes

I recently wrote an article on why photographers hate but still use Instagram. While writing it, I started thinking about how photographers use Instagram. Unfortunately, there are several mistakes that you are probably making. Here are some of the most common ones.

The Strange Differences Between Luminar 4 and Luminar AI

Many presumed Luminar AI to be the big update for Luminar 4. But Skylum surprised everyone when Luminar AI turned out to be a completely different program. Or perhaps it isn’t that different at all?

We Review the DJI Mic: The Best Portable Microphone for Your Video, Music, and Podcasts

Sound is a critical aspect of content creation in today’s world. Whether it’s for a YouTube channel, Twitch streaming, interviews, or podcasting, your voice will reflect who you are, and where you are recording can also have a profound effect on the audio. Viewers are used to loose camera work videos, but if the audio is bad, then most of the time, viewers give up. So, we tested out the new DJI Mic to see if does indeed produces great sound quality.

[Film] New and Improved Instant Film Made by Former Polaroid Employees

Ten of Polaroid's former employees have created a new and improved instant film for your Polaroid cameras. It is part of The Impossible Project. Back in 2008, they purchased one of the last Polaroid factories in an effort to keep the art form alive. Two years later, they released their first films into the world. PX Cool is the latest Impossible film,

Refine Your Images Contrast With This Simple Capture One Pro Tool

Capture One offers quite a few tools to adjust your raw files. It’s best known for its color editing capabilities, but luminosity adjustments are also very well designed. One of them was introduced last year with Capture One Pro 9, and it’s called the Luma Curve. It’s a powerful feature to adjust contrast manually while avoiding any color shift. Let’s see how it works and how it compares to an RGB curve.

How BTS Videos Should Be Made | Martin Schoeller

Martin Schoeller is one of my all time favorite portrait photographers. In this behind the scenes video we go on a journey with Martin in one of his campaigns for one of my favorite Italian coffees, Lavazza. I'll go so far as to say this is my favorite BTS video of the last six months. Below is another BTS video from Lavazza and a link to more.

[Gear] Canon Releases 24-70mm f2.8 L II, New Wide Angle Primes

After many years of speculation and countless false rumors, Canon has released a replacement for the venerable 24-70mm 2.8 L, along with a few new wide-angle primes: the 24mm f2.8 IS and the 24mm f2.8 IS. Get all the specs and my thoughts in the full post.
Citizen Journalism Ethics: Bystander Who Filmed Walter Scott Shooting Seeks Payout

A gut-wrenching mobile video clip depicting South Carolina police officer Michael Slager killing Walter Scott went viral earlier this month. The bystander behind the footage, Feidin Santana, has partnered with celebrity publicity agency Markson Sparks to license the footage, causing a stir among those who claim he's profiting from a death.

Our DJI Action 2 Review: Good but Not Great

For the last week, I've been playing with the new DJI's completely reimagined modular action camera system, the Action 2. Aspects of this new system are ingenious, but it is far from perfect.

Six Steps to Sharper Selfies

So, you want to photograph yourself but don’t have anyone to stand in to get your focus set? No problem, all you need is a tripod and a coin for sharp selfies, every time.

BTS Look At The Closing Steadicam Shot in "Hugo"

In case you missed "Hugo", the Oscar winning film from last year, the last cut of the movie is about 2 minutes long, and is seemingly a single steadicam shot. In this behind the scenes video, we see the point of view from a small wide angle camera mounted on top of the steadicam itself, and you can see how something like this is pulled off. You can even hear Larry McConkey take a sigh of relief when he finishes the move. Hit the jump for the scene from the movie.

Fstoppers Reviews Moment Mobile Lenses

Pictured above are the two lenses currently available from Moment that I stumbled across while browsing Kickstarter and immediately knew I had to have. The 60mm Tele and 18mm Wide are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, while maintaining the sturdiness and incredible optics of products ten times their size. The following are my first impressions after they landed on my porch.

Create Quick and Easy Backups While on the Go or Tethering

Backing up files is always easiest at home or at the office, but it's when we're on the go that data is the most vulnerable. Whether it's image or video files, documents or other projects you are working on, or even photographing tethered to a computer, backing up data can often be an afterthought. Here's a quick and easy strategy to help you maintain backups of your files on a notebook computer while you're at work or on the go.

Picktorial 3 Makes Raw Editing Fast and Easy With a Minimalist Workflow

While most photographers and retouchers use Capture One and Lightroom, the raw processing software market is actually much larger than just two options. One incredibly appealing alternative to the big names is Picktorial. Its third version is being released today, and it comes with quite a few exciting features and is available at a very reasonable price. I’d almost be tempted to say that it’s to Lightroom what Affinity Photo is to Photoshop.

It's Work, Not Talent That Makes Photographs

I would hazard a guess that most working photographers will tell you that talent has very little to do with a successful photograph. Somewhere along the way, you've probably heard the words “Genius is one per cent talent and ninety-nine per cent hard work.” It's that hard work that brings about good photography. Let's explore the roles that effort and perseverance play in our photography today.

Blackmagic Has a New 4K Production Camera

In addition to announcing their freakishly tiny cinema camera, Blackmagic Design today announced Blackmagic Production Camera 4K, a new high resolution 4K digital film camera with an innovative large Super 35 size sensor with professional global shutter, combined with precision EF mount optics and high quality Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) file recording for $3,995.