Learn to Love Your Images

Have you ever felt unsatisfied or disconnected from your photos? It’s important to know we all go through this and these are a few things you can do to help.

[Gear] Before the Pro Stuff, A Few Last Words for the Little Guys

We're all waiting for the Nikon D800 and Canon 5D Mark III -- no question. It's around the corner, but this week, if you're looking for a new point-and-shoot or mirrorless camera, we have plenty of those: the last few manufacturers are 'catching up' on the mirrorless front. So here's an overview of what happened this week, and cross your fingers for February 7th!
Fstoppers Reviews the Autel EVO: Too Little, Too Late

The world of drones is dominated by DJI but other manufacturers try to propose alternatives. After weeks of intensive use, here is a detailed review of the Autel EVO in comparison to the Mavic Pro.

Fitness and Adventure Photographer Rob Hammer Finds Success Through Personal Work

Rob Hammer knows all about stories, adventure, and experience. He is a San Diego-based commercial shooter. He has worked for many clients such as Nike, Adidas, Foot Locker, and Under Armour. If you have a chance to follow his Instagram feed, you'll probably find images of him backpacking in a foreign country, photographing old barbershops in the Midwest, or hiking up a mountain with his friends enjoying a cold beer. He lives the life that he photographs. I believe that shooting what you love will ensure you to always have a steady stream of good clients. But when you are photographing your own lifestyle, the possibilities are endless.

New RED Monochrome Video Beast

Even if we’ve barely been able to set our eyes on one, we still all love the RED camera, don’t we? Well RED just announced a new monochrome-only version...

New Company Storytag Wants to Give Wedding Albums a Written Dynamic

Albums are a big seller for wedding photographers, and for good reason. Brides want a physical memory of their day they can pull down off the shelf for years to come. But Storytag founder Nikki McKenna believes there is room for improvement when it comes to albums. She thinks that adding a written story element can really change the power of an album.

Why Instagram Should Hide Follower Counts and Why It Never Will

Instagram appears to be in the process of rolling out a surprising change to its platform: hiding the number of times that a post has been liked. While the internet giant claims that it’s making the change in to help us focus on the thing we love, the truth is different. If it really wants to improve things, it should go one step further and hide follower counts too. You can be sure, however, that it never will.

Check Out This Unique Etch A Sketch Camera

Martin Fitzpatrick has built one of the most interesting cameras we've ever seen: one that displays the captured image by drawing it on an Etch a Sketch.

Breaking Down the Visual Effects of Brett Ratner's "Hercules"

Earlier this summer we saw the release of Brett Ratner's "Hercules". The movie was a mild success despite critics' anticipations. Recently Milk VFX and Double Negative VFX houses have both released breakdowns of how they created the visual effects for the movie. Mike Seymour of Wired walks you through a detailed featurette on how Double Negative created the numerous creature effects for the film. In the second breakdown we get to see how Milk expanded the world in the movie with set expansions, matte paintings and other special effect touches.

Understanding Fine Art Photography With Leigh Schneider

As photographers, we often find ourselves at exciting places such as concerts, parties, and sporting events. Many photographers spend hours of their day working with other people. It is common to see photographers interacting with people and asking the people they are photographing to move a bit to the left or to position their hands differently. On the surface, it might seem that photographers are extroverts who love being out and about.

How To Create An Easy Street Photo Session

Clay Enos is a laid back photographer who is probably most well known for his portraits from the movie The Watchmen. Today he is taking his portrait photography to the streets and doing something most of us would find pretty intimidating by asking random people to pose in front of his white backdrop. Making people feel comfortable with you in a short amount of time is a crucial skill to have as a photographer, and Clay does a great job explaining how you can do this on the street with a relatively short 50mm lens. Now some people might not consider this real street photography but it's definitely an easy way to capture spontaneous images with a studio look.
Behind The Scenes With Wolfe Air And Their Incredible Flying Camera Platforms

Last week I posted a gorgeous video from Wolfe Air - their promo reel for aviation cinematography, and explained a bit of the process behind it. This week, I've found and put together a few videos which detail how they equip their planes and helicopters with some of the most advanced camera technologies available, and it's pretty mindblowing. In these videos, Wolfe Air loads up a Learjet with

Profoto Shows Off the B1s in Location Portraiture with Brian Marcus

Profoto just released a video showcasing their popular B1 units on location with wedding photographer Brian Marcus. Marcus shows how he uses the lights through new York with ease, obviously taking advantage of the size and weight of the B1 heads. This particular video focuses on the NIkon TTL Air remotes that were just released.

Fstoppers Interviews Legendary White House Photographer Pete Souza

Pete Souza needs little introduction. As the Chief Official White House Photographer for President Obama and an Official White House Photographer for President Reagan, Souza had the crucial duty of documenting innumerably many historical moments, a job he did with an empathetic touch that has made his work the model for many aspiring photographers. I recently had the chance to speak with Souza about his work, his approach, and his new film.

[Pics] Hot Blondes Using Pepper Spray on Cops?

Ok, maybe this didn't happen in real life but this is how editorial Photographer Tyler Shields recreated the image taken of the Occupy U.C Davis protesters. His photo project, titled "Occupied," features two models in their skivvies, giving a bunch of police officers a mouth full of pepper spray. What do you think? Is this a good interpretation of what's going on or is the fact that he used two hot blondes to get his message across clouding your judgement? Click the full post to see the rest of the photographs from his latest project.
Interview With Underwater Photographer Elena Kalis

Elena Kalis's underwater photos are incredible. I have seen many photographers try this and it just never seems to turn out right. There is always something about the shots I wont like but that could easily just be me being picky. However, when it come to Elena Kalis's underwater photography, I cant look away.

How to Venture Successfully Into Wedding Photography Today

Wedding photography has changed vastly over the years. And as much as there is a growing potential for newcomers, there is also an amassing amount of challenges that one has to encounter. It is wise to have a clear understanding of the industry before taking the plunge.

Maybe All You Needed Was a Good Crop

"Get it right in the camera", correct? But sometimes you can't and sometimes you won't on purpose, but it works out only if you know how and when to crop!

A Real Life Mario Kart Behind The Scenes

Many of the posts we have seen here lately on Fstoppers have been heavily influenced by Freddy Wong and the amazing special effects videos on his YouTube channel. Now Freddy has tackled something very sacred to us all: something that might still keep some die hards up late in to the morning. Anyone giving homage to Wario or Donkey Kong, the two best characters in the game, will always get two big thumps up from me. If you want to see the final Real Life Mario, click on the full post after watching this great BTS video.
Using Templates to Learn Composition

Rules of composition seem to get a lot of flak. Really though, they are simply commonly appreciated methods of composition and certainly have a place in our repertoire. This is especially true while we learn the ropes.

The Fascinating Self-Portraits of Courtney Emery

In the age of the selfie, a truly well-crafted self-portrait can make us take pause. Courtney Emery's images are intriguing and multifaceted creations that draw the viewer in and offer a very interesting look at her identity.

What 360-Degree Camera Makers Need to Learn From DSLR Manufacturers

I love 360-degree video. I've spent a bit of time with a few different brands on the market. While there are many things I love about the medium, the actual cameras aren't one of them. I don’t rave about them the way I do about perhaps a Nikon DSLR or Fuji mirrorless. That's because the manufacturers of these 360-degree cameras aren't making it easy.

Canon EOS T5i In Stock! Plus Big Discounts on Canon Lenses, Speedlights and Camera

If you've been waiting for Canon's newest entry level camera, your wait is over! The Canon Rebel T5i is now for sale! In addition to this, Canon has announced up to $300 off select lenses and speed lights, and up to $500 off select camera packages! So now is the perfect time to pick up a great new camera as well as a new lens of two on the cheap! Check out the links below for more information!

Fstoppers Reviews the "Mount-It-Anywhere" Nasty Clamp

For those photographers who do most of their work on the move, finding light-weight equipment that can really adapt to different situations is a tall order. Sometimes, even the most compact tripod or light stand still won’t fit into spaces or stay out of the way. The gratuitously named Nasty Clamps aim to amend that situation with their attach-anywhere attitude.

Create Art out of Your Dodge and Burn Layers

Dodging and burning is an art in itself when used to clean up images. For example, when retouching beauty shots or portraits, it can take a really long time and require a high level of precision to yield beautiful results. What’s extremely frustrating is that our viewers and clients often don’t understand how much really goes into such work. Showing before and after isn’t really flattering, and showing each mask individually isn’t visually powerful enough. However, there’s one way to make it look abstract so that the model’s reputation isn’t hurt along the way, but visually strong enough that people realize the time put in.