Optical Versus Electronic: Three Strong Cases for EVFs

The mirrorless versus SLR debate is the most hotly discussed topic in photography circles. One of the main reasons given for sticking to the SLR system is the superiority of the optical viewfinder (OVF). Over the past couple of years, I’ve started to question this point. In this article, I explore the areas where an electronic viewfinder (EVF) offers an advantage over on OVF.

[Pics] February's Best Facebook Group Photos

Every month I see some incredible photos uploaded to our thriving Fstoppers Facebook Group. With over 3,000 members, this group has some amazing talent. To honor these great Fstoppers of the world, we award the best of the best from each month with a badge of honor: the Fstoppers Featured Photo. We have some stellar images earning this honor in February of 2012.

How I Shot This Pastel Beauty Spread for Female Malaysia

One thing I love the most about my job is to be able to work with hugely talented people in my team. It’s always so inspirational to be around them and never fails to serve as an outstanding learning opportunity.

Directing Video, a Photographer's Perspective

When I was young, I first fell in love with photography as a kid in summer camp. I then went home and started pouring over the Time Life Photography books from the local library. All through grade school and high school I stayed up countless nights studying, reading, and learning everything I could about great photographers and their amazing photographs.

The Power of Resilience as a Photographer

I hold these truths to be self-evident. One, things don’t always go the way we’d like them to. And two, how we respond to failure is equally, if not more important than how we deal with success.

Fstoppers Tests the CamRanger Mini: Does the Mini Have the Power?

When shooting action sports I’m always looking for ways to get shots that the other photographers aren’t, but lots of times due to safety concerns by the promoters, I can’t get to places I want to shoot from during the event. This is where the CamRanger Mini comes into the picture, by giving me the ability to remotely place a camera before the event starts and then triggering the camera remotely from a safe location.

How Often Should You Change the Images in Your Portfolio

The end of the year is always a time to both make one final push to close the business year strongly and to reflect on the current state of affairs. As a photographer, it’s also a good time to look back on where you stand as an artist and where you still want to go.

SOLOSHOT: Now You Can Film Yourself Without Bugging A Friend

Have you ever wanted to film yourself while doing a photoshoot for some behind the scenes action, but not one of your videographer buddies wanted to get away from whatever indie marathon was running that weekend and help you film it? Well, now with SOLOSHOT you don't have to worry about picking up the phone and degrading yourself by begging to your cinephile friends, you can do it yourself.

The Sharp 8k Camcorder: The Future of Broadcast?

Sharp made a new camera—well, not a camera per se. It’s a camcorder. But that doesn’t really sum up what it is. Sharp made an 8k camcorder that’s decidedly not for cinematographers. Also, it’s $77,000. In short: I have many questions about all of this.

Tips for Shooting With the Fujifilm GFX 100

Having now had the Fujifilm GFX 100 camera for a couple months now, I thought I might share a couple of the ways I’ve found most efficient for me to use the system. Perhaps some of the following tips may help you with the GFX 100 or other Fujifilm systems as well.

Fujifilm X-T3 Crop Mode: Known Bug in Capture One

If you are like me and have gotten the chance to either purchase or play with a Fujifilm X-T3 recently, you may be excited to try out the new crop mode for 30 frames per second or the new sport-finder feature. Unfortunately, if you are a Capture One user, there is currently a known bug when using these cropped modes.

How I Photographed a Model on My Family Vacation

I have a love/hate relationship with family vacations. I enjoy going away for a few days with my wife and daughter, but it is not something I am super excited about and looking forward to each day in the months before the trip, the way most people do. Truth be told, I’m happier putting my money into buying a new lens rather than using it to book a plane ticket.

Pentax Announces Three New Interchangeable Lens Cameras

Pentax/Ricoh has just announced three new cameras to their lineup. Two are APS-C sized cameras that are pretty similar, but one is most certainly aimed at a more consumer market. The third is a new mirrorless camera, one that Pentax is boasting as the world's smallest and lightest interchangeable lens camera.

The making of the Golf Digest Magazine January 2014 Cover Shoot

This video from Golf Digest's latest cover shoot is pretty much all about stroboscopic photography. If you're unfamiliar, this is a technique for depicting the changing features of subjects in motion. It started with the Phenakistoscope (say that a few times) in the 1830's, but didn't really evolve into a photographic use until 100 years later when Harold Edgerton started

iStock Photo Overpaid Photographers, Wants Money Back

According to PetaPixel, some iStock Photo photographers were notified recently that they were paid too much in September and October of 2013. Not surprisingly, Getty wants their money back. Apparently this was discovered in December, 2013 by the iStock Photo accounting department, prompting them to notify a reported 9,000 of the 25,000 contributors, seeking reimbursement.

Would You Fall for This Suspicious Photography Assignment?

Photography scams are something that we all need to be on guard against. These scams often come our way in the form of poorly worded emails that we instantly delete. Atlanta wedding photographers Jaimie Dee and her husband Kyle were recently targeted by a rather elaborate variation of a classic photography scam. Fortunately, they didn’t fall for the con. How might you fare if you were targeted by the scam detailed below?

Karst Country: A Haunting Infrared Timelapse Of The Australian Countryside

Karst Country is a collaboration between artists Glen Ryan and Phil Ryan that has resulted in some absolutely surreal infrared imagery. This timelapse, shot with both RED Epic and Scarlet cameras at 4k resolution, is a joy to watch. I always find it so refreshing to see when new techniques are integrated into timelapse movies. For a few BTS images and some musings from the creators, be sure to check out their blog, which can be found here.

Join The Full Frame Revolution With Great Deals On Refurbished D600/800's

If you're in the market for a camera and you're looking at a camera with a smaller cropped sensor, stop what you're doing and read this! B&H has an awesome sale on right now for Refurbished D600's and D800's that should make you take a serious look at upgrading to full frame! So, if you want to save over 700 dollars on your next camera, check out the links below!

Photographers: Follow the Rules

As photographers, we’ve all been frustrated at one time or another by rules or regulations set forth by popular locations or venues in an attempt to preserve, protect, and even seemingly limit photographers. Regardless of one’s personal feelings toward photo rules at favorite photo spots, one thing is certain: we need to follow the rules.

[Pics/Video] How to Make Your Own Models

There is definitely no shortage of models out there but if you feel there is or you can't get them to risk their lives for your art then maybe it's time you made your own. It may not be what American street installation artist Mark Jenkins had in mind but hey, it's a cool idea none the less. Mark's work is actually aimed at making people take notice of their surrounding environment and fellow man/woman rather than their smartphones. He creates life-like sculptures from packaging tape and even clothes some to “to camouflage the art as reality”. See pics of Mark's striking installations and a video on how he makes his models in the full post.
My First Considerations Prior to Bidding on a Commercial Photography Job

In today’s article, I thought it might be helpful to those just getting into the business to take you through my real-time thought process when bidding on commercial assignments, from the initial query email to whether or not I take a job. Over the years, I’ve made a lot of good decisions and a lot of bad decisions, and hopefully, you can learn from my journey.

MeFoto Shows Off New Colorful & Compact Monopods

MeFoto, makers of my most favorite travel tripod, today announced a new addition to their product line: the WalkAbout monopod, which also looks like it could be used as a general walking stick. It comes in a host of colors, similar to the tripod line, and also sports a removable compass for when it's not attached to a camera.