How to Get the Most out of Your Second Shooter

A bad second shooter can create many problems for a wedding photographer, so it is important go the extra mile to make sure the second shooter does exactly what you need.

Fstoppers Reviews: Tangent Wave Editing Panels for Capture One Pro 10

Color grading is one of the most powerful tools you have when it comes to elevating your images and video. One of the most frustrating and intimidating things about working with color is that it can often feel tedious and un-intuitive. Video editors often employ physical editing panels when color grading their work and now Tangent, one of the leading makings of video editing hardware have brought support for Capture One Pro 10 to their system.

Follow Who You Are and Recognize Your Weaknesses as a Photographer

As photographers we are constantly learning. It's how we get better at our craft, to say we are always learning is an understatement. Everyone I know in the field is always looking up how to do something better or more efficiently. People tend to start to see these when they try to transition mediums, be it from photo to video, and they begin to realize they have to learn things from the ground up. As photographers we tend to stick with what we know we are good at, but how do we go about identifying our weaknesses and improve on them?

Fstoppers Reviews a Stormproof Backpack, the Miggo Agua Versa 90

There are tons of photography bags available on the market, all meant to protect your gear better than the other one. When I was given the opportunity to review the Miggo Agua Versa Backpack 90 I didn’t know what to expect that I didn’t already have with my current transportation gear. However, once I had it in my hands and felt how robust it was, I thought it may offer something different that I didn’t have yet. I finally found a bag I could walk under the rain with without having to add a protection cover, use as a regular backpack as well, and that was comfortable!

The Roadmap to Success in Architectural Photography: CreativeLive With Mike Kelley

If you've ever been interested in the field of architectural photography, now is your chance to learn about the ins-and-outs of getting clients, bidding on jobs, building a reputation and learning some post-processing tricks for FREE. I'll be speaking on Creative Live today at 1:15pm Pacific Standard Time, and will be going into detail on how I've built my business from the ground up in just a few short years.

Effective Techniques for Video Recording Interviews

Interviewing interesting people can be an awesome experience that when done right, will provide impactful insight to your next video project. When done wrong however, you may find yourself asking the client for a do-over or spending hours in the editing room cleaning up mistakes.

Lowepro Confirms the Rover Pro AW Series Bag

We leaked the photos earlier this afternoon, and not an hour later Lowepro officially announced the Rover Pro AW series bags. These two lightweight, technical backpacks are built for active outdoor professional and enthusiasts photographers who need a comfortable and supportive way to hike with heavy loads of equipment over long and varied terrain. Travel Photographer Michael Clark has already taken this horse through its paces and given it a clean bill of health.

GoPro to Go Public? Plans to Conduct IPO of Common Stock

GoPro, basically the name synonymous with action-camera mobile HD video, is one of America's most recent super-success stories. Well, they look to be taking things a step further as they have announced they'll be conducting a registered initial public offering of its common stock.

The Fstoppers 72 Hour Photoshop Contest, Prove Your Skills

On Wednesday we are giving away an iPad to a random Twitter follower but this contest is all about skill. Patrick Hall did an incredible photoshoot for the next Fstoppers Original BTSV (which should be released soon) and he has a ton of great wakeboarding pictures with tremendous potential. The rules could not be easier: simply download this high res image, edit it any way you like, and then post it here on our forum by Thursday at midnight eastern time. On Friday, Patrick will choose his favorite edit. The winner of this contest will receive a Think Tank Photo Urban Disguise 35 camera bag and the chance to be a part of the next FS Original Video. Due to shipping costs, the bag can only be shipped to a North American address.
[Contest Submission] Fantastic Wedding Photography Tips For All Shooters

Warning! You now have 3 days to submit your behind the scenes video for our big 2011 contest. I've been a professional wedding photographer for 7 years now and I've seen tons of absurd wedding advice online. Anytime I see a wedding related video submission I think "oh boy, here we go again." I just stumbled upon a video from 375 Photography on our forum that broke the mold. Not only is this video good, it may be one of the best wedding related videos I've seen online. It's informative, entertaining, and the images speak for themselves. No matter how long you have been shooting weddings, you will learn something from Justin and his team.
Every Person Has Two Faces. What Is Your Best Side?

Nobody's face is perfectly symmetrical but it's very difficult for our brains to notice the differences in each side. Jesper Petersson recently worked on a unique project that involved shooting a group of people and then using each side of their face to create two new, perfectly symmetrical faces. It's really shocking to see how different each side of a face can be.
This Could Be the Best Health Insurance for Self-Employed Photographers

With only a few days left in open enrollment, I'm seeing a lot of my friends on social media ask: "What is the best insurance for self-employed photographers?" If you live in the United States and are overwhelmed with the choices in private and market place insurance, let me give you a suggestion on one of the smartest types of insurance plans you can get for you and your family. Warning: this article is not exciting for photographers, but it could save you a lot of money in the long run.

Another Creative Way To Document A Vacation

For most people, their first attraction to a camera probably occurred during a vacation or a traveling trip. If you've ever had to sit through someone else's photo album of a trip, you know how excruciating and boring it can become. Well Rick Mereki and his friends Tim and Andrew decided to make a fun video documentary that proved to be anything but boring and mundane. This one minute clip shows what a little creativity can do to make a trip spanning over 40 days, 11 countries, and 38,000 miles as exciting for us as it was for them. We've featured other creative vacation videos in the past, and our goal is always to keep you guys inspired to do something interesting during every opportunity. Let's just hope Mr. Lee Morris is taking this to heart while in Italy :)

MOVE from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

Fstoppers Announces Another Picture Of The Day Contest! Win $100 For Your POTD

Owing to the success of our April POTD Contest, where we received over 1000 awesome submissions from readers all over the world, we are happy to now announce the contest for the month of May. In order to have a shot at a gift certificate worth $100 to B&H Photo & Video, be sure to check out the full post for details about how to submit and what to submit.

Sketch Photoshop Videography Photography Planning

You can have the tools, and you can have the know how, but what is one of the most powerful skills that most photographers, videographers, and just about anyone else will swear by in a creative industry? The power of forethought and pre-planning. Granted, for some this step isn’t as important as it is to others. However, whether you sit down and make a shot list, sketch out some rough ideas for shots, or just develop a really strong concept of what you want to accomplish on a project, most people do pre-plan in some way shape or form.

New Turntable Add-On from eMotimo Aims to Make Product Shooting a Breeze

If you haven't heard about eMotimo, then you probably aren't much into timelapsing. eMotimo is one of the leaders, next to Dynamic Perception, Kessler and Syrp, in timelapse devices, and the eMotimo TB3 is the only device that allows for three axis movement with one machine. Now they're really pushing the device beyond timelapse with this new add-on accessory for repeatable product shots called the Turntable.

A Good Photo Assistant Can Be Worth Their Weight in Gold

In a world where everyone wants to be a star photographer, there isn't nearly enough discussion about the benefits of a good photo assistant. Here are a few tips for those interested in assisting a professional photographer and a few things for photographers who may be seeking an assistant to consider.

Refugee Crisis Hits Home With Arrest of Famous 'Afghan Girl'

In the history of modern portraiture, few images have stuck in the collective consciousness of the photography world as firmly as the "Afghan Girl" portrait by Steve McCurry. The photo, taken in 1984 in the Nasir Bagh refugee camp, has become a lasting portrayal of innocence in a heartbreaking circumstance, as relevant today as it was over 30 years ago.

What is RSS and Why Should I Use It?

You may be “following” your favorite artists work on Facebook, or have a long list of bookmarks you like to check, however there is a better way. Over the past few months, talking with several friends, it has become apparent that there are quite a few people that don’t know about RSS and the benefits it has.

I Shot the Solar Eclipse on Film With a Hasselblad 500 C/M

Across the vast millennia of human existence, the total solar eclipse remains the most spectacular and celebrated of astronomical phenomena. As the blue sky dimmed, I suddenly decided to shoot the 2024 solar eclipse on black and white film using my trusty Hasselblad 500 C/M.

LensRentals Begins Testing Lens Variance

Announced today on the LensRentals blog, is their intentions to begin testing lens variance - something never formally done in photography before. Lens variance is simply the difference from one copy of a lens to the other. By testing this, they'll be able to debunk any misinformation found in reviews that test only a single copy of lenses. This will result in higher accuracies, and more information prior to buying.

Day One of Photo Plus Expo in New York City

Photo Plus Expo is upon us, and I'm here to give you an exclusive look at what all that happened yesterday. If you're in New York, you're highly encouraged to check out all that is happening. If you're not able to check it out, I am here to show you the new products, exclusive interviews and all the events and news going on in New York this week.

Should You Disclose the Location of Your Photos?

At the alarming rate of destruction and wanton littering and waste that is happening globally, is it time for us as photographers to stop publicly announcing the location of our shoots?

Lessons Learned While Recording a Grand Canyon Expedition

Grand Canyon National Park is nothing short of epic. With rich natural history and mind-blowing scenery, most people have at least heard of this natural wonder. But who has tried to capture the Canyon's beauty and grace (Many!)? And who has done it successfully? That's open to debate.

Finally, a Solution to Make LUT Selection an Easy Process

When using LUTs, one of the biggest problems is that many apps won't let you preview what they do before applying it. This makes the LUT choice and application slow and very unpractical. That was until Lutify came out with a solution!

In Celebration of NAB, Freefly is Giving Away Twelve M5 MōVI

This is kind of amazing and extremely unexpected: Freefly Systems has announced that it will give away 12 MōVI M5 camera stabilizers during the 2014 NAB Show. During the show (which is in Las Vegas) April 7th – 10th, they will be giving three away a day, but you don't have to be at the show to win.