Is Sony About to Announce a 12-24mm f/2.8 GM Lens?
While details still remain a little cloudy, we can be fairly certain that Sony has a few announcements coming up in the next couple of weeks, and we can now be pretty sure that one of them is a brand new 12-24mm f/2.8 GM for full-frame mirrorless cameras.
Behind The Scenes: Cover Shoot For Backpacker Magazine
For the yet unreleased October 'survival' issue of Backpacker magazine, adventure photographer, Bud Force, decided instead of having a model dangling perilously off of a cliff that he would do a creative composite. He shot the background at 'El Capitan' peak in Guadalupe Moutains National Park and the subject at Mineral Wells State Park.
Review of the Elinchrom ELM8 After Four Months of Use
Elinchrom focus has mostly been on light shapers and strobes ever since they've existed. However, the ELM8 they released last year may be a hint they are serious about getting into continuous light. After four months of use, here's my opinion on the Elinchrom ELM8.
Virtual Headshots: Creating a Solution for Clients During the Pandemic
Life as we know it has suddenly changed, and most of our businesses have ground to a near stop. Many of us were left scrambling to figure out how to keep some sort of work coming in. But when you primarily photograph people, yet your state has issued stay-at-home orders, you really have to explore ways to carry on.
4 Reasons Why New Photographers Should Try Every Genre
What lured you into photography? Was it a specific genre? Was it a person? Whatever the case, I want to lay out the benefits of being as open and experimental as possible when you are new to the craft.
SmartSlides New Beat-Matching Feature: Creating Professionally Beat-Matched Slideshows in Minutes
Pixellu is a startup known for making extraordinarily intuitive and time-saving software for professional photographers. A company started by photographers for photographers, Pixellu aims to help streamline the workflow of product delivery, effectively giving photographers back their time, while simultaneously adding value to the final product the photographer delivers.
[Contest] Win the Art Behind the Headshot on Facebook
The SanDisk iXpand Memory Case Packs on More Storage for iPhones
From apps, to storing photos and movies, we are constantly wanting more and more memory space. This is an era where technology is getting better at capturing images and videos. With our smartphones capturing photos at 10 megapixels and videos with a maximum resolution of 4K, we are at the brink of storage wars. I have a constant battle with this issue and I already have an 64 GB iPhone 6s Plus. SanDisk will be coming out with a case that will soon solve every creative's problem: more storage.
Why Potential Clients Aren’t Responding to You
When you run a photography business, client leads are everything. However, if you can’t get potential leads to respond to you, your business can flounder. Here are a few reasons why potential clients may not be getting back to you after they initially reach out.
Photographer Contract Woes: Are You Protected?
Let’s face it, in today’s world it is always better to be safe than sorry, especially for artists with demanding clients. I’m a huge believer in utilizing contracts to keep everyone on the same page, but contracts can be difficult when they are severely limiting.
How Big Is the Problem With Noise in Digital Photos Really?
I keep on seeing the advertisements about software for reducing noise in digital photos. It gives the idea noise is always a huge problem that needs to be addressed. This is advertising, of course. Or is it indeed an issue that we have to solve with specialized software?.
Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (March 2017): Mario Olvera
The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2017, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.
This month's winner is Mario Olvera! His work is notable for its strikingly imaginative concepts and top-notch lighting. Be sure to check out...
Stylizing Your Work With the Use of Color
We often draw inspiration from several mediums; art, music, and film to name a few. These inspirations are blended together and found within our work. This article digs deeper into what may give our work moody undertones and makes us feel exactly how we feel when looking at it.
Behind The Scenes Shooting BMX And Lifestyle Photos In South Africa
Nikon Pro Photographer Craig Kolesky went to Capetown and packed in his bag not only the Nikon D4, but their Coolpix P7700. His subject for the shoot was Redbull Athlete Sifiso Nhlapo, a BMX racer from the South African Olympic team. In this video, you can see Craig working in various environments, from dirty racing tracks to a small studio setting with ring lights.
The Craziest Locations Photographers Have Risked It All to Capture
Photography is an art form that often demands more than creativity; it requires courage, perseverance, and sometimes a willingness to take life-altering risks. Over the years, some photographers, including even myself, have ventured into jaw-dropping locations to capture images that defy both logic and limits. These stories are a testament to the lengths artists will go to for the perfect shot.
Is Your Work Original, Can It Be, and Does It Even Have to Be?
Many creators hold originality to be one of the biggest values in their art, whether it is music, painting, photography or any other subject. Concerning photography, what is even original when billions of photos are taken and uploaded each day?
An Easy Way to Enhance Freckles
Freckles are in. As more and more brands and publications start opting to hire models with realistic “imperfections,” we’re bound to see more and more ads with speckled skin. Score one for realistic expectations! However, lighting freckles isn't easy, as most broad light sources will flatten the tone in the skin. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to bring back and enhance freckles in Adobe Lightroom.
BTS Video Describes Process of Creating the Human-Like 'Ava' Robot In 'Ex Machina'
Hollywood's latest A.I. thriller, "Ex Machina," promised to take viewers on a fascinating and thrilling philosophical, ethical, and human journey. The Turing test, man's domination over machine, artifically intelligent machines' potential and perhaps inevitable self-awareness and domination over man, and an eccentric Silicon Valley-like billionaire-type leading the helm... how could this not be a great film? More on that later, but to make all of this happen, director Alex Garland and VFX supervisor Andrew Whitehurst had to create a robot that would connect so well with audiences that we would treat it as any other human character.
Review: HP ZBook x2 Packs Pro-Level Power in a Convertible Tablet
From the Envy brand to its latest ZBook line, HP has brought a number of interesting computers to the market in the last several years. But none might be more important to appeasing us pros than putting professional-level storage in a portable, convertible, touchscreen experience. Meet the ZBook x2.
[BTS Video] The 2012 D1 Combine Class
[News] Boston Pays $170k To Settle Video Incident
Simon Glik, a resident of Boston, MA, was recording an arrest of another man in 2007 via his camera. It didn't take long before a police officer noticed this and placed Glik under arrest. The case has finally been settled, and Glik has been awarded $170,000 in compensation.
Five Easy Tips for Breaking a Creative Block
When you rely on creativity for work, a battle with the absence of these abilities can be detrimental, especially when you’re freelance. No matter what type of creative work you do, there will come a time when you feel like your powers have dried up and you are no longer capable. It will seem like the ability to do anything is gone forever, everything you make is crap, and no good ideas seem to be coming to you. To understand this problem as universal and cyclical is a step towards understanding what it is that drives your creative abilities. There are ways to elevate past these woes and continue creating your best work. Here are five easy practices that can help you in your woes next time you are met with a creative block.
Capture One Introduces New Editorial Color Grading Styles
Capture One recently introduced a new Editorial Color Grading Styles Pack. With this new release, you can get the signature editorial looks of Michael Woloszynowicz, Marie Bärsch, and Pratik Naik.
Are the Quasar Science Q-LED Lights the Best Video Lights for Your Money?
Whether you are a photographer or videographer, more and more content creators are adding constant lights as their go-to lighting setups. Quasar Science recently released their 30-watt T8 bulbs with raving reviews, and today, I explore six useful lighting setups you can build with four lights under $80 each.
The Wednesday Rundown 5.11.11
Why Ireland Is Underrated for Landscape Photography
When it comes to landscape photography, certain destinations immediately come to mind – the dramatic landscapes of Iceland, the majestic mountains of the Canadian Rockies, or the iconic landmarks of the American Southwest. However, there is one country that often gets overlooked as a photography hotspot: Ireland.
Interview With Fashion And Lifestyle Photographer Mike Monaghan
I have never personally met Mike, however I can't seem to get away from him. He definitely has some amazing shots that stand out from the rest of the crowd. I know Mike through a Facebook group called CREATIVOS, which is a group for photographers looking to share tips, tricks, and images and grow within the industry. I keep seeing his work pop up and can't take my eyes away from it.
Fstoppers Reviews the Canon RF 600mm and RF 800mm
Canon has two amazing lenses for their mirrorless system. This is the RF 600mm f/11 IS STM and the RF 800mm f/11 IS STM. Although the aperture is not that wide, these lenses can be very useful. I got a chance to try both for a few weeks and these are my findings.
How Declining Work Enriched My Career
When I was starting out as a professional photographer, I felt I had to be all things to all people. Any work that came in, no matter what genre of photography, how boring or bizarre, I said yes. If a company came to me with a request and they said they couldn't afford my quote, I'd bend myself in to unnatural shapes to accommodate them, because some money is better than no money, right? I eventually came to the conclusion that this was unsustainable and I began to say no and to quote those awful click-bait titles, you'll never guess what happened next.