Why Journalists Should Pack 360 Cameras in Their Gear Bags

Photojournalists usually pack a pretty standard kit in the field. A full frame camera is usually a must, along with the requisite 24-70mm and 70-200mm lenses that can cover 90 percent of situations a photographer might encounter. For some of that other 10 percent, a really good idea might be to pack a 360 camera in the bag as well.

[Contest] Facebook Group Photoshop Contest Results

Last month, we put up a copy of our brand new DVD, The Art Behind the Headshot up for grabs to the person who could impress Lee with their Photoshop skills. Entrants had to submit one file with both a before and after photo together to our Facebook Group. We got literally hundreds of entries, many of them really fantastic. We were very impressed with the skills of many of you. It was a tough decision, and Lee's choice may surprise you... Check the full post to see the winner and runners up.
The Challenge of Producing My First Acura TV Ad Using A Process Trailer

The past summer we were hired by the ad agency Tier 10 Marketing (same one as my Honda Accord campaign), under the creative direction of Scott Rodgers, to produce and film a new tv ad for Acura via the New York Acura Dealers Association. I've been an advertising photographer for years, but I co-founded a video production company, 8112 Studios, a few years back along with my friend Nicholas Cambata. We have been very busy with a variety of crazy challenging and fun projects this past year and this ad job was no exception.

Photographer Ansel Adams' 4x5 Camera Up for Auction

Famed landscape photographer Ansel Adams' Arca-Swiss 4x5 camera that he personally owned and used from 1964 to 1968 will go up for auction at the end of this month via Heritage Auctions in New York. Bidding will open at a staring price of $35,000 on October 27th, so if you have some extra change lying around, you can bid on this one-of-a-kind piece of photographic history.

Jeremiah Watt: Not Your Average Adventure Photographer

In a world full of over-sensitized, manicured imagery, this photographer’s work stands out. His portfolio is beautifully raw and gritty. There’s no posing or redoes. No fake moments. No reading between the lines. What you see is what you get. And what you get is very real.

Tiffen Announces New Steadicam Fawcett Exovest

NAB (National Association of Broadcasters tradeshow) is this week and Tiffen just announced their new Steadicam Fawcett Exovest for the show. It is a semi-rigid exoskeletal vest that transfers the weight and torque of supporting a Steadicam system into anatomically appropriate areas, without interfering with natural movement.

How to Balance Reality and Creativity in Your Images Using ON1 Photo RAW 2018.1

Through editing photos, many people aim to produce work that remains grounded in truth while still adding a bit of themselves and their personal vision to it. Using ON1 Photo RAW 2018.1 software, a fully featured all-in-one image editor, here’s how to leverage a few of its most powerful tools to tell your story.

Sometimes Even 1200mm Is Not Enough

Like many of you, the most telephoto I typically shoot is 200mm. If you are David Bergman then you probably shoot at 600mm. But what if that still isn't enough? Well you need to buy the Canon 1200mm lens duh! And if this lens does not get you close enough to the action then you probably need to read the full post to view your last option. <
Are AI Features Taking Over Photo Editing? Is It Time to Panic or Celebrate?

Serious and pro photographers can't help but notice that AI is creeping into our craft. Maybe "creeping in" is not the correct metaphor. It's actually rushing toward just about every software application we use. Luminar was an early adopter, and their upcoming Luminar AI, well, it has AI in its name.

Lexar's Fastest Cards Finally Bring SSD Speeds to the XQD and CFast 2.0 Format

I can't honestly say I know where the XQD format is going. So few cameras have adopted the new format, but as bit rates will need to continue to increase to match the continuing rise of megapixels and video resolution, perhaps the format will begin to take hold out of necessity. Either way, for those with cameras like the Nikon D4 or D4S, Lexar just released their fastest XQD cards yet, the XQD 2.0 cards, supporting up to 440 MB/s transfer rates (or in other, less useful, but impressive-sounding terms, speeds up to 2933x). Meanwhile, the CFast cards are even 20 percent faster.

Making the Most of the New Year: Five Insightful Tips for Photographers

I’m not much one for New Year's resolutions as I am for promoting constant growth and change. I've found these tips to be important. I'm sure a few resolutions have begun to fizzle out for us, but here is a means to ensure that those that matter most remain steadfast.

How I Have My Camera Set Up To Photograph Weddings

Cameras these days are so customizable that sometimes it's hard to even know where to start. So, after a lot of time and effort, here is how I have my camera set up to photograph weddings.

Will National Geographic's 'For Profit' Status Harm Its Reputation?

After 127 years as a purely for-information, not-for-profit publication, National Geographic has been pulled into Rupert Murdoch's media-industry fold. In a $723 million deal, 73 percent of shares in National Geographic were bought up by the media mogul who owns companies such as 21st Century Fox; only 23 percent of shares remain with the Geographic Society. Although announcements from Murdoch's son James have stated that the integrity of National Geographic will remain intact, skeptics are voicing their opinions.

Fstoppers Reviews the Elvid FieldVision 7" On-Camera Monitor V2

So you've got a DSLR that records video. You think, "Hey, I can shoot video and make buku bucks." Well guess what? There are fun video toys for you and your DSLR, and I am here to tell you about one of them today: the Elvid FieldVision 7-Inch On-Camera Monitor Version 2.

How To Get The Most Out Of Micro Stock Photography

Yuri Arcurs is perhaps the most well known photographer shooting microstock images in the world. His images are clean, inviting, crisp, and natural looking which are all important qualities needed to sell images in bulk. This video by Fototv might be the best video you watch all week because Yuri's tips are not only related to stock photographs but also hold true with almost any photograph requiring a model or human emotion. If you've never signed up to a stock website like Istockphoto, Fotolia, or Shutterstock, I'd recommend you at least try to get approved and test the waters for a few months. Nothing in my opinion strengthens your eye and photographic skills more than producing images that can sell in a highly competitive market like the stock agencies.
Where Art Meets Architecture 2 Behind The Scenes Episode 6

Our behind the scenes series during the filming of Where Art Meets Architecture II continues today with episode six. In this episode we fly to Hawaii, get ripped off by Delta, lose one of our bags and our drone, and film our first lesson at a house built in the middle of a lava field.

Canon Contemplates Entering the Retro Camera Market Amid Rising Popularity

With the photography industry witnessing a resurgence of interest in vintage aesthetics, major players like Nikon and Fujifilm have successfully tapped into the nostalgia, capturing both attention and sales with their retro-inspired models. Amid this trend, Canon has hinted at potentially joining the fray with a fixed lens camera that nods to the past while embodying the present.

Young Leibovitz Speaks About Her Work.

Annie Leibovitz is, in my opinion, one of the only photographers that has managed to become a household name. She is so iconic that even people that don't care about photography seem to know who she is. That's why this video is so cool. In it we get to hear a young version of the 63 year old icon talk about her hopes for the future.

Flickr Spotlight - a Look Into a Drop Of Water

This is not the usual water-drop photo series you're used to see on many blogs (including FS) of splashing water and bouncing droplets. This set is not focused on the droplets, but on what you see in them. Check out this set of great images found on Flickr and let us know which are your favorites!

Amazon Is Going for Google's YouTube Base

Bloomberg reports that Twitch is offering YouTube creators large sums of money to stream their videos on its platform instead. As a response, YouTube is offering to pay creators for not sharing their videos on other platforms.

Vimeo to Fully Fund Female Filmmakers With New 'Share the Screen' Initiative

We all know it's a little bit more competitive for females to "make it" in the photography and film industries. Yes, it is. The gender gap is real, and I'm not being a feminazi. There are studies about this — science. Even women who are the main characters in films don't get paid as much as their male counterparts (Jennifer Lawrence in the Hunger Games, anyone?). It's even worse for women who are behind the screen, the creators of these big projects. The team over at Vimeo isn't having it anymore, so they are doing something about it.

Nat Geo Live! - Lynsey Addario: Lens on the Front Line

Lynsey Addario is an amazing photographer and an inspiring human being; she's a photojournalist who is literally changing the world. Be warned, parts of this video are graphic. In this episode of National Geographic Live! Addario talks about some of her incredible stories - from being in Afghanistan under Taliban rule, to imbedding with the Marines, to being kidnapped in Libya, to maternal mortality in Sierra Leone (her images led directly to more doctors in the area) and covering the rebel uprising during the Arab Spring. Addario is a living example of the power of photography and its ability to make a genuine difference.

Canon EOS M with Viewfinder to Come in 2013?

Some rumors have surfaced regarding the possibility of an updated EOS M with a built-in EVF, but not until late 2013 sources say. That makes sense given the timeline release for the original M. The sources also are reporting that Canon's original reason for not including the viewfinder (stating it wasn't necessary for a mirrorless camera) was fluff, and that the real reason was that Canon lacked the tech this year.

New Site Art-list Offers Unlimited Music for All Your Video Projects

Who else is sick of hearing the same five Premium Beat songs in what seems like every advertisement on TV right now? Well, fear not, a new site is in town to help you with your short film or commercial projects, and there is plenty of variety. For $199 a year, Art-list gives you access to universal licenses and unlimited downloads for all of your music needs. Yes, you read that right, unlimited downloads.

Watch "Time Zero: The Last Year of Polaroid Film"

If you're looking for a great movie this weekend - and you don't want to fight the crowds to see Interstellar - check out Time Zero, a film about the last days of Polaroid, the people who loved it and the few who set out to save it. It's truly a beautiful documentary that will make you fall in love with instant film all over again.

Stand Out Photo Workshops 2016 - Learn From Industry Leaders

The Stand Out Photographic Forums are back! This is a massive photographic event with a ton of affordable classes taught by some of the industry's most recognizable photographers. You have the opportunity to learn everything from lighting to marketing, composites by Renee Robyn and even editing ala Pratik Naik. They'll even have a one of the top 20 most influential photographers of all time! Who? You'll need to read this article.