Critique the Community: Submit Your Best Concert Images Now

Music concerts are often a wide mix of sensory input, and a good concert photographer must figure out a way to capture the full scope of a concert experience in a single image. How well are your images accomplishing this difficult task? Submit your best concert photos to our next episode of Critique the Community! Please follow the guidelines for submissions below to ensure eligibility for your image to be chosen. We will be accepting submissions through Sunday night, February 28th, and will be offering feedback to a total of 20 pictures.

Deleting Photos: When Is It Too Much and Should You Stop?

Back in film days, you loaded up a 24 or 36 exposure film and shot away until it was used up. Frames were precious because when your film was gone, it was all over. Digital removed that barrier, which has just created different problems. So, should you delete photos and, if you do, when should you stop?

How to Make Better Photographs? Know Your Subject

I’ve written before about the elements of a good image for the sake of the image, and just recently about how pouring yourself into your own development will result in stronger photography. There’s one element that both of these fail to touch on. There is one element that strongly separates those who produce lasting images that their clients love and those who produce a one-off hit that gets forgotten days hence. That element is a deeper connection to the subject, a knowledge of it, an ability to express it that nobody else has. This is a connection between yourself and that subject, a mutual understanding that results in unique and beautiful images.

Don't Short Change Your Team: The Rules of Collaboration

Building a skilled team is a sure way to up the production value of your shoot and improve the quality of your work, but if you’re collaborating with other artists, you’d better give them what they need.

Fujifilm releases FUJIFILM X Webcam Version 2.0

FUJIFILM X Webcam is a free utility allowing Fujifilm users to use their cameras as a webcam and, now with version 2.0, it is much more useful than ever before!

Think It’s Time to Upgrade Your Gear? Here’s How to Choose the Right Stuff

There’s a constant stream of new technology on the horizon, new features and capabilities that are undoubtedly valuable to someone. But how do we know if that someone is us? How do we know what’s worth investing in and what’s worth passing up? Here are three questions to help us figure that out.

How to Shoot in Antarctica

Not many of us can say that we’ve shot on every single continent, but Kenneth Browne is here to tell us how he dealt with one of the toughest shooting locations on earth.

Review of Gura Gear's Chobe 19-24L Shoulder Bag

While looking for a new shoulder bag to use for family sessions and travel assignments, I came across Gura Gear's Chobe 19-24L expandable bag. It checked all the boxes I needed; airline carry-on-friendly, reasonably lightweight, laptop sleeve, configurable dividers, plenty of storage pockets, and room for things other than camera equipment. I have now taken it on several sessions here in Korea, and on my recent trips to Myanmar and Malaysia. For carrying a small kit, it has been a great bag. Here are my thoughts so far.

How To Be a Great Second Shooter

Second shooting is a great way to gain experience and fill out unbooked weekends, but there are a lot of things you can do to maximize your returns.

Fstoppers Is Hiring Staff Writers

Are you a photographer or videographer who loves to write? Fstoppers is looking to hire several creative professionals to write for us. If you enjoy reading Fstoppers and think you may have something to offer, we want to hear from you!

UK Government Passes "Instagram Act," Are Your Photographic Rights In Jeopardy?

If you have you ever uploaded a photo to Facebook, Instagram or Flickr (that means pretty much all of you) you might want to read this. In the UK, the rights around who can use your images has drastically changed. A new reform act shifts the power away from citizens. It's something none of us ever wanted to see happen, and it's being called the "Instagram Act," named after the widely publicized attempt by Instagram to do something similar thing last year.

Lighting Breakdown: Composites

This week's Lighting Breakdown will focus on composite images, breaking down this specific fantasy image as an example for what you need to do to create believable composite lighting.

Samsung Jumps Out into the SD / microSD Card Space with Color-Coded Line

For quite some time now Samsung has seemed content to sell their SD card tech unbranded and basically unknown to the public. You might be unaware you're using a Samsung SD or Micro SD right now, either locked away in your phone or branded under a different name. But starting today, Samsung has decided to change that, offering three new levels from consumer to pro, with the pro 64 GB card showing impressive specs for a first-time seller.

The Peter Hurley Headshot DVD Is On Sale, Save $100

Happy fourth of July Fstoppers. To celebrate we are currently discounting Peter Hurley's: The Art Behind The Headshot $100 (the most we have ever discounted it). If you purchase Peter's tutorial you will also receive a $50 discount for our wedding tutorial: How To Become A Professional Commercial Wedding Photographer.

To save $100 use code "save100"

Four Steps to Make a Film Reel That Isn't Boring

For filmmakers, our reels are often the first thing a prospective client sees from us, so why do we put so little of ourselves into the edit? Your reel should show the world who you are, just as much as it shows the world the kind of work you do.

Carl Zeiss Announced a New 50mm f/2.8 for E-Mount & X-Mount

Fan of the E-Mount or already an owner of the pretty sweet Fuji X-mount systems? Then you might like this: Zeiss just announced a 50mm f/2.8 macro lens for both mounts that sports the styling of the Zeiss lenses we've come to love over the years. It will be available at the end of March for $999.

How Has Your Photography Evolved Over The Years?

Some photographers seem to have careers that appear to have started at the very top of the industry's ladder. For others, the early days of their photography careers are something they try to hide from. How has your photography evolved over the years?

Amazon Wants To Deliver Your Next Package Using Drones

Tonight Amazon unveiled that they are working on a new system called Amazon Prime Air. The delivery system will use drones that will be guided by GPS. The goal is to have delivery to the customer in 30 minutes or less. I wonder if they can deliver a pizza as well?

My Experience Attending The Felix Kunze New York Lighting Workshop

Attending a portrait workshop with a photographer that you greatly admire can be an intimidating experience. Last month, I had the opportunity to spend a day at the New York Lighting Workshop with photographer extraordinaire, Felix Kunze, and it was not at all what I expected.

Fstoppers Interviews Shutterstock Creative Director Terrence Morash About Industry Trends

If you're a photographer or videographer, keeping abreast of creative trends is pivotal to best positioning yourself to continually evolve and turn profits. Fstoppers spoke with Shutterstock Creative Director Terrence Morash about how creative trends are analyzed and predicted and how photographers and videographers can use that information to their advantage.

Help! What Can You Do When Your Photo Mojo Abandons You

How many times have you been stuck in a photographic rut? If your photo mojo got up, walked out, and slammed the door in your face, then there are things you can do to get it to come back. It has happened to me.

Lee Filters Announces the Lee100 Tandem Adaptor

Lee filters announced a new addition to their Lee 100 filter holder system today. The new development is quite a unique idea that many landscape photographers may have wished possible for a long time. The Lee 100 tandem adaptor basically makes way for a second filter holder to be mounted on top of the first.

5 Crucial Details to Discuss With Clients Before a Shoot

Doing photography professionally does not only require you to be good at taking pictures. There are additional competencies that one must have to be able to provide what your clients need and one of the most important ones is communication.

Win a Year of Squarespace in This Month's Photo Contest

Our last contest had thousands of entries and the two winners have already been notified- Congrats to users macropixel and nathalie86! This time we're giving away two, one year subscriptions to one of the best photo website companies around: Squarespace. All you have to do is submit a photo that has some "pop." I hope you had your camera out this past Fourth of July!