Top 10 WeeklyFstop Photos: Old

Taking pictures of people or things that are old is a wonderful way to get your photos to tell more of a story. Check out the great finds our readers came up with this week and be sure grab the new theme to join in yourself.

Robert Simpson Has Now Submitted 5 Videos For Our BTSV Contest

To all of our readers who "don't have the time" or "don't know how" to create a video for our Behind The Scenes Contest, I just wanted to point out that FS reader Robert Simpson has now submitted his 5th video (and I don't think he's done yet). Keep in mind that you still have almost 3 months to submit your video and have a shot at over $20k in prizes. In the video below (which happens to be my favorite) Robert takes us through every step of creating an interesting concept and bringing it to life. He calls it "The Little People." To check out the other 4 videos that Robert has also submitted check out the full post.<
Finding Your Style in One Afternoon

We live in a world where most of our images are intended for an audience. In this article, I’ll share some ways to circumvent that way of thinking to create simply to create.

Nikon Fans Have All The Fun

This video has been sweeping across the blogs and I thought you guys might enjoy it if you haven't already seen it. It's a bit obnoxious but definitely should put a smile on your face. I think it also makes you appreciate all the gear you have when you see someone this excited about her first camera. There are a lot of great one liners in this video :)
The Problematic Concept of the 'Muse' in Portrait Photography

Have you ever described a portrait subject as your muse? Beneath the seemingly charming facade of the word lies a complex and often problematic history surrounding the photographic muse. As we examine this age-old concept through a modern lens, it becomes clear that the term "muse" is most often reductive, sexist, and objectifying. This article explores why the concept of a muse might be best left in the past.

Scout Your Next Faroe Islands Trip With a Virtual Visit

Have your travel plans to the Faroe Islands have been recently thwarted by the COVID-19 pandemic? Don't worry, because Visit Faroe Islands has made it possible for you to take a virtual trip around their pristine islands.

Winner Of Last Months Photoshop Contest And The Start Of The Next

A few days ago we finished up another Fstoppers Photoshop Contest and I am happy to announce that Billy Coker won with his hilarious, and extremely well executed, edit of Patrick's basketball image. We were by no means expecting to pick a "funny" edit but we honestly felt that this edit had the most creativity and raw Photoshop skill. It's time to start the next contest but I couldn't figure out what image to Photoshop so I am reaching out to all of you. If you have an image that you think has great Photoshop potential post it here on our forum. In 3 days I will pick my favorite image to begin the next contest.
Nikon Closes China Camera Factory, Cites Smartphones as Cause

In news that's mostly unsurprising, Nikon has announced that they will discontinue operations of Nikon Imaging (China), a manufacturing subsidiary of their imaging business, citing the rise of smartphones and the consequential fall of compact cameras as the main reason.

The Wednesday Rundown 2.15.12

Howdy and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. This week I had the chance to "hangout" with Andy of unknown photographer. He has some great photoshop tutorials on his new site and one in this weeks rundown. He frequently posts links on twitter @unknown_photog to his google hangouts and passes some knowledge around with other photographers. Also this week we have an Izod shoot in the middle of Death Valley. If you have a video that you think we might like to post, please click on "submit content" above.
Unify Composites With Color in Photoshop

When creating composites using various images from multiple photos, each part has its unique color balance. This is where most beginners tend to fail when creating a composite.

Photographers, Leave a Wall Empty Wherever You Live

I’ve lived in many places and every time, as much as I’ve wanted to set up a small studio, most apartments were not conducive to doing so, or I’ve had partners with so much junk that even a free wall was a luxury I couldn’t afford. I’ve finally had the occasion to leave one wall free for that mini portrait setup and I’m glad I did. It’s something every photographer should plan their furniture arrangements around.

Adobe Fixes Bugs in Premiere Pro With Their Latest Update

Just over a week ago, Matthew Allard from News Shooter reported that several Premiere Pro 2017.1 users were having media files suddenly disappear, with some having their footage deleted completely. Adobe scrambled, and it looks like they have resolved the problem.

Feel Your Photography

Sure, I dig gear reviews, image processing tutorials, and seeing what others are doing with photography just as much as the next person, but today I want to talk about something a little less tangible yet possibly the most important thing when it comes to landscape photography: how does the location feel?

Subject Separation: Fast-Track Your Photo Composition Skills With One Technique

Photographers spend their entire careers mastering the art of composition, gradually honing their skills over many years. For new photographers, learning compositional theory from scratch is a huge task, but you can fast-track your progress by focusing on one technique first: subject separation.

'Specialicious' Behind The Scenes Shoot With Jonathan Thorpe

Northern Virginia Magazine wanted a fun and different approach to an ad for their bargain locator website, Jonathan Thorpe, an amazing commercial photographer and a regular on our Fstoppers Facebook group, was assigned the task of shooting the project. The concept, a beauty queen who shopped on the website and is trying a paintball experience for the first time.

The Top Sportswear Commercials of All Time

Today I take a trip down memory lane to identify a few of the television commercials that, for me, have exceeded the level of infomercial pitch to touch the mantle of enveloping art. As with any "tops of all time list," these are thoughts are completely subjective, but I'll do my best to explain my thinking behind each choice and hopefully, my list will inspire you to start thinking of your own.

Sony RX1 Rumor: Full Frame Sensor in Pocket-Sized Package

Now this is an unusual bit of rumor news: Sony is apparently on the verge of unveiling a new pocked-sized digital camera, except that unlike the others out there this one has a full frame sensor. If this is true (which it probably is), though it may not have immediate acceptance due to price inhibition, it shows that we are quickly on our way to full frame sensors becoming more common.

Taking Care of Your Crew

Some photographers are lucky enough to work large shoots that have directors or production managers who manage the logistics of the shoot, leaving the photographer free to focus on creating images but, often, photographers are running large scale shoots without the benefit of a production manager. Instead of just shooting and directing models and grips, the photographer becomes responsible for the whole team, which can include models, grips, assistants, stylists, makeup artists, hair stylists, set dressers, etc. Under these circumstances, with everyone’s safety riding on your shoulders, there are dangers you need to be prepared for.

[Video] Benga's Timelapse Waveform Music Video

My buddy Paul Mckelvie in the UK just showed me this music video for Benga that he worked on a while back as a runner for the video's directors, Us. The concept is fantastic and the execution turned out great. Once Us had the idea for the video, the next problem was trying to figure out how to actually do it. There was a lot of math homework, calculating the number of records per second against the frame rate. It worked out to be that 960 records would be the equivalent of 1 minute and 20 seconds worth of wave form.

Art Wolfe Discusses Inspiration And "Finding The Photo"

American Photographer Art Wolfe has been making photographs for over 30 years, including work for National Geographic and authoring many books. In this video, Art talks about his beginnings as an amateur, but then explains his approach for finding emotive and meaningful photography.

Top 10 WeeklyFstops: Light

The WeeklyFstop depends not only on its loyal readers and participants, it relies on light. Light determines what we see and how we see it. Our photos depend on us controlling the camera so the light coming through the lens exposes correctly. This week's list of photographers submitted some superb examples of photos featuring light.

[Review] Lightroom 4 Tutorials DVD Guide by SLR Lounge

It’s rare these days to find a product that is so well rounded that it can appeal to an entire market of users. Especially in photography, it is not uncommon to find products that claim to be designed “for beginning to advanced users” but suffer greatly from the attempt to spread out over such a vast range. SLR Lounge's Lightroom DVD is advertised to be an A-Z Lightroom mastery experience, so does it live up to it's claim?

The Wednesday Rundown 12.12.12

Howdy everyone and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. This week we have two fashion shoots, one uses all Alien Bees and has a simple background, the other mixes it up with some wet plexiglass. If you have a great and informative video you want to see in the Wednesday Rundown please shoot me an email .

Nikon Announces the Brand New 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6G, The Coolpix A and More!

Nikon USA has just announced the a brand new super-tele zoom, as well as a slew of new compact cameras. These include the Nikon Coolpix A a DX format compact, the P330, S3500 and L320. This is really good news because with the advent of a relatively large format sensor, compact camera, does this mean that smaller and super light full frame bodies are on the way?

Musicbed’s Newly Launched Site Filmsupply Aims to Revolutionize the Stock Footage Industry

Musicbed, the music licensing website in which many filmmakers rely on for quality pieces to accompany their videos, has launched a new site with big goals in the film licensing sector. Filmsupply is not content with the way stock footage tends to always stick out, and wants to change that with a highly curated library from hand-picked contributors.