Photography News

Stay up-to-date with the latest news within the photography industry. Here we feature new photography gear announcements, creative conferences, and other interesting headlines related to the world of photography and filmmaking.

Buy The Canon $400 Pro-100 Printer For $50 Right Now

The incredible deal that we discovered a few months ago is back for a very limited time. Right now you can get the Canon Pro-100 printer and 50 sheets of 13x19 photo paper for just $50 after rebate.

Canon Announces Three New Compact Cameras: The G5 X, G9 X, and EOS M10

Canon's latest cameras are compact, but pack a punch (maybe). While some might be compelled to ask themselves about the reasons behind releasing the lackluster EOS M10 at all, the G5 X and G9 X both fit well into Canon's high-end compact lineup with interesting features that might draw the casual shooter looking for something a bit more spectacular than le quotidien.

Apple Announces New 4K 21.5-Inch iMac, Updated 5K 27-Inch iMac, and Magic Mouse, Keyboard, and Trackpad

Without a huge media hoopla, today Apple announced updates to some of its entire all-in-one desktop lineup. The 21.5-inch iMac now offers a 4K retina display, the 27-inch iMac now comes standard with the 5K retina display, the Mac sees its first Skylake debut, and Apple's Magic keyboard and mouse accessories see great updates (at a price). With even more under-the-hood changes, these are the iMac's you wanted all year, but may not have known about. (UPDATED)

Zeiss Expands the Loxia Line with a New 21mm f/2.8 Distagon Lens

The E-mount lens family for Sony mirrorless cameras seems to be growing larger every day. Today, Zeiss announced a new addition to their manual-focus E-mount Loxia line: the Loxia 21mm f/2.8. Joining the 35mm f/2 and 50mm f/2 Loxia lenses already available, this trio aims to provide the high level of image quality that Zeiss glass is known for, and look good while doing it too.

Adobe Issues Lightroom Update and Apology to Address Crash Issues

After Monday's release of Lightroom, many users were upset to find the release had seen changes that removed features and worse, had a tendency to crash, rendering it essentially unusable. Today, Adobe has released an update that corrects the crash issue, as well as an apology.

Charge Your GoPro Underwater with This Waterproof Selfie Stick

While it seems like there is a new selfie stick on the market every other day, PolarPro, an action camera accessories manufacturer, is set to begin production on a pretty cool extension pole. The PowerGrip H2O is a fully waterproof, battery-integrated extension pole that can not only mount your GoPro but charge it as well.

Woman Arrested for Taking Instagram Photo on Metro Tracks

Enough already. I feel like the past year has been a repeating loop of the song "Nookie," where "nookie" is replaced with "Instagram" and Fred Durst is replaced with people who are somehow more stupid than Fred Durst. Internet points are not worth breaking the law or risking your life for; they just aren't. But try telling that to the woman who decided to do a handstand on the DC Metro tracks.

DJI Announces the First Fully Integrated and Stabilized 4K Camera System

Lately it seems that DJI has been releasing innovative video tools every single month. Known primarily for their ultra popular Phantom and Inspire 1 drone systems, DJI just announced today that they are releasing their own handheld 4K camera and gimbal called the Osmo. Together with the Ronin DSLR stabilizing system and the Micro Four Thirds Inspire 1 Pro, the Osmo is yet another product that will change the way photographers and videographers can capture stabilized footage on a budget.

New Compact Body With 16 Individual Cameras Proves Computational Photography Is the Future

So outrageous are the looks of the L16 camera, you might find yourself checking today's date to make sure we haven't entered into April. But no, this is completely real. Light, the company behind the L16 camera, took a compact body and crammed 16 cameras, each with its own plastic-covered lens, into it. The idea is to create an all-in-one camera with multiple focal lengths, allowing the L16 to use computational photography to combine resulting images for higher quality photos from an aggregation of photos taken with small sensors.

Governor Jerry Brown Signs Bill Putting New Restrictions on Drone Flights Over Private Property

Designed to combat flights over private property by paparazzi photographers looking to get glimpses of celebrities in their "natural elements," a new bill, AB 856, signed by California Governor Jerry Brown Tuesday, broadens the definition of a "physical invasion of privacy" to include flying a drone to record images or video over private property. While countless issues surrounding invasion of privacy and drone usage have appeared on the Internet over the years (including one instance of a father shooting down a drone recording his daughter sunbathing in their backyard), this expansion could pose more danger to well-intentioned videographers.

Will Microsoft's New Surface Book be the Macbook Pro Killer?

Today I attended Microsoft's press event in NYC. I assume that they wanted me there because I am one of the few photographers who doesn't currently use Apple computers. I was excited to see the new Surface Pro 4, but I wasn't prepared to see a Macbook Pro and iPad Pro killer.

Sony Spins Sensor Business Off Into Its Own Entity, Sony Semiconductor Solutions

Sony Corporation announced today that it will spin off its semiconductor business into its own company in April 2016. Other parts of the corporation will see a restructuring of operations while all of the research and development, business, sales, and other operations related to the semiconductor and image sensor business will benefit from more autonomy under one separate roof. It has long been known that while Sony's other ventures have struggled recently, their semiconductor business does extremely well, as it is positioned as a market leader, whereas many manufacturers (including Nikon and Apple) use their sensors almost exclusively.

Adobe Announces a Slew of Updates to Its CC Desktop and Mobile Products at Adobe MAX 2015

Every year's Adobe MAX conference marks the an obvious time to expect updates throughout Adobe's product lineup. So what's different this time? Mobile. Adobe has the monopoly in the area of creative applications for media editing, but for the first time in a while, it feels like they're competing with some unknown entity. This year's updates bring so many new features across the widest range of Adobe products ever that there's no doubt they're serious about their making customers happy with a huge concentration on mobile.

Teenager Dies From Fall After Posing for Selfie on Top of Building for His Instagram Account

A 17 year-old Russian teenager died recently after attempting to capture a photo of himself that would make it look as though he was falling from the top of a building. After Andrey Retrovesky secured himself with a rope that was used to help with the special effect, in a grim turn of events, the rope snapped, leaving Retrovesky in a free fall. Although some brush reportedly helped to break his fall, sadly, it wasn't enough to keep him from succumbing to his injuries just a couple hours after the incident.

Fujifilm Announces New Instax Mini 70 Instant Camera

Fuji has just announced a new addition to their popular Instax camera line with the release of the new Instax Mini 70, promising an increase in image quality and a brand new "Selfie" mode.

Amazing Deal: The Canon 5D Mark III For $1899

Over the past few months Nikon shooters have been getting an unfair amount of amazing eBay deals. Canon users can finally rejoice because they are getting their own killer deal. The 5D3 is only $1899.

RED's New Raven 4K Camera Is Right Under $6,000

RED Digital Cinema has announced the latest addition to its line of professional cameras, the RED RAVEN priced at $5,590. RED RAVEN is the lightest and cheapest camera among the RED Cinema lineup. This camera is capable of capturing 4K resolution footage at up to 120fps or 2K resolution at 240fps.

Rapper T.I. Complains About Music Piracy and Then Proceeds to Blatantly Steal Photographer's Work

In the continuing saga of musicians complaining about others stealing their work or not getting paid enough for their work and then ripping off hard-working photographers, the rapper T.I. has joined the pack. T.I., most famous for hits "Rubberband Man" and "Whatever You Like" has stolen a Trinidadian photographer's work for use in an invitation to a party he's hosting. The photographer has called him out!

On Sale Today Only: Get Unlimited Cloud Drive Storage for Your Raw Files

Image backup is one of the things that all photographers have to worry about. In the past, we mostly had to deal with stacks of hard drives and needing to move those hard drives off-site. Cloud storage is a newer option that has great potential, but the cost to store massive amount of images just wasn't feasible. Now you can get unlimited cloud storage for your raw files, and lucky for you, it's on sale today only.

iPhone 6S Vs. 6S Plus 4K Video Comparison Proves There Is No Substitute for Optical Stabilization

Aside from some people getting theirs early and others being in time zones where "today" was "yesterday," the iPhone comes out today in the U.S. And of course, those who have theirs have already spent plenty of time comparing various features. This new video by Giga Tech highlights the differences between the iPhone 6S' and 6S Plus' respective video qualities when it comes to video stabilization. The larger Plus model features optical stabilization as its predecessor did while the smaller size of the smaller 6S only leaves room for digital stabilization — and the difference is quite dramatic.

Photography Company Tricks Customers into Paying $10,000 for Family Photos

Lifestyle Photographers Pty. Ltd. have found themselves in hot water with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC.) Lifestyle Photographers Pty. Ltd. could face up to $1.1 million in fines if the allegations of targeting and tricking Aboriginal consumers into paying up to $10,000 for family photos hold up.

Dirt Cheap Nikon D810s and D750s Are Back on eBay

I love great camera deals. Lee loves great camera deals. Casey is a big 'ol Debbie Downer about camera deals, but he lives in Seattle so he's required to be a contrarian. For those of you who also love camera deals, today is a great day because those killer prices on new Nikon D810s and D750s are back!

Lowepro Expands Applauded ProTactic Line with Four New Photography Bags

It was some time ago now that I reviewed one of Lowepro's first ProTactic AW bags when it first came out, and it was quite well received on this end. Today, Lowepro announced the addition of four new bags to the ProTactic line which are easily recognizable and known for their external SlipLock-compatible accessory and webbing system and semi-rigid, premium build. Today's newest bags come in smaller sizes and, for the first time, in shoulder-bag variants — all maintaining the all-weather (AW) design with smaller mirrorless or single-body kits in mind. For the commuters or über-mobile that don't need room for multiple bodies and half a dozen lenses in addition to a 15-inch laptop, these smaller options may be the best choice now that they're on the market.

Rokinon Announces Two New Mirrorless Lenses for Portrait and Landscape Photographers

If you're a mirrorless camera user in search of a third party lens, you could be in luck. Today, Rokinon announced the release of their new high speed 21mm f/1.4 ED AS UMC Compact and the 50mm f/1.2 AS UMC Compact “made for mirrorless” lenses. The lenses are designed specifically for mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras and compact system cameras and will be available in mounts for Sony E, Micro 4/3, Fuji X, and Canon M. The lens will also be available in black or silver.

Will National Geographic's 'For Profit' Status Harm Its Reputation?

After 127 years as a purely for-information, not-for-profit publication, National Geographic has been pulled into Rupert Murdoch's media-industry fold. In a $723 million deal, 73 percent of shares in National Geographic were bought up by the media mogul who owns companies such as 21st Century Fox; only 23 percent of shares remain with the Geographic Society. Although announcements from Murdoch's son James have stated that the integrity of National Geographic will remain intact, skeptics are voicing their opinions.

The Pentax Full Frame Camera Is Finally on Its Way

Today, Pentax posted a teaser page on its website, announcing the debut of a full frame camera, finally bringing to fruition a camera system many have long thought was in the making.

Check Out This New Camera Stabilizer That Costs $45,000

The Steadicam was invented in 1975 as a mechanical way of stabilizing video cameras. In 2013 Freefly introduced the Movi, an electronic gimbal that basically made your average Steadicam obsolete. Since then the price of electronic gimbals has plummeted to a level that the average consumer can actually afford. That hasn't stopped Sachtler from creating a hybrid stabilizer that costs $45,000.

The Sony Alpha a7S II Mirrorless Digital Camera Now Available for Pre-Order

With all the hype surrounding the release of the Sony a7SII, the wait to order it is finally over. Sony has created this camera body to revolutionize the way cinematographers shoot with DSLRs. Although the cameras probably won't ship for another month or so, this camera is worth being first in line for.

Today The iPad Takes a Professional Step Forward and Adds Multitasking

The iPad may work as a laptop replacement for casual web and email surfers, but for us photographers, it's not really a professional tool. Many photographers still own an iPad as a digital portfolio or for casual use, but its simplified operating system makes using it professionally very difficult. Apple is taking a big step forward with the iOS 9 update which finally allows multitasking and it's available right now.

First Close-Up Images of Pluto Downloaded from New Horizons and Released

New Horizons left Florida's Cape Canaveral launch pad on January 19, 2006, arrived over Pluto more than nine years later on July 14, 2015, and finally gave scientists its first images over Labor Day weekend, when its year-long, tediously slow data dump first began. Coming in at 2,000 bits per second (1/28th the speed of dial-up), these images - many of which are composited in various ways to form a final image - finally shed some light on what secrets Pluto's surface, atmosphere, and core might hold. All told, the results give sci-fi fanatics a run for their money.

Sony Announces a7S II with Internal 4K Video and ISO 409,600 Shooting

Ever since the release of the original a7, Sony hasn't been shy about quickly updating their now-popular line of full-frame mirrorless cameras. Geared towards cinematographers, low-light shooters, and anyone who likes a lot of tech, the Sony a7S II is now the sixth camera in the series since 2013. Boasting in-body 5-axis stabilization and a promise of clean images throughout its impressive ISO range, the a7S II is likely to continue growing the brand's reputation for making quality compact full-frame cameras.

DJI Announces X5 and X5R Micro-Four-Thirds 4K Cameras for Inspire 1 Drone

Traditionally offering drone technology to the creative imaging market, DJI ditched its common GoPro-oriented drones in favor of a device with its own included camera. Now, DJI offers professionals a way to capture higher-quality video in a package that is specifically suited for drone photography and that capitalizes on a larger, micro-four-thirds sensor size.
Zeiss Launches Entirely New 'Milvus' Line of High-Performance Lenses for Nikon and Canon DSLRs

Zeiss was long expected to announce at least one new Otus lens today (and I suppose they still might, although I wouldn't hold your breath). Instead, at least for now, Zeiss announced a new line of lenses for Nikon and Canon DSLRs under the moniker, "Milvus." Oddly enough, however, there are some interesting, stand-out differences between the Nikon and Canon versions.

ReelSteady Software Can Make Your Shaky Videos Look Amazing

Normally I don't promote software based on their promo video alone but this video was so compelling I had to share it. The ReelSteady plugin for After Effects appears to be made of pure magic, taking cheap looking footage and making it look like Hollywood CGI.

Apple Introduces 12-Megapixel iPhone 6s Camera and New "Live Photos"

Happy New iPhone Day! Today, that small startup in Cupertino known as "Apple" released their latest and greatest iPhones, the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus. But with all the hype and cool new features, we were mostly concerned with the camera and boy, did they deliver.

Canon Officially Developing 8K Recording Equipment and a 120-Megapixel DSLR

Camera manufacturers have been in a megapixel race for some time. Canon has its new 5DS and 5DS R bodies, Nikon has its D810 and even the D810A for astrophotography, and PhaseOne, Hasselblad, Pentax, and even Leica are competing for medium format, high-megapixel territory. While Canon's 120-megapixel APS-H sensor is actually not entirely new (it was announced some time ago), the announcement that Canon is actually working to get it into a DSLR body and not just using it for bragging rights (their 250 MP sensor now lifts that crown) is a huge development. Meanwhile, Canon is among the first to announce some serious commitment to 8K video.

GoPro Announces Details On Their New Professional Virtual Reality Camera

At this point, you've probably heard that the Virtual Reality revolution is coming. Seemingly every week, big companies are making announcements about dipping their toes into the 360 video technology game. For example: Facebook purchased the class-leading virtual reality headset company Oculus, Samsung released their GearVR headsets that work with their smart phones, and Nokia announced their stereoscopic professional VR OZO camera.

G-Technology's New Enclosures and Adapters Offer Increased Flexibility and Support for All Creative Workflows

Professional hard drive and storage solutions company G-Technology unveiled a series of new hard drives that expand compatibility and flexibility with their growing Evolution Series solutions. Denoted with an "ev" in their product names, the Evolution Series products enable professionals to take portable project drives on the go, dock them to professional and extremely fast workstations in the office, and then go mobile again -- all with the same drive(s). Among the new devices is a creation from a G-Technology and RED Digital Cinema partnership: the ev Series Reader RED MINI-MAG Edition.

The World's Smallest 1-Inch Sensor Camera by DxO Is Now Available, and It's Pretty Incredible

DxO (yes, the company best known for creating a rating system for cameras) has just released what seems to be the world's most powerful compact camera. Available today you can now pick up this incredible device that includes a 20.2-megapixel 1-inch CMOS sensor, 32mm fixed lens, and an outstanding f/1.8 aperture for perfect low light conditions. I have to admit, in my first week testing out the camera this might be one of the best compact cameras I have ever used and here are my first impressions.

Tamron Announces Lenses That Break Them into the Prime Game

Tamron has announced two new lenses that break new ground for the well-known lens company. This morning, as part of their rebrand and push towards better optics, Tamron announced a new 35mm f/1.8 Di VC USD and 45mm f/1.8 Di VC USD for their lens lineup. Tamron invited me to test these lenses out.
Agree: A New Way to Track Contracts and Payments for Your Photography Business

Keeping track of contracts and payments can be somewhat cumbersome. If you're like me, sometimes you want to write everything down and have an excel spreadsheet just to double check everything. Along with that there is a neatly organized folder on your hard drive, external, and hard copied in a cabinet somewhere. Agree wants to eliminate a majority of the hassle we experience in our day to day when talking to clients.

Funding of Record-Breaking 3.2 Gigapixel Camera for Telescope Approved by DOE

The Department of Energy (DOE) recently gave final approval of $168 million in funding for what would be the most powerful (and likely most expensive) camera to date, created for the new, primarily National Science Foundation-funded Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) that will live on the peak of Chile's Cerro Pachòn.

Musicbed’s Newly Launched Site Filmsupply Aims to Revolutionize the Stock Footage Industry

Musicbed, the music licensing website in which many filmmakers rely on for quality pieces to accompany their videos, has launched a new site with big goals in the film licensing sector. Filmsupply is not content with the way stock footage tends to always stick out, and wants to change that with a highly curated library from hand-picked contributors.