A Quick Landscape Photography Tutorial From Alaska

We are currently locked down in Puerto Rico, and it's literally illegal for us to go outside to take photos, but we found an old lesson we filmed in Alaska that was never released.

The Love-Hate Relationship With Lightroom

There is no doubt that a lot of photographers have strong opinions about Lightroom, but it remains the standard application for cataloging photos and performing basic global edits for a lot of creatives. This great video discusses three things one photographer loves about the program and three things he hates.

Two Years With Micro Four Thirds: Can It Hold up to Professional Demands?

Most professional photographers use full frame, medium format, or APS-C cameras, though micro four thirds has been chugging along for a little over a decade now and maintains a loyal contingent of users who value its especially compact size. Are the tradeoffs in sensor size worth the portability and other features? This great video discusses one photographer's experience with the system after two years.

A Look at a Photography Legend: The Nikon F

Few cameras are more legendary than the Nikon F, having been in the hands of countless professionals over many decades, while still remaining a popular collector's item and film camera today. This awesome video takes a look at just what made the camera so popular and what it is like to shoot with.

12 Fantastic Tips for Foggy Forest Photography

Foggy forest photos are a beautiful and ethereal interplay between the sharp, defined, and intricate lines and geometry of trees and the nebulous fog. With the challenging conditions, they can be a bit tricky to shoot, however, but this great video will give you a wide range of helpful tips to get fantastic shots.

A Review of the Nikon NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/4 S Lens

Whereas Canon began their mirrorless lineup with a bunch of extreme lenses, Nikon mostly went for more practical designs for their Z mount. This excellent video review takes a look at one such lens, the Nikon NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/4 S lens.

A Review of the Sony FE 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS Lens

Almost every manufacturer has a 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 lens or something similar, as it represents a useful and versatile telephoto focal length range for many photographers without the stratospheric price of supertelephoto primes. This great video review takes a look at Sony's version, the FE 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS lens.

How to Pose Normal People for Great Portraits

Justin and Kirby share some great tips on how to pose normal people. What do you do when your subject isn't an experienced model? Give them lots of encouragement, and show them the poses you have in mind.

What is the Right Gear for Landscape Photography?

Landscape photography can become an addiction — including your photography gear. When is the right time to give in to the urge of trying something new — and what's important in the beginning?

Maternity Photography: Ditching the Flowy Gowns for Stilettos

When most think about maternity photography, the visual is light airy looks with flowers wrapping the soon to be mother. However there have been many changes in the way photographers are shooting this genre and many photographers want to break the stereotype.

During COVID-19, Cleaning My Camera Has Taken on a New Meaning

I used to clean my cameras and lenses before every shoot. Now that washing my groceries has become common place, cleaning my camera gear has taken on new meaning. This isn’t likely to change any time soon – even if the world opens back up. How are you dealing with this?

A Quick Review of the Lensbaby OMNI Filters

As the lockdown continues here in the UK, Anete and I are finally getting the time to finish some of the videos we filmed a little while ago. We are currently missing the ability to go out and shoot portraits again, and very much looking forward to end of this lockdown.

Why 2003 Was the Tipping Point: Nikon Relinquished Its Advantage and Canon Cemented Its Digital Future

It was the year of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, iTunes, the final Concorde flight, and the invasion of Iraq. George W. Bush was President, and Tony Blair Prime Minister, whilst Serena beat Venus at Wimbledon and the Devils won the Stanley Cup. In cinemas "Matrix Reloaded," "Pirates of the Caribbean," "Finding Nemo," and "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King" first aired. But what happened during 2003 in the photographic world?

Hands on With the Phase One XT: A Digital Medium Format Field Camera

Phase One’s new XT is the modern-day version of the large format field camera, complete with field camera movements and spectacular large format style lenses. Its distinctive design combined with an IQ4 brain and its innovative tools make for a head-turning technical camera solution.

Five Tips on Working With Nude Models

If you are thinking about shooting nude models, there are a few extra things you want to consider beyond other photoshoots. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Can You Photograph the Milky Way With Just a Phone?

Astrophotography is a genre that requires some of the most extreme and specialized gear. At the same time, though, photographic technology has made some remarkable leaps in the last few years, with some of that technology making its way into smartphones. Can you photograph the night sky with just a phone? This great video shows what you can accomplish.

How to Get Lots of Looks Out of Just One Lighting Setup

Artificial lighting can open up a wide world of creative possibilities and looks not possible with just natural light, but it can also be a bit tedious to work with when you have to set up more complex designs. So, why not maximize the number of looks you can get out of one lighting setup? This excellent video will show you how to get lots of different shots without changing the setup.

The Wealth of Beautiful Subjects in the Forest

Landscape photography is a vast genre with a wide range of different subjects and creative avenues you can pursue. This fantastic video shows the often overlooked and beautiful subjects you can find in the forest during the springtime.

More Canon Mirrorless Cameras Are Coming in 2021

After getting off to a somewhat middle-of-the-road start with the EOS R and EOS RP, Canon blew the doors off the photography industry with the upcoming R5, which has jaw-dropping specs across the board. Not content to stop there, the company will likely be releasing two more mirrorless bodies in 2021.

A Beginner's Guide to Freezing Motion in Flash Photography

If you have been putting off learning how to work with artificial light and are currently stuck at home, now is an excellent time to break out your speedlight and start working on the basics. This excellent video will explain how flash helps to freeze motion and get you up and running in no time.

Nikon's Professional Mirrorless Camera Is Coming in the Next Year

The Nikon Z 6 and Nikon Z 7 have been generally well received, with the Z 50 filling out the current lineup at the lower end. There is still room to grow in both directions, however, and it seems that will soon be the case, with at least two new cameras expected from the company in the next year or so.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (April 2020): Hugo Valle

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2020, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

Why You Should Try Copying Master Photos

One of the best exercises you can do as a photographer is to try to copy the work of masters. Even though you obviously will not use a copied photograph in your portfolio, the techniques you learn will be invaluable to your own work.

The DJI Mavic Mini Versus the Mavic Air 2: Which Drone Is Right for You?

The DJI Mavic Air 2 is here, and it brings with it a bevy of improvements and new features all within an impressively compact package. If you are trying to decide between the Mavic Air 2 and the Mavic Mini, this great comparison video will help you pick the right drone for you.

How to Take Stunning Indoor Portraits With Just Household Items

If you are currently stuck at home and looking for something to shoot, natural light portraits are a fantastic option, especially if you do not have any strobes or monolights in your house with you. This excellent video will show you how you can use items around your house and natural lighting techniques to take stunning portraits.

Can AI Beat a Photographer in an Editing Challenge?

AI editing tools are one of the newest and most exciting features in post-processing. This fun video features a photographer challenging himself to a post-processing contest versus AI editing tools and retouchers from Fiverr.

How to Make Your Astrophotography Pop

Astrophotography takes a lot of technical savvy, patience, and careful post-processing, but the results can be absolutely stunning and well worth the time and effort. This excellent video tutorial will show you how to improve the colors in your deep sky images in Photoshop to make them really pop off the screen.

Comparison: Is the iPhone SE Camera More iPhone 8 or iPhone 11 Pro?

The new iPhone SE looks mighty tempting to photographers hanging on for dear life to their older generation iPhones. It brings the promise of combining the smarts of the A13 Bionic chip with a single camera unit in a body similar to the iPhone 8, but does that help it’s photography any? Not much, it seems.

Drone Disguised as Hummingbird Captures Incredible Footage of Monarch Butterfly Swarm

It's not very often that I watch a video online and react by literally gasping and audibly saying "wow." Watching Captain America stare down Thanos and his whole army, in an IMAX cinema, on a huge screen, was the last time I reacted in such a way. This time, even without the huge screen, resolution, and quality, this video is simply incredible.

Inspiration for Shooting Intimate Portraits at Home

Hopefully, you’re enjoying confinement with people that are close to you and if that’s the case, you might want to try a project that takes advantage of what’s immediately to hand: natural light and the human body. Check out this short video for some tips on how to get started.

How to Photograph Flying Food

In general, the images that I find the most engaging are ones that have motion in them. In some images, the motion can just be implied and that still adds a whole new dimension. Motion can also add an element of storytelling to the image which how engaging it can be. This is why I believe, food images with motion get so much attention.