Why Less Gear Is Sometimes Better

There is no doubt that most photographers love gear; after all, modern cameras and lenses are pretty nifty gadgets. And while it can be fun to have a pile of gear on your shelf, sometimes, having less equipment is actually better for your abilities and your creativity.

All 50-Plus Adobe Applications Explained

You are probably aware of what apps like Lightroom, Photoshop, and Premiere Pro do, but Adobe makes a veritable plethora of applications, and you might not be aware of what they all do and how the more specialized and lesser-known apps can help your work. This helpful video will introduce you to over 50 Adobe applications and explain what they each of them does in just 10 minutes.

Landscape Photography Is so Much More Than the Wide Angle View

Are you guilty of only using a wide angle lens for landscape photography? If that is the case or you just want some confirmation that both a standard zoom and a telephoto lens also work, you might want to check out this video.

Do You Think the New Trend of Shooting 'Porch Sessions' Is Dangerous?

Every year, we see different photography trends arise. This year, we're seeing something new: portrait sessions of families posing in front of their homes, smiling at the safely distanced photographer. But, is this a wise move of documenting social history or a risk that is not worth taking?

Are Photos Living Entities?

A photo is taken in an instant, snapped as you perceive the moment, recording indefinitely the raw values encoded from the sensor to the memory card. How then can a photo be a living entity?

How to Make Your Own 'Flare Ring' Lens Hack

It's important in photography to stay creative, and this simple DIY lens hack from Pye Jirsa does just that. Learn how to create a "flare ring" of your own in just a few minutes.

Sony Spreads Hope Along With $100 Million Global Relief Fund

In an effort to combat the trying times that most of us are feeling in the current state of the world, Sony, along with an amazing list of Artisans and Collective members, aim to inspire, spread hope, as well as financially back those in need.

Food Photography With Cheap Equipment

It can be very easy to get sucked into thinking that you always need the latest and best gear out there to produce professional shots, but you might be surprised by just how much you can accomplish with entry-level gear. This excellent video will show you the sort of food photography you can do even with basic equipment.

The Power of Selective Color Adjustments in Photoshop

When you hear about selective color, you probably think of aesthetically questionable decisions involving a partially black and white image, but that is not what we are talking about in this case. The selective color adjustment layer is one of the most powerful to ways to make highly precise adjustments to color in Photoshop, and this excellent video tutorial will show you what you can accomplish with it.

What's in a White House Photographer's Camera Bag?

For eight years, photographer Pete Souza had my dream job, photographing the president of the United States and being on the front line of the biggest news stories of our time. In his latest IGTV post, Souza talks about some of the gear he used to capture his iconic images.

Professional Photographers Shouldn't Always Use Manual Mode

There tends to be a belief that professional photographers should only ever shoot in manual mode, as if surrendering any exposure decisions to the camera indicates a weakness in abilities. However, that simply is not the case. This great video discusses the myth of professionals always using manual mode.

A Wide Variety of Simple and Helpful Photography Tips

Creating a successful image takes the confluence of good technique, creativity, and a wide range of other factors, all of which one needs to achieve the best possible result. This fantastic video shares a ton of great advice on topics ranging from composition all the way through to post-processing.

How to Get Skylum Luminar 3 for Free

If you're looking to try out Skylum Luminar, or just want to own your editing software outright, check out this promotion! By signing up for Skylum's mailing list, you can get a full copy of their editing software, Skylum Luminar, for free.

What Can You Do When You Encounter a Creative Block?

One particularly difficult aspect of being a professional photographer that does not get discussed enough is what one does when they encounter the inevitable creative block. This excellent video discusses what you can do to overcome a creative block.

Images Taken During Quarantine
Critique the Community

Images Taken During Quarantine

Submit Your Best Image Taken During Quarantine

Today we are going to try something different. Instead of critiquing some of your best images, we are asking photographers to submit only images they have created during their quarantined time from this coronavirus pandemic.

This contest has ended.

Critique the Community Photos of Joy

Congratulations to the Winners!

Congratulations to Tyler Schwab for submitting the highest rated image and to William Kane as the random lucky winner of this week's Critique the Community. Please message Lee Morris after you head over to the Fstoppers Store to pick out your free tutorial.

How to Change Eye Color Using Lightroom

Not all of us were born with our preferred eye color, and given that we can't change genetics, you will sometimes have clients who want to change their eye color. It is a pretty straightforward process, and this excellent video tutorial will show you how you can do it without even having to leave Lightroom.

The Incredible Work of Molly Baber

Molly Baber is a multi-disciplinary visual artist and fashion photographer creating conceptual works that evoke blood, death, and feminine power, as well as a subconscious fantasy through ritual, divination, and mythology.

The Gear Trap Is a Problem, but Cheap Equipment Can Also Limit You

Most of us are familiar with "the gear trap," the fine line that's crossed when a shooter makes a top priority of continually researching and purchasing newer and better camera equipment. This can be a dangerous money pit. But there are times when your gear must be upgraded, lest you suffer the technical shortcomings of outdated or inadequate equipment.

Rules Will Kill Your Photography Creativity: Part One

Here is a fact: You will not find your creativity by following a rule, regardless of how many people believe it. In this series of articles, I aim to put this right. I’m on a mission to change how photography composition is taught — forever.

Which New Camera Will Canon Announce on April 20?

Canon has announced that it will be hosting an online press conference on April 20 in order to present some new products. Will the much-anticipated EOS R5 officially be launched?

Sigma Says It Will Start Making Smaller Lenses

In a refreshingly candid and open interview with DPReview, Sigma’s Chief Executive Officer, Kazuto Yamaki, has given an insight into how the Japanese lens and camera manufacturer is performing, and revealed some of its plans for the future.

How to Build Your Own Studio Cyclorama

If you work in fashion or commercial projects, you probably have used or seen a cyclorama before. If you've looked into getting one professionally built for your own space, you know a cyclorama can cost several thousand dollars and doesn't always fit in everyone's budget. If you have decided to build your own, here's some great information to help you start.

The Best Very Cheap Camera You Can Buy in 2020

Whether you want a great doorway into photography that has a low financial entry point, or back-up camera you're not scared to put at risk, this could be the camera for you!

8 Things Photographers Must Do to Lower Their Expenses During the Coronavirus

Many photographers are scared right now and with good reason. The Coronavirus is causing an unprecedented financial crisis, which we'll probably feel the repercussions of for many years to come. While you may feel pretty helpless right now, there are still things you can do to give yourself the best possible chance of surviving all this.

Photographer Uses His Drone as a Safe Way to Take Portraits of Locals in Quarantine

Strict laws around social distancing has meant an abrupt halt to most photographers’ shooting schedules. One creative wedding photographer, however, is finding a resourceful way to continue taking portraits while documenting lockdown: he’s using his drone to take pictures of his neighbors and their families.

Why One Photograper Teaches Photography for Better Mental Health

Billions of people around the world are self-isolating to slow the spread of Coronavirus. However, it's not just our physical wellbeing at risk, but also our mental health. Stu McKenzie has pioneered a new project to help veterans with PTSD, which could also help those suffering from anxiety and depression during the quarantine.

5 Essentials for Long-Exposure Landscape Photography

Doing long exposures is the most fundamental trick up a landscape photographer's sleeve. But for effective use of its visual effects, there are a few essential steps that one must follow.

Canon Just Filed a Patent for a Brand New Cripple Hammer

Details are emerging of a new patent just filed by Canon that could revolutionize one of its most exciting products: the Cripple Hammer. Brace yourselves, because the plans for this updated version look crazy.

Is Every Portrait Photograph a Lie?

Truth, at best, is always an unstable concept, especially when combined with the medium of photography. This fascinating short video from Jamie Windsor takes one of the most famous portraits ever taken, reveals its deception, and explores the implications.

How Can We Adapt to the Current Reality?

The coronavirus pandemic has fundamentally altered the world and caused serious disruptions for creatives in all industries. This excellent video features an experienced professional discussing how we can adapt to this new landscape.

How to Create Your Own Presets in Lightroom

One of the best ways to increase your efficiency in Lightroom (particularly if you frequently work with large batches of the same sort of images) is to create your own presets. This helpful video will show you how to create your own presets in Lightroom.

How to Take a Great Cutlery Shot With Just One Light

Given how intricate and tricky product photography can be, you might think that you need complex multi-light setups to produce a professional shot. And while those certainly have their uses, you might be surprised by how much you can accomplish with just one light. This great video tutorial will show you how to light and edit a professional cutlery shot with a single light.