A Comprehensive Guide to Astrophotography

While most of the world is stuck at home, the good people at Irix prepared this very comprehensive guide to shooting Astrophotography.

Mark Smith's Beautiful Bird in Flight Photography

Master storyteller, videographer, and photographer Mark Smith takes us on a journey in Florida to photograph Roseate Spoonbills, Egrets, Herons, and Ospreys. Marks commentary and stunning, pin-sharp images make this an enjoyable video to watch even if you're not into bird photography.

Clever Indoor Photography Tips for Beginners

For those of you with a neglected DSLR camera gathering dust on the shelf this is the perfect time to learn some new techniques, like a few basics of still-life photography. Whether you have a dusty DSLR or just a smartphone, this video has some great tips to help beat the self-isolation blues.

Photographer on Safari Catches Five Cheetahs Trying to Cross Croc-Infested River

A photographer was on hand to capture the dramatic scene as five male cheetahs attempted to cross a dangerous river – one that has strong currents and is known for being infested with crocodiles. He was on a safari in Kenya when he was able to document all five animals taking to the water together.

8 Tips for Maximizing Your Downtime

Sitting at home starting to bring you down ? Michael Sasser has brought you 8 tips to maximize your downtime during quarantine. Most of which are items you might have been putting off for some time.

Interview with Adventure Photographer Curtis Jones

The first gig adventure photographer Curtis Jones ever had was an unsupported kite traverse of the Greenland Polar Ice Cap. Before that, he was a pharmacist on remote Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The surprising jump from pharmacist to adventure photographer actually makes sense when you hear Jones’ story and could give hope to photographers out there who want to make the leap, but aren’t sure where to start.

How to Properly Clean and Disinfect Your Camera Equipment

As coronavirus continues to spread, the importance of proper cleaning and disinfecting procedures has never been higher. And with camera equipment being something you hold and press to your face, it is a good time to review how to properly clean and disinfect your gear.

Nikon Is No Longer Accepting Equipment for Repair

As coronavirus continues to cause shutdowns across many industries around the globe, the camera world is feeling the effects too. Nikon is the latest to announce restrictions, as they have shut down their repair program for the time being and will not be accepting any gear.

Is This the Greatest Kit Lens of All Time?

Most photographers with some experience behind them wouldn't buy a new camera body and include a kit lens in their deal. Maybe that philosophy needs rethinking.

What Could You Accomplish With a $3 Thrift Store Camera?

There are loads of cameras with incredible capabilities out there that make getting images under even the most difficult conditions possible. However, could you spend just a few dollars on a camera and still take great images? This fun video shows what you can accomplish with a 30-year-old camera from a thrift store.

Photographing Landscapes at Lofoten With the Fujifilm GFX100

For my annual trip to Lofoten, I had the opportunity to shoot with the Fujifilm GFX 100. Prior to the trip, I had just a few weeks to get acquainted with the camera. Here are my thoughts on this 102-megapixel camera for landscape photography.

'Social Distancing' Isn't Realistic for Photojournalists

Photojournalism is a contact sport. Or at least it used to be, before the coronavirus rolled into town. Despite the health risks with taking photographs of people in close quarters or crowds, photographers at news organizations around the country are still, more or less, on the job.

If You Do Not Do This As a Creative You Will Not Succeed

How serious are you about making this crazy photography game full time? It is an amazing feeling to get to create every day, but are you forgetting to do the other eighty percent of what is needed to survive?

6 Useful Editing Techniques for Landscape Photographers

One of the things I most love about landscape photography is the multitude of ways you can edit any image to produce a wide range of moods and creative effects. This excellent video details six editing techniques a landscape photographer uses to put a more personal touch on his images.

What Happens When You Pay a Stranger $25 to Edit Your Pizza Commercial?

Heading to freelancer marketplaces and seeking out cheap and inexperienced creatives to edit or retouch photos is fun (though perhaps not as fun as finding people to write bass guitar riffs), but what happens when you ask an editor to cut your raw footage of a commercial? This video finds out.

Amateur Photographer Captures World's 'Most Colorful' Spider

An amateur photographer has captured what many are calling the world’s “most colorful spider.” Taken in India, the photos showcase the multitude of colors of this tiny peacock spider, which include pink, blue, purple, red, and orange.

Apple Introduces 'Breakthrough' iPad Pro, Magic Keyboard

Apple has announced the fastest, most cutting-edge iPad Pro it has ever produced, alongside a new, more capable keyboard. The latest iteration of Apple's flagship tablet also boasts a dual-camera setup and LIDAR scanner that expand the possibilities for creatives.

Photographer Discovers Frozen Waves in Colorado Lake

Photographer Eric Gross can still recall the first time he stumbled across this incredible phenomenon during a photo trip in Colorado, where he resides. Venturing to an alpine lake, he found that the waves of the water had frozen, almost as if time had stood still.

What Is a Global Shutter and Why Is It So Desirable?

Rolling shutter is a common issue with many cameras that you have likely encountered at some point, but there is another technology that circumvents all those issues: the global shutter. This great video discusses what a global shutter is and why it is such a desirable thing.

Care to Share Which Non-Photographers Influence and Inspire You?

I get it. Ansel Adams inspires you. Perhaps Bresson, and maybe Gursky too. But there's another world of creative geniuses outside the realms of photography where you can draw creative ideas and energy from. Here are two people that influence me.

Canon to the Rescue for COVID-19 Tests?

Canon Medical Systems Corporation (Canon Medical) has announced that it is developing a rapid genetic testing system for novel Coronavirus, COVID-19. Working alongside Nagasaki University on the project, developing diagnostic testing kits, it falls under the COVID-19 research program headed by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED).

Helpful Money-Saving Tips for Surviving the Coronavirus Economic Downturn

As the world essentially stops moving due to the widespread Coronavirus, many photographers and creatives are left with canceled jobs and nothing on the horizon. While we wait for businesses to open back up, we need to find ways to survive these stressful times. Here are a few helpful tips to get you through this event.

How to Choose the Right Lights for Your Photography

Photography equipment can be pretty daunting at times, especially with such variety and costs attached to it, but out of all of the gear, lighting is perhaps the most confusing area to buy into.

Advanced Editing Techniques in Lightroom

Photographers generally think of Lightroom as the place to catalog their images and perform basic edits, while leaving Photoshop for the more advanced work. And while that is certainly a good general guideline, you might be surprised by just how much you can do in Lightroom. This great video will show you a range of more advanced editing techniques in Lightroom.

Filling Income Gaps for Wedding Photographers During COVID-19

Wedding photographers are being hit hard during COVID-19/coronavirus shutdowns. With events anywhere from 100, to 50, to 10 people being shut down, dependent on the city, couples and photographers alike are scrambling to pick up the pieces. With the coronavirus switching things up for the peak of wedding season in many markets, it has left wedding photographers wondering how to fill the gap. Until it’s safe to resume with events, there are other ways to fill it.

What Do You Get When You Buy a GoPro Knock-Off?

GoPro’s dominance has shifted slightly in recent years but when it comes to dedicated action cams with incredible stabilization, it’s hard to beat. That performance comes at a price, however, so what do you get when you buy yourself a budget option?

Ideas for Wedding Photographers During COVID-19

COVID-19 is causing lots of uncertainty, especially for wedding photographers. Wedding photography often puts you in a room with 100, 200, even 300 people who have often been traveling. It’s no surprise that this pandemic has had a major effect on the weddings industry. Many photographers are facing postponements, cancellations, and halted bookings. In a time where no one is certain on the next steps, let’s talk about keeping your wedding photography business moving.

Some of My Favorite Photos Are Perfectly Imperfect

Sometimes, there are camera misfires or shots that just barely missed focus. Other times, there are other incidents where an image falls short of technical perfection but still finds a way to my list of favorites.

How to Shoot Street Photography in Quiet Areas

I’m sure we’ve all read enough about how the world has been changing in recent months. But unless you’re in Antarctica, you’re probably wanting to get away from the crowded areas for a while.

Should You Begin Photography as an Assistant?

Every once in a while, I receive a request from a beginner photographer who want to become my assistant. I usually decline their application, and in the following article, I'm going to explain why. This information is also useful for those who'd like to become apprentices of established professional photographers.

Large Format Is Still Completely Unrivaled: 8x10 Versus Fuji GFX 100 (5DS R & X1D II)

Previously, we compared a 4x5 film camera to the Canon 5DS R, and the film camera was able to produce incredible results. We mostly focused on the differences in depth of field for that comparison. With 4x5, you're able to produce beautiful bokeh and extremely shallow depth of field. In this latest video, we decided to look at the differences in resolution.

Fstoppers Reviews Joel Grimes Beauty Brushes

It's always best to get it right in camera, but sometimes, there are cases where subtle things may go unnoticed but become visible later during the retouching process. Having the right set of tools is crucial.