How You Can Take Great Studio Portraits With No Modifiers at All

It is rare that a photographer will shoot studio portraits using a bare flash, but that does not mean you can't do it. In fact, you might be surprised by how you can accomplish with a bare flash, and the skills you will learn in practicing this will come in handy in a wide variety of situations outside the studio.

8 Fun and Creative Ways to Use Your Drone Indoors

Drones are usually reserved for outdoor work only, but with a smaller device, the right environment, and some careful piloting (or just handholding), you can create some really unique photos and works. This great video will show you eight different ideas for working with a drone indoors.

The EOS RP: Can Canon's Budget Mirrorless Camera Match the Demands of Wildlife Photographers?

When it comes to the kind of camera a wildlife photographer might choose, Canon's EOS RP is probably pretty far down the list. Nonetheless, with a sub-$1,000 price and the ability to take both Canon's new RF lenses and the existing library of EF lenses, it could be a great option for a lot of photographers on a budget. This excellent video will show you what you can expect when shooting with the EOS RP in the wilderness.

Gear to Get Your Game Face on for Client Videoconferences

We all live in Zoom right now. With the global pandemic, chances are your client meetings aren’t happening in person anymore. But while your photography gigs may have temporarily dried up, you still have to put your game face on, even if it’s via videoconference. Here’s some gear to help you do that.

CamRanger Helps Medical Community During Covid-19 Pandemic

With so much depressing news about Covid-19 circulating these days, any good news is much welcomed. The other day, I was greeted by some needed good news when I opened my email. I’m a firm believer that humanity is more good than bad, though sometimes, it is hard to keep the faith. CamRanger helped to re-enforce my belief. CamRanger is stepping up to help the medical community protect themselves from infection by Covid-19. Yes, a company that produces remote controls for your camera is fighting Covid-19.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (March 2020): Mikkel Beiter

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2020, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

Round-Tripping With Capture One: A Workaround Trick

Capture One is a great tool for processing raw files, but it lacks one key feature found in Adobe's Camera Raw: the ability to export files as Smart Objects. While that feature seems a way off, there is a cool workaround hack that lets you come close.

Photography YouTuber Shares First Photo Assignment to Subscribers

How are you keeping your creative juices flowing during the quarantine? Are you finding yourself in an endless loop of switching between social media apps, convincing yourself to do work, only to be left in front of the fridge for unnecessary snacking? Keep your skills sharp with some photography challenges! Ted Forbes of The Art of Photography posed the first part of many photography challenges to his 600k+ subscribers during the quarantine.

Why You Should Embrace 'Boring' Light More Often

You might think that the best landscape images are made with dramatic, hard light that casts arcing shadows across the land. And while that can certainly make for great images, you might be surprised to learn why flat, "boring" light can actually be a landscape photographer's best friend.

7 Helpful Landscape Photography Tips

Landscape photography takes the confluence of technique, creativity, planning, and often, a bit of luck to create a successful final image, and as such, it helps to be as knowledgeable and prepared as possible before you ever take a shot. This great video will give you seven helpful tips to improve your landscape photography.

I Switched Back to the a7R III

A couple of weeks ago I turned in my Sony a7R IV and went back to the previous generation a7R III.

How to Use Split Toning in Your Images

Split toning is a great and relatively quick way to create a unique look in your images. This excellent video tutorial will show you how split toning works and give you some great tips for using it on your own photos.

Quarantined Photographer Shoots via FaceTime

While many photographers are using the lockdown to brush up on their skills or work on personal projects, this Condé Nast photographer found a creative alternative to producing full-fledged photoshoots with models.

Many Are Unprepared for Another Kind of Disaster

Just as literally billions of people were caught unprepared for the coronavirus outbreak, many are also unprepared for a data disaster. Sure, many professionals are prepared, but many others just think they are.

Using Lockdown to Improve Your Photography in Five Simple Steps

By now, most of the countries around the world are under full lockdown or about to undergo lockdown. At the time of writing, my country (South Africa) would be one of the latest to undergo lockdown. Tensions seem to increase the day before the actual event, as people question what they'll be doing with themselves while locked in a house for three weeks or longer. Luckily, it doesn't need to be as scary as you think, especially if you're a photographer.

How to Start Selling Prints Through Your Website for Free

If you're like me, you just had a couple of months’ worth of work canceled and are now looking for alternative income streams. If you want to know how to start selling prints online — with no setup costs and no ongoing fees — read on.

Photographers Capture Eerily Desolate Areas Due To COVID-19

A world impacted by the deadly coronavirus is undoubtedly an eerie one. With everyone confined to their homes and only allowed limited trips to "essential businesses," photographers all over the world are venturing out and capturing their neighborhoods at their emptiest, from the busy streets of Times Square to desolate airports and makeshift temporary hospitals.

Sony Separates Camera Business Into New Corporation

Sony Corporation announced that it would be splitting its Electronic Products & Solutions (EP&S) segment into a separate corporation titled Sony Electronics Corporation effective April 1st, 2020.

Stuck at Home? Take Your Photoshoot Online With Animal Crossing

The coronavirus lockdown has many of us searching for creative outlets, and if you’re looking to add to your portfolio during this tense period, Animal Crossing may be the solution. Photographer Jessica Kobeissi takes us behind the scenes of her latest shoot and offers us an insight into how she works while raising questions about her sanity.

Sony Warns of Disruptions Caused by Coronavirus

Sony has issued a press release that explains how the company is being affected by the global pandemic. It's possible that photographers could see stock run low and there may be delays of the release of products — such as the a7S III — that was due to come to market this year.

Testing the New 2020 Macbook Air for Video Editing

The new 2020 MacBook Air has been introduced with some new features at a cheaper price than the 2019 model. The new model has the latest 10th generation Intel processor with better graphics, so let’s find out how it handles video editing.

6 Brutal Business Lessons the Coronavirus Has Taught Us

The coronavirus has affected most of the world. In the UK, freelancers have been hit hard with no financial help until June at the earliest. Here are some brutal business lessons that we are all going to have to swallow.

7 Things Photographers Should Do While Stuck at Home

It’s no secret that a ton of people are stuck at home right now. So, while there are a lot of great things to watch on Netflix, here are seven things you can do to help your business while stuck at home.

Why f/1.4 Doesn’t Mean Professional Anymore

For the last couple of decades, a prime lens wasn’t professional grade if it didn’t have a maximum aperture of f/1.4. Times have changed, however, and now, you have to look past the aperture to really understand where a lens is positioned. Want to know what drove this change?

How to Use Photoshop’s Divide Blend Mode and a Free Math Lesson That Will Blow Your Mind

Given Photoshop’s complexity, it can be incredibly refreshing when someone comes along and explains not only how a certain tool works but also how to use it. This fantastic video from PiXimperfect runs you through how to use the Divide blend mode in Photoshop and packs in a free math lesson which will help you to understand why it does what it does.

Final Cut Pro X Is Now Free for 90 Days

Apple has announced that you can now test out Final Cut Pro X for 90 days, increasing the trial period from 30 days. In addition, Apple will soon be applying the same deal to its digital audio workstation and MIDI sequencer, Logic Pro X.

Why You Should Be Using Capture One Pro Instead of Lightroom

For hardened Lightroom users such as myself, Capture One Pro can feel like a bit of a mystery. What are the advantages and why would you consider changing? Ignoring for a moment the pros and cons of payment models, here are some excellent reasons why Capture One Pro might be worth investigating.

How to Set up a Photoshoot at Home on a Budget

With many of us in isolation and with limited space, you might need to get creative when it comes to shooting photographs at home. If you need some ideas for how to get started, check out this short video which shows you how to put a shower curtain to really good use.

Photography Marketing Plan for the Recession

Hard times ahead? It's likely and while no one knows for sure, it's inevitable that the current quarantines will affect everyone's business in the coming months. How will you change your marketing methods? Here's something that worked for me and I want to share it with you.

Self-Isolation Series, Part One: Product Photography

Many countries around the world are now experiencing social distancing and practicing self-isolation, me (in the U.K) included. So I’m pledging to run a series of photography tutorials for those of us affected by these measures.