5 Affordable Hidden Gems in the Canon Lens Lineup

Canon makes a wide variety of fantastic lenses, but they are rarely cheap, and you can quickly find yourself spending a lot of money trying to build out your lens library. Luckily, after decades of releasing lenses, there are a few hidden gems if you know where to look. Here are five lenses you should check out.

Just Start Charging for Your Photography: My $25 Rule

Why do you feel it's OK to work without pay? Other occupations charge, and they charge handsomely for their expertise, but photographers are seemingly shy when it comes to money. Knowing this crowd, I'll need an obligatory qualifier: Not all photographers are shy, but a lot of them are.

Do the New Photoshop and Lightroom Updates Affect You?

New features added to Photoshop and Lightroom today might change how you edit your photos, but it entirely depends on what kind of images you make and what your current workflow is like. This is my review of the new features and whether you'll want to dive in or avoid them.

Is It Time We Dropped Master/Slave Terminology?

In recent weeks, racial inequality has been brought to the forefront of awareness for many around the world. In light of the cultural shift that has the world talking about the Black Lives Matter movement, is it time for the photography community to change some terminology?

This New Lightroom Feature Update Can Improve Every Photo

Lightroom received a group of new features as part of Adobe’s latest Creative Cloud batch of updates, but one in particular stands out as a huge shift to how you work with the software. Want to know how to make it work for you?

Questions Photographers Should Stop Asking

The internet and forums have been around for long enough now that we have heard most questions regarding photography. Although repetition isn't the end of the world, we really need to stop asking these questions.

Tiny Powerhouse: A Review of the Sony RX100 VII Camera

Now in its seventh iteration, the Sony RX100 is a highly capable, ultra-portable camera that is a fantastic option for any photographer looking for a take-anywhere device that will enable capabilities beyond those of their cameraphone. If you are looking for such a camera, check out this great video review of the latest in the series.

Learn to Tell a Story Through the Use of Color

Since the introduction of color in film, photographers and filmmakers have been using it to subconsciously tell a story, to make the viewer of a photographer or film feel a certain way, or to further elaborate on a story. How do we, as photographers and filmmakers, use color to our advantage and utilize the full potential without going overboard?

Fox News Fails at Photoshopping Fake News

Fox News has been accused of deliberately manipulating photographs in order to mislead its audience during its coverage of the ongoing Black Lives Matters protests.

Nude Photography
Critique the Community

Nude Photography

Submit Your best Artistic Nude Photographs

We will almost certainly regret this, but the next Critique the Community will be themed around artistic nudes.

This contest has ended.
A Photographer Lists the Gear He Regrets Buying

We've all bought things we either get buyer's remorse for, or somewhere down the line realize it wasn't a good investment. Here is one photographer and videographer's list of such regrets.

Five Unhelpful Yet Common Pieces of Advice From Other Photographers

Navigating the plethora of advice from other photographers in videos, articles, and comment sections can be a tricky journey. Some tips are indeed helpful and while others, even though well-intentioned, are repeated ad nauseam without being challenged enough.

Save Time by Creating a Time-Lapse in Photoshop

Creating a time-lapse can be one of the most time-consuming practices in photography. Due to the nature of time-lapse, you spend a while finding a suitable composition, set up your camera and wait.

The Most Important Camera Feature Photographers Overlook

What is the most important camera feature for you? Dynamic range? Burst rate? Autofocus performance? There are a lot of key camera specs that have objective impacts on our image-making, but spec sheets fail to capture one of the most important aspects of a camera.

Adobe Updates Almost All Their Creative Cloud Apps

The rollout begins today, so you'll see the updates soon if you haven't already. Adobe is calling this a major set of updates, and I'll highlight the ones that apply to photographers.

Why Black Photographers Documenting the Protests Will Shape History

With the Black Lives Matters protests attempting to trigger a shift in attitudes towards race around the world, the role of black photographers in documenting the demonstrations is crucial, as outlined by this short video from PBS NewsHour. (Warning: This video contains graphic imagery.)

Why Choosing the Wrong Color Space Can Be a Disaster

As you get more comfortable with editing, you’ll probably come across color spaces. Just picking a random color space to edit or export with can cause major issues with your photos, however. Want to know which color space to use and when?

Filmmaker Creates Inspiring Shortfilm by Himself During Quarantine

This year has forced many photographers and filmmakers to take an extended break from their day jobs and stay home. The newfound stresses that come with quarantine have left a lot of us uninspired, while others have used this time to pursue projects they couldn't find time for before. One professional filmmaker used his time during quarantine to create a beautiful Sci-Fi short film, from the comfort of his own home.

Planning and Preparation: B-Roll 101

B-roll is one of the most important parts of visual storytelling, but it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to capturing engaging shots.

3 Good Reasons and 3 Bad Reasons to Upgrade Your Camera Gear

A lot of photographers spend a good chunk of time reading about gear and considering if they should pull out their credit card to purchase that fancy new camera or lens. Here are three good reasons to purchase new gear and three bad reasons to do so.

The Dangers of Digital Sharecropping for Photographers

There's a seldom discussed threat to any business owner or self-employed person. That threat can drastically affect photographers if they aren't aware of it, and it has been seen many times over already.

How to Remove People From Your Images

Have you broken up with your partner and would like to keep the photo? Well, come on in and let's see how to boot them out of the shot.

4 Things You Should Never Do With Your Camera Gear

I'm a knowledge junky. I've always been a fan of photography tips and tricks, storing away bits of information that make what I do easier, more enjoyable, or safer. But what about things you shouldn't do?

Photography Documentaries to Watch Now

With the wide theatrical release of "The Picture Of His Life" just a few days away, I thought it might be interesting to create a list of some of the best documentaries about photography and photographers ever made. What are your favorites?

How Much Does Your Video Format Cost to Shoot?

In this video Jason Boone gives us a calculation and some apps we can use to calculate what we need to add to our invoice as the cost of capturing and storing the data.

How Important Are These Four Lens Filters for Photography?

Unless you’re a hardened landscape photographer, there’s a good chance that you simply don’t use filters if you’re shooting digitally. Chris Niccolls of DPReview makes a strong case for why there are four types of filter that should possibly still be in your gear bag.

The Five Most Overrated Camera Features

Modern cameras are little technical marvels packed to the brim with interesting and useful features — some more useful than others. Here are five of the most overrated camera features.

Which Mac Mini Is Right for Your Editing Work?

The Mac Mini often gets overlooked, as computers like the MacBook Pro or iMac get a lot more attention. However, it is a surprisingly versatile and powerful computer and priced much lower than many other Mac models. This great video compares two versions of the Mac Mini to tell you which one is right for you.