Adobe Finally Updates Creative Cloud Desktop Client to Solve Infuriating Pop-Up Issue

Adobe Finally Updates Creative Cloud Desktop Client to Solve Infuriating Pop-Up Issue

For those with Creative Cloud subscriptions, you may have been rudely and often interrupted by Adobe's Creative Cloud desktop client popping up in your menu taskbar (a very similar phenomenon occurred with both Mac and PC platforms). For such an annoying issue, it took Adobe quite some time to come to our rescue, but we can finally celebrate a new kind of independence. Alas, my migraines are finally fading — CC now politely stays where it belongs. That is all. Make sure you update. Have a nice day.

In the interest of time, further reading is certainly not necessary. But in the equal interest of thoroughness, the new update also promises new, general bug fixes alongside a fix so that “the Exchange plugin will now correctly install Adobe Add-ons.”

Adam Ottke's picture

Adam works mostly across California on all things photography and art. He can be found at the best local coffee shops, at home scanning film in for hours, or out and about shooting his next assignment. Want to talk about gear? Want to work on a project together? Have an idea for Fstoppers? Get in touch! And, check out film rentals!

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