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Below are the most bookmarked articles by our members.
Light is Everything: Finding and Shooting Good Light in Landscape Photography

The thing about landscape photography is you can have the perfect scenery, everything framed beautifully, and your settings spot on, but if Mother Nature decides to give you the wrong light, the shot won't be there. This great video talks about what good light is and how to recognize it.

The Perils of NOT Using Royalty Free Music

So, you’ve been told time and time again that royalty free music is the way to go when it comes to selecting beats for your videos. But part of you can’t help but wonder about the alternatives.

Broncolor Gen NEXT 2018 Is Now Open

If you are under 30 and looking to step up your photography game, here is your chance: Broncolor is launching this year again its Gen NEXT contest.

Raising the Bar With Long Exposure Landscape Photography

Long exposure photography has a special place in my heart and arguably has been where I spend most of my time when creating landscapes as it allows a greater amount of control over a sometimes chaotic scene. Adam Karnacz from First Man Photography expresses similar sentiments and explains some great tips for photographers interested in expanding their creative options by adding long exposure photography to their landscape arsenal.

How to Extensively Stretch the Background of Your Images

We all have photos that we wish had a wider composition, either because we didn’t own the right lens or because we saw new potential for it in post-processing. With this easy Photoshop tip, learn how to greatly stretch the edges of an image without distorting the subject.

How to Make Your Own Dust and Grain Filters

Looking to add some vintage dust and grain look to your freshly taken digital photos? You know, that look when you come across some old polaroids or 4x6 prints that you dug up from an old photo album that's been packed away in some box… or possibly scrounged from your parents? Yeah, that look of slight imperfections where the ink has been scratched along with some dust that's hard to remove.

Instagram Pods: Why You Should or Shouldn’t Join One [Instagram Tips: Part 4]

When people come together to help each other, good things happen. This idea is what spurned one of the more popular trends on Instagram called “pods.” Instagram pods are used to help beat the algorithm that so many users despise. I decided to join one and give it a try recently, not only to test it out, but also to share my thoughts regarding this trend and why you should or shouldn’t get involved in one.

Visually Level or Truly Level: Making the Best Image

As photographers, we generally strive for level images; a tilted horizon is one of the first things we notice in a photo. However, what looks level and what's actually level might be two different things, and this great video examines the difference.

Open Season on Photographer Jobs

Photographers get your resumes and portfolios updated. A recent search lead to some interesting opportunities for the right people with varying degrees of experience.

Flash Photography Face Off: Profoto vs. Godox vs. Broncolor

Just when you thought zeroing in on, and staying put with the copious amount of camera and lens options was enough to alone cause sleepless nights, you then discover this wild world of high power flash photography. Good news is help is indeed on the way, depending on your needs as a photographer one of these three advanced flash options will get the job done.

How Protecting Your Highlights Applies to Both Photography and Life

Even the best sensors have a dynamic range that can't capture some of the world's scenes, which is why photographers employ a number of techniques to work around this limitation, one of the most common being exposing in a manner that saves the highlights, thus throwing some of the shadows into black. This great video examines both the technique and philosophy of protecting highlights.

Inexpensive Apple Backup Solution for Photographers

If you want to preserve your photos, it is a great idea to make certain you have a backup system in place. As obvious as that sounds, there are still more than a few out there who live life on the edge, and have yet to be bothered with backing up their work. For those of you I offer this inexpensive, and mostly automated, Apple specific backup option you can put in place today.

A Small Hobby Drone Reaches 33,000 Feet

A Russian drone pilot managed to fly his little 2.3 lbs drone close to the cruising altitude of most airliners. As surprising as it sounds, the technology used for this flight is very common.

Full-Frame Versus Crop Sensor and What’s Right for You

There are many different cameras options out on the market with many different features. There’s a big range in camera prices which can funnel some to a certain group of options. A popular question besides which camera should you get is "should I get a full-frame or crop sensor camera?"

Shooting Personal Work While Traveling

First things first, personal work is incredibly important. Client work often pays the bills but the most fundamental personal development you’re going to experience is when you take your vision and execute it. I would say that applies to just about anyone and certainly to photographers.

A Mathematical Look at What 'Light Softness' Really Is

We talk qualitatively quite a bit about the softness or hardness of light, as it's one of the fundamental qualities and something every photographer and videographer should consider when choosing how to light their subjects. This neat video takes a more scientific approach by asking how we can quantify the softness of light.

Creating a Sparkling Background from a Sequin Dress

Sequin fabric looks awesome but it is not so photography friendly. The problem lies in the way it creates hot spots and sparkling patterns, making it difficult to light. But then, there is always something useful you can do with anything, provided you look beyond the obvious.

Sixty-Second Portraits on the Streets of Las Vegas

Last week wrapped up another successful year for WPPI and a great learning experience for so many photographers. One of the things that people often don't take advantage of at these large conferences is the chance to work alongside other photographers, challenging themselves to shoot outside their comfort zone. These photographers did just that and filmed it for our benefit.

Capture One Vs. Lightroom: Ted Forbes Talks Raw

I remember starting out with my first DSLR and learning what a raw file was. Someone told me I could push and pull a file every which way if I shot raw instead of JPEG.

Stealing Accusation Uncovers Incredible Coincidence

When New Hampshire-based photographer Ron Risman posted an image he captured March 3rd of waves crashing against Whaleback Lighthouse off the coast of New Castle, N.H., he had no idea who Eric Gendron was. But after a local meteorologist shared the photo, an incredible coincidence brought the two together as fast as social media could spread the word of what some people thought had to be a case of thievery.

Making Black and White Prints in the Darkroom

Just a couple of weeks ago, Ilford Photo released a video on how to develop your own black and white film. Now, they've followed it up by giving you everything you need to know in order to turn those negatives into beautiful, tangible prints.

Benjamin Von Wong Shows Us How Photography Can Change the World

We all know that humans are destroying the earth, but we live in a time where the destruction has become too much to take lightly anymore. Will artists be the ones to bring the earth together to clean and protect it? Benjamin Von Wong shows us that the answer is yes, and he asks all of us to join him.

How One Man's Photography Transformed America

Twenty four photographs from the early 20th century by sociologist Lewis Hine sold at auction recently, giving us a reminder of the impact of his work on life in America.

Photographer Creates Stunning Conceptual Image in Iceland

Conceptual photographer and retoucher Anya Anti traveled to Iceland in 2017 to create some extraordinary images. Check out this behind-the-scenes video she created that shows her choice of location and the process of creating her props.

Barbarian Transformation Photoshoot With Renee Robyn for Less Than $50

Photographer and digital artist Renee Robyn is known for creating magical composites complete with gorgeous costumes and dreamy scenery. But what happens when there is no designer to provide styling, no makeup artist, and a budget of only $50 to spend?

Tips and Tricks for Cold Weather Photography

Winter is coming. Scratch that — winter is here. Are you prepared to brave the cold to keep shooting? Check out these cold weather photography tips.

Two Tools to Improve Your Photo Editing Efficiency

Have you ever kept track of the amount of time that you spend editing each month? I was shocked the first time that I did. Realizing how much of my time that editing was consuming caused me to search out ways to be more efficient, and this is what I found.

Two Pulitzer Prize-Winning Black Women Photojournalists Discuss Their Experiences and the Industry

As Black History Month continues, Adorama brought Documentary Photographer and Curator Laylah Amatullah Barrayn, co-author of MFON: Women Photographers of the African Diaspora, to moderate a panel with New York Times Staff Photojournalist Michelle Agins and Akili Ramsess, Executive Director of the National Press Photographers Association (both Pulitzer Prize winners) to discuss the history of black women in photojournalism.

The Sensel Morph Tablet: The Best Accessory for Premiere Pro

Making videos on Premiere Pro using just my mouse has been getting really old really fast. Keyboard shortcuts are a way to make the whole process a little less monotonous, but it's still not perfect. Recently, however, I've been testing the Sensel Morph tablet and I think I've found the best thing for Premiere Pro.

What Life Is Really Like While Following Dreams of a Career in Photography

A basic formula to attain a fulfilling photography career does not really exist. The industry is abnormal, so your life climbing into it will be too. Whether your dream is to be the go-to photographer in a small town or to be a world-traveling journalist, this is what you can expect in a life full of photography.

Why Don't We Use Field of View?

Focal length and maximum aperture are the most common measures for summarizing the principle characteristics of a lens, but are they the best to use? Given the range and proliferation of different camera types, why don't we see field of view used more often?

Fstoppers Reviews Opal Opacity Plugin for Lightroom

Often when going through a set of images via Lightroom, we use a preset we like, export the images, and then tone back some of the color or "effect" from the preset, once in Photoshop. There has always been a need for a way to easily dial back a preset and now there is.