Trending Posts in Commercial Food Photography

Bixa, Mexican Restaurant

Hi, I been doing some food photography for 2 years now, and would like a critique about this set . when I made these...

Critique my dessert shot

Hi! I shot this dessert recently at home, family where a bit inpatient but i managed to take a few frames before they...

Please help to choose between Canon eos 1200d vs Nikon d3100

I'm a beginner in the photography world, and I want to learn photography specially (food photography) to start my own...


Hey there I'm new to food and beverage photography but I have a potential national campaign on my hands and don't know...

Critique this set?

Images from a series I'm working on. Always looking for ways to improve techniques in consistency, balance, colors that...

"Atropellado" mexican cuisine

This is a classic dish for mexican cuisine but a different way, please critique the photo for learn, thanks!.

My stuff

Hello guys. I am from Brazil and have been shooting food for a year or so. I can clearly see the improvement I've made...

Critique my ice cream sundae

I would like a critique on my ice cream sundae that I shot this past Friday. I was given the assignment on Thursday...

Designer Chicharon

Here is a chicharon "a la David Chan", with mayo/shiracha sauce.

Cheese Board Critique Please

I'd love a critique please.

First post

Hello all, I've followed for quite some time and finally decided to join. Here's a photo of a dessert plate I took for...

Taking a bite at food photographer

Would love some input on these images and no I am not apologizing for the pun in the tittle. I know the images aren't...

Wild Boar Burger - Before and After

So, I was asked to show a before and after of a shot I did thats on my portfolio page. I had posted up there earlier...

Chicken Sausage and Bowtie Pasta

A shoot I did a while back for my portfolio. I had been feeling that my other work ran the danger of being too visually...

30 seconds for lighting adjustments and taking photos before it been served

I would love to hear from u all. I'm not sure the highlight is killing tho shot or not The very short time i had for "...


flash on camera

Savory Salmon - "Cover Out!"

We shoot a restaurant clients actual, ticketed food going out to one of their guests. Out process momentarily diverts...


Hi folks, I guess it's only fair that I post an image for you all to critique, since I started this group. I'm still...



Grilled Chicken Taco Salad

Hello Everyone, This is a follow on assignment for one of our restaurant clients, in the development of their new menu...