[Video Lecture] Trey Ratcliff Explains How YOU Can Get Noticed On The Internet

Trey Ratcliff is a very successful photographer who also runs a very popular blog Stuck in Customs. In a recent lecture for Google, Trey explains what makes the internet so exciting for creative professionals, and how you too can put your own internet stimulus out there for others to enjoy. It's interesting watching this watching this... [full post]
Build Your Own Motorized Dolly With RasPiLapse

If you have an interest in electronics and computing, then you probably already have heard of Raspberry Pi, the credit card sized ARM based computer that runs linux and can be had for under 50$. These computers have been mega-popular with the DIY and electronic hobby crowd, and as you might has expected, there have been some great project ideas that people have cooked up. Of course, in that mix there was bound to be some photography related projects.

Video Comparison Of The Blackmagic Cinema Camera Vs The Canon 5D III

With just under a week left for our Blackmagic Cinema Camera giveaway here at Fstoppers, we figured this would be a great opportunity to show you how impressive this camera is in comparison to the Canon 5D Mark III. This video, produced by One River Media, really shows how well the Blackmagic performs in every aspect. With 13 stops of dynamic range along with many of its other features, the difference is quite apparent in this video.

The Winners of the 2019 Red Bull Illume Photo Contest are Here

The winners of the 5th Red Bull Illume action sports photo contest have just been announced. Just as in previous years the images are an excellent example of what the sports and adventure genres of photography are capable of.

Five Ways to Get Your Video 'Staff Picked' on Vimeo

The much sought-after and elusive Vimeo Staff Pick is a badge of honor and a surefire sign you are about to get a lot more views. There is no specific type of video that is chosen by Vimeo as a Staff Pick and trying to become one can seem overwhelming and almost impossible. There is no secret sauce to guarantee you will be featured as arguably one of the best videos on Vimeo, but there are a few areas to focus on to ensure you have the best chance.

Adobe Developing Full Version of Photoshop for iPad for 2019

It was announced this week that Adobe is developing the full version of their photo-editing software Photoshop for the iPad and other mobile devices. The news was confirmed by Adobe’s chief product officer, Scott Belsky.

Splicing Family Genetics Together with a Camera

Once again I find myself impressed and vexed all at the same time. When am I going to produce a creative body of work like Croix Gagnon and Frank Schott's "12:31" or something as intriguing as Ulric Collette's "Genetic Portraits" where he virtually, splices family members together? The genetic similarities between family members allowed Ulric to create a portraits that almost look like normal people when together.

If The Pursuit of Photography Feels Like 'Work' Then It Shouldn't Be Your Career

I'm probably going to get a smidgen of heat for this one but I also feel it is one that many photographers need to seriously reflect on. At its core, photography is not a good business model. For the vast majority of photographers, the pursuit of photography of a career is a calling driven by passion. We can't imagine spending our lives doing anything else so we chase an industry that is vastly oversaturated with supply. If that is you, great, but if working on your photo career feels more like clocking into an exhausting day job then you are only settings yourself up to destroy your hobby by trying to transform it into a career.

Luminar Neo Adds Generative AI to Its Photo Editing Software

It was inevitable considering the evolution of photo editing, so Skylum is adding key AI features to its very popular Luminar Neo editing software. The new features include GenErase, GenExpand, and GenSwap. The new tools will be released one by one throughout October, November, and December, starting with GenErase on October 26, 2023.

Rumored Canon 6D Specs

While some of these specs don't seem right, it's likely that many will in fact be accurate. And on the heels of the Nikon D600 leak, this could be quite a competitor, but price might be a bit of an inhibitor, seeing as it'll certainly be in a different class. The question is, will people care?

From The Nose Bleeds To The Ear Bleeds: Concert Photography Concepts For Everyone

Live music photography is an animal; a beautiful, untamed, unpredictable — and sometimes vicious — animal. It doesn't matter whether you're an amateur in the crowd with your point-and-shoot or if you've got two gripped DSLRs slung over your shoulders in the pit, these are some tips and concepts you can abide by to make sure you always get the best photos possible.
Brilliant Documentary About the Many Lives of William Klein

In what is another phenomenal documentary from the BBC program Imagine..., we are given the chance to view the world and lives of iconic photographer William Klein as he is preparing for a retrospective of his work. Klein is one of the pioneers of street photography (more raw, up-close and personal than Henri Cartier-Bresson) as well as the creator of some of the most iconic fashion images of the 20th century. He is an artist and a filmmaker - making over 20 films, including the first ever documentary of Muhammad Ali.

Improve Your Photos by Doing More Work Beforehand

How often do you just go out and shoot, whether it is a hike in the woods with your camera or a portrait session? While there is something to be said for being in the moment and letting things happen organically, let us talk about why pre-planning your shoots can improve your images.

[Editorial] If You Don't Own It, Why Not Rent It?

As a photographer just starting my own wedding photography business, I quickly realized how much pro gear really costs. I don't shoot often enough to afford all of the gear that I need but when I do have a shoot, I like to use professional gear and I like to have backups in case something breaks (especially for weddings). For those of you who are just getting started like me, or those of you who need specialty equipment, you may want to consider renting gear.

The Kashmir Aims To Be The First Technical Camera Backpack Specifically For Female Photographers

As someone who has owned countless backpacks, both for photography and for trekking, I can tell you that fit and comfort are second to none when deciding what pack to purchase. My partner sometimes struggles when selecting a pack, as her options can sometimes be limited depending on the brand. F-Stop Gear has taken notice of this very thing, and is testing the market with a Kickstarter fundraiser to create a camera backpack that is built for the body type of women.

How to Tackle 99 Problems on Set

More often than not, things aren’t going to go the way that you want them to on set. Things are going to break. Things aren’t going to work. Models aren’t going to show up. That’s life. Deal with it.

How to Create Bullet Haze and Fire Haze in Photoshop

Sell the fake or add to the surrealism. As a creative retoucher and composite photographer, these are two aspects that in my opinion are very important: you either learn techniques to help blend realism into the piece or to make it stand out and add surrealism.

Seeing Without Seeing – The Fascinating Story Of The Blind Photographer

There is one thing we all share in common, regardless of what we shoot or what gear we use. When we raise the viewfinder to our eye, we take it for granted that we can actually see what we are photographing. Brenden Borrellini is completely blind, but that does not stop him making photographs and loving every moment of it. This is the fascinating story of the blind photographer.

Canon Patents 8mm f/4 Fisheye Lens

Canon has been pushing the boundaries of lens design recently, with some highly impressive optics coming to market, some never seen before. It seems the company is showing no signs of stopping, as a patent for an extremely wide full frame fisheye lens has just emerged.

This Samsung Ultra-Wide Proves Curved Screens Are More Than a Gimmick

If you ask me, curved television sets are a little over the top. Unless you have a television the size of a movie screen, it just doesn’t make financial or practical sense to bend that screen. But when it comes to monitors a few feet from your eyes, Samsung’s CJ791 curved monitor really does make the difference.

The Complete Guide To Product Photography and Retouching | RGG EDU

PRO.edu has released its newest tutorial, "The Complete Guide to Product Photography and Retouching." This in-depth tutorial features over 20 hours of content on shooting and retouching, taught by Tony Roslund. The tutorial is currently available and being sold with a $25-off early-bird discount, this week only. Use the promo code 25OFF to recieve the discount at checkout. RGG brings us a curriculum based approach to teaching photography with 55 Pre-production, 11 Photo Shoot, and 11 Retouching tutorial videos.

Adobe Max - Quentin Tarantino's Keynote Live Stream

There's an Adobe Max every year. The conference will start on the 2nd of November and goes on for two days. The first day will be about the Future of Creativity and Design, and day two will be based on how Community Inspires Community.

Northern Lights Might Make A Visit To Parts Of The US Tonight!

I'm sure most of us would love the opportunity to view the northern lights. Well some of you might be in luck. Due to a solar flare this morning some parts of the world might have the chance to see this phenomenon. The lights are estimated to be seen around 8pm but can differ up to several hours. Read on for more details.

Create an Eerie Nighttime Photo in the Middle of Day

Sometimes you just want to shoot midday with a speedlite, in the middle of the forest, on a balmy 80-plus degree day in Florida. OK, those last few statements are purely hypothetical, but as a traveling photographer, I work with what I’ve got.