Dealing With Photography Gear Failure in the Field

If you have been a photographer long enough, you have had a piece of photography gear fail you in the field. Maybe it is a lens that stops focusing, a camera shutter that breaks, or a tripod leg that gets loose—any number of things can potentially impact an outing. Are you prepared for this?

Why I Choose the Nikon Z9 Over the Z8 for Video

I read a quote recently that stated, “Buying a Z8 over a Z9 is a no-brainer.” Er, excuse me, may I add my two cents? Or maybe I should say, allow me to weigh in (you’ll get that pun later)…

Five Truths Every Beginner Photographer Should Know (That I Learned the Hard Way)

Isn't it great to have a crystal ball to tell us our future and what's around the next corner? Unfortunately, there is no such thing, and we must live life, make mistakes, and move on. I wish I had one, especially when I started my photography journey. Here are five things I had to learn the hard way.