Would You Teach Your Partner to Become Your Second Shooter?

If your partner is not involved in the photography or videography industry, you may not have thought about teaching them to become your assistant or second shooter. But what if this could be a great addition to your photography? Let's look at how this could help you build your business!

Backyard or Photo Studio?

Every now and then, the opportunities for creativity can be found right under your nose, or in your own backyard, in this case. I turned my backyard into a photo studio to create wild conceptual images.

Avoid Tripping a Breaker On Your Next Shoot

We've all done it, be it blow drying our hair or plugging too many things into one socket. At some point in your life you've tripped a breaker. Now, imagine doing just that but you're in the middle of a shoot. Not only does it throw off your entire shoot, but it's embarrassing and can make you look unprofessional. Thankfully our friends over at Story & Heart have put together a helpful infographic to avoid this exact scenario.

Canon Introduces Next-Day Service for CPS Platinum Members

Photographers are generally a resourceful bunch, but if there's one thing that can bring them to a grinding halt, it's broken gear. Canon is seeking to minimize the inconvenience of such situations by introducing next-day service for qualified Canon Professional Services members.

How To Quickly Style A Model And Location For A Photo Shoot

The guys over a Lighten Up And Shoot have created a quick video that shows how they quickly created some very compelling images of a model with very little work. I think its very easy for us to over-think when we are on a shoot but sometimes the easiest answer is the best answer.
Brian Smith Talks About Making Your Own Photo Breaks

I can't tell you how many photographers I encounter think being successful has to do with being at the right place at the right time. Sure a bit of luck on your side always helps, but if you are looking to quit your day job to become a professional photographer, increase your photography income over last year's earnings, or catapult your career as one of the industry leaders then you need to work hard and work smart. The guys over at Photoshelter sat down with professional photographer Brian Smith to talk about what it takes to push your career to the next level. You simply can't wait for your big break, you need to create them.
Filmmakers Robbed at Gunpoint: Running The Entire Length of Africa

Over 100 days ago, Russ Cook (aka The Hardest Geezer), who aims to become the first person ever to run the entire length of Africa, set off on this epic 15,000-kilometer journey. Join me in this article as I interview the filmmakers behind this epic adventure and find out what has happened.

Fstoppers Interviews the Team Running One of the Most Sustainable Film Labs

Reduction of single-use plastic is increasingly on the minds of conscientious consumers, and the practice of shooting with physical film in preference to digital does bring with it considerations in the area. But fear not, Ikigai Film Lab is here to recycle, reuse, and repurpose, to put our anxiety at ease and help us keep shooting with a clearer conscience.

Rules: Love Them, Leave Them, or Break Them Just on Principle?

One of the interesting trends in the comments on a previous article on the rule of thirds was a reaction not just to that rule specifically, but to “rules” more generally. That got me thinking a bit. What are “rules”? Where do they come from? Is breaking them an act of rebellion; or one of self-destruction?

2.3 GigaPixel Image Of The Worlds Largest Sky Scraper

If you like detail in your images then this video is for you. Check out this quick video of 2.3 gigapixel image being played with in photoshop. You can view the full file here and you can easily create images of this size yourself with a Giga Pan EPIC Pro. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPK9FCBhV-Y<
How To Create A Scary Photograph With No Budget

Happy Halloween everyone! Today we decided to create a super simple, creepy image with some basic equipment. With 2 lights, a gel, smoke, a cardboard box, and some quick Photoshop we were able to create something almost anyone could easily reproduce.

Not All GoPro Adventures End All Warm And Fuzzy

We've featured tons and tons of extreme videos shot on GoPro Cameras. Usually what makes them exciting is experiencing first hand views of activities you probably won't participate in yourself. This video has gone viral since it was released yesterday and for good reason. Mountain biker Evan Van Der Spuy probably didn't see this huge Red Hartebees (an Antelope from southern Africa) charging him as he raced the Albert Falls Dam. Luckily his friend Travis Walker had his GoPro camera rolling and captured this remarkable footage.
Making a Slideshow in Adobe Premiere Pro in Six Easy Steps

If you are using Lightroom Classic for your photo editing, you have the possibility to use the presentation module. This module makes it easy to create a slideshow and export it as a video file. Try Premiere Pro if you want to take your slide shows to the next level.

Boost Your Team's Online Presence and Worth by Shooting BTS

Makeup artists and hairstylists are as much artists as we are as photographers. However, when starting out, they often lack quality content to promote their work. Even later on when well established they sometimes require content to keep their social network feeds regularly updated. While working for free all the time for everyone isn’t sustainable, helping out people we work with may be beneficial for everyone. Here are two simple things you can do while on set to help your team out with their social presence and marketing. Best of all, it may even boost your social engagement and followers base as well as your work.

Why Aren't My Images Sorted?

You've just arrived at a meeting with your prospective wedding clients. Examples of a canvas, acrylic, and aluminum are with you, but first up is a slideshow sequence you've authored as a video. You're there to impress and so whip out the pico projector and plug in the USB stick. This is going to be big — two meters big. You navigate to the video folder which has 30 or 40 files in it. And… they are only vaguely sorted by name. Where the heck is the file you are looking for?

7 Tips by Reuters' Damir Photojournalism Sagoli

Have you ever thought about making the exciting move to photojournalism? Then we have someone you have to listen to. Sarajevo born photographer Damir Sagolj has been on the Reuters' staff since 1997 and is currently their chief photographer in Thailand. He spent five years in the Bosnian army and worked for the Paris-based Sipa press agency as their Bosnian photographer. To sum it up: he knows his shit. So if you answered "yes" to the question above here are 7 tips from Damir that you better take to heart.

[Editorial] Can Sony's Digital Imaging Division Restore Profits?

As many of you have probably already read, Sony Corp announced that it is cutting 10,000 jobs, which translates to 6% of its global workforce. Sony has been struggling with negative profits for four straight years, mainly due to its floundering television division. But what does this mean for Sony’s camera division? With the television sector likely getting the main force of the cuts, will Sony rely on growth in their digital imaging division to make up for the numbers?

Making Sure Your Photography Business Is Secure During Storms

Securing your cameras and laptops for your business during storms is just the start of the preparations that need to be considered before a storm hits. Safe guarding the essentials is not the only issue when storms arise but also the thought of how can you keep your business running if you are not able to work?

Adobe's Fiscal Year 2013 Numbers Have Been Released: Q4 $1.04B in Revenue

Adobe released their Fiscal Year 2013 numbers today, and though the Q3 earnings were below expectations, Adobe seems to have rebounded in Q4 and just matched their targeted range of $1 billion to $1.05 billion, resulting an increase in stock value in after-hours trading.

The Secret Key to Success a Photographer Must Know

There is a growing tendency in photography to produce commercially viable portfolios. I can't say that this is a bad tendency, as it nurtures image-makers who are more profitable. However, there are a few negatives to this. One of them is that everyone's portfolio looks the same.

Fstoppers Own John Schell Featured on Framed Network

Here at Fstoppers, our goal is to hire some of the very best photographers and educators in the industry to provide some insight on how they work, and what they've learned within the industry they're a part of. Recent Fstoppers Writer and Lifestyle Photographer John Schell recently met with Framed Network to show them, and us, what it's like to work on one of his photo shoots.

Canon Unveils Three New PowerShot Cameras

In addition to the PowerShot N, Canon also announced three other PowerShot cameras today: the ELPH 130 IS, the A2600, and the A1400. These cameras supposedly give consumers a simple, yet enhanced image sharing experience with Canon's built-in wireless functionality, which has evolved with new options that help make posting on social networking sites easy. It's obvious Canon is trying to mimic the ease of mobile phone cameras while maintaining higher image quality.

Build Your Dream CRM Using Automate, Notion, and Mailerlite

There are endless apps and web services available for small business owners to build a CRM database. For those not familiar with CRM, it stands for Customer Relationship Management. Basically, it's where you store, categorize, and update your customer’s information.