Selling Photo Products You're Passionate About

Would you agree that no one likes the idea of the slimy used car salesman? Have you ever stopped to think about and analyze why no one likes that person? It's because that person has no vested interest in the product they're are selling or the people they are selling to. He or she has no interest in the customer or in the car. As a photographer, how do make money selling a service and product to your customers while never treating them like the car salesman would? The answer is pretty simple: take time to find the products that you're actually passionate about and then share that passion with your clients.

The Canon 5D MK II is $400 off! Plus free accessories!

Looking to make your way into shooting full frame digital on a budget? Well B&H has just announced a big price cut for the Canon 5D MK II! This is also an excellent second body for anyone looking for a back up so if you're in the Canon camp, this is definitely a deal you don't want to miss out on. Just add the camera to your cart to take advantage of this big price cut through January 5th.

'In the Starlight': A Film About Photography, Adventure, and Family

"In The Starlight" begins with Mathieu Lelay showing the beauty and values of the film as we experience the sights of the cosmos through the travels and photography of Paul Zizka. The all-encompassing night sky surrounds the film’s creator and subject making the silent case for humanity’s awe of the night sky with a universal message that we all share this very small part of a vast galaxy across a grand and timeless expanse.

Chase Jarvis Breaks Down a Time Lapse Set Up

If you've ever wondered about a simple, travel friendly time lapse setup, check this out. During his recent time in South Africa, Chase Jarvis was able to use four different cameras to capture time lapse sequences over the course of two hours. Not only does Chase break down the settings he uses, he also explains how time settings of his camera will translate to a final product at 24 fps.

Download These Raw Files From Fujifilm’s Newest Cameras

Fujifilm recently held an event in NYC for photographers to gain hands-on time with their two most recent camera releases. Fstoppers was there, and we are pleased to provide you with three downloadable raw image files from each camera.

Meeting Other Photographers

I recently moved to Paris from Cape Town, South Africa. I don't speak French yet, but I have made some friends here due to the photographic industry mixing with the fashion and beauty industry quite a bit. I decided that I needed to get out and meet some photographers and maybe learn and share what I know while having a good time. So as any person would do, I went online and searched the Facebook groups focused on photography in Paris, but it didn't give me anything I felt I wanted to join. What I did find, however, was insight into a photographer's life in a big First World city, so I joined an event and had an epic day.

Inspiring and Stunning Time Lapse Featuring the Night Skies Over Kings Canyon

You’ll feel inspired after watching Gavin Heffernan’s (Sunchaser Pictures) stunning time lapse video KINGS, taken in Kings Canyon and Sequoia national park in California. Star trails, the Milky Way and meteors paired with a dramatic soundtrack produce a truly epic and magical visual.

FS Weekly News #8: The Week’s Best Photo/Video Related Stories

Welcome to another Issue of FS Weekly News. The response to the newsletter has been great so far but I would love to feature more content from our readers. If you have something to share or think you know of anything your fellow readers would like to see, then send it along and I may feature it in future issues. Missed past issues? You can find them all right here and don't forget to subscribe to have FS Weekly News delivered straight to your inbox.
Atomos Offers Hot Swapping With New Power Station

Atomos, known for their field recorders, has recently announced a new portable power solution. The Power Station, as it is called, has the ability to power up to 3 devices simultaneously and features hot swapping. The device is powered by Sony L-series batteries, but adapters for Canon LP-6 and Nikon EN-EL15 battieries will be available.

Winners of the Second Annual AirVuz Drone Video Awards Announced

Just a few years back, AirVuz (air-views), a very popular place to share drone videos, has started their own Annual Drone Video Awards. With over $10,000 dollars in prizes, the winners of their second annual festival were announced yesterday.

Tips for Shooting Winter Wedding Photography

The wedding season typically runs in the summer months in most countries. However, winter wedding photos can look magical if done right. I spoke to Finnish photographer Lauri Hytti about his experiences and tips on how to master shooting the perfect snowy scene.

So Where Does That Inspiration Thing Come From?

That thing that everyone keeps talking about — The creative fuel for your creative fire? Where exactly does that come from? If you're looking for the short and sweet answer, it comes from wherever the hell you want it to. It comes from music, movies, television, books, nature, cities, and the people all around you. It comes from the weirdest and most random places. Sometimes it hits you like a truck and you know right away; “Holy shit, I just got inspired!” Other times it's much more subtle and you don't realize for a few days or weeks, maybe even months that something happened and you've got your creative wheels spinning.

How Believing in Yourself Leads to Better Photographs

You have checked the weather maps, you have a clear idea of what you could photograph to get a masterpiece, and then, things are different, and you have no idea what to photograph? That’s fantastic, because this is the best starting point to become a better photographer.

Download Canon's EF 40mm Autofocus Firmware Fix

Did you buy the Canon 40mm f/2.8 pancake lens, that our very own Jaron Schneider reviewed, only to be disappointed when it's autofocus stopped working? Well don't sweat it. Canon just released firmware 1.2.0 to rectify the problem. The downside is you need to be the proud owner of a Canon EOS 1D X, 5D III (at v1.1.3 or later) or a Rebel T4i/650D to install the upgrade. All others will need to send their lens into Canon Service. Eek!

Fstoppers Reviews Haida’s NanoPro Magnetic Kit: Essential Filters Made Easy

While there are dozens of options for filters, covering different effects, sizes, and manufacturers, I’ve found that I only need a few key filters for a landscape shoot. I like to use neutral density filters and circular polarizers, both of which are impactful and less easy to replicate in software. Haida’s NanoPro line has delivered great results in my past experience — can their magnetic filter line deliver the same quality?

Photographer Travels 80+ Countries to Capture The World in Faces

It's been 9 years since Australian photographer Alexander Khimushin left home to travel the world, and he's since been to over 80 countries. While many travelers prefer short-term sightseeing tours, Khimushin is a firm believer that off the beaten path is the only way of traveling. Meeting indigenous people all over the world was the most inspiring part of his journey. This realization led to a personal project called, "The World in Faces," which he started around three years ago.

Does Music Soothe the Savage Photo Editing Breast?

Last weekend, my wife and I enjoyed a wonderful spaghetti dinner at the house of wedding photographer, and fellow survivor of the Australian music industry, Col Hockey. As the night drew on and we sat around the warm glow of his Spotify account, taking turns picking dinner party background music, we set our minds to solving all of the problems inherent in the modern wedding photography world. We discussed gear, marketing, and the mountain that must be climbed: the post-wedding cull and edit. We’re both musicians, so the thought of spending days editing in secluded silence seemed completely alien, but it got me wondering if we were making the right choice.

Detailed Lighting Setup For An Amazing Western Shoot

Jay P. Morgan seems to be releasing one great BTSV after another. I have enjoyed them all but I must admit that this one is by far my favorite. At his last workshop, Jay used a 5D Mark II and 4 studio strobes to professionally light his western themed set. If you don't have all of the studio gear yet, keep in mind that it is possible to light scenes like these with much smaller and cheaper speedlights as well (like the SB-900 or 580EX), just keep in mind that they will not be as powerful as a studio system.