StillMotion Shoots Video At An Aquarium With The Red Epic

As we have said many times before, we are huge fans of the crew at StillMotion for their wedding work. In this video, the team steps outside of their standard job to shoot for Shedd Aquarium. They decided to film most of the project on the new Red Epic so that they could shoot at variable frame rates up to 300fps. In the video below, they take us behind the scenes of the creation of this project. Check out the full post to see the reel from the shoot.
LifePrint Makes and Shares Photo Prints

LifePrint is a Kickstarter project looking to change the way people share their images. The device prints instant, Polaroid-esque, photos off iOS and Android devices through their proprietary app. While the printer technology is interesting in itself, there's something about this project that could really change the way we share photos.

Nikon Announces New Nikon 1 S2 Mirrorless System

Finally, the last Nikon product announcement for the day: Nikon has just rolled out the new Nikon 1 S2 mirrorless camera system, an update to the 2013 Nikon 1 S1. The new S2 features a 14.2 MP sensor (up around 4 MP from the S1), shoots full-HD 1020p video, and fires at 20 FPS. It comes in four colors, and will have a price of $446.95 (including the kit 11-27.5 f/3.5-5.6 kit lens).

Cracking the Code: How a Polarizer Unveils the Secrets of Rock Pools

Rock pools are captivating microcosms of marine life nestled along the coastline, holding a world of hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. But have you ever wondered how you can capture the vibrant colors and intricate details of these submerged wonders? Let’s delve into the enigmatic power of a polarizer and explore how it reveals the secrets of rock pools along the water's edge, where the code to capturing the beauty of these miniature aquatic ecosystems is cracked.

An Untapped Market: Agricultural Aerial Photography

I was recently commissioned to photograph fields of Rooibos Tea (a healthy tea with no caffeine and great antioxidants found in South Africa) so the farmer could document his potential yield. He also wanted details, as in what side of the tea field to start planting so he could plan the sowing schedule for the next five years. The idea is to not sow on the same soil, so new rows of tea plants need to be formed in five years. Tea likes fresh, new soil.

Fstoppers Is Hiring Staff Writers

Are you a photographer or videographer who loves to write? It's that time again! Fstoppers is looking to hire several creative professionals to write for us. If you enjoy reading Fstoppers and think you may have something to offer, we want to hear from you!

Why You Sometimes Need to Fail to Succeed

Too often, we think of our personal or professional failures as something that will negatively impact us for a long time and others will judge or look down on us for, when in reality, these mistakes and failures are what help us grow.

Fstoppers Reviews the New and Improved Luxury Camera Bag From Hawkesmill

Three years ago, I reviewed the original camera bag offering from the team at Hawkesmill and it has remained my favorite bag in the years since. Recently, Hawkesmill reached out to me about reviewing their updated and improved model. Read on to hear how the best bag has been made even better.

[BTSV] Contest: A 70's Vibe with Guns, Booze, Bikes and Dirt

"Spot Cinema was asked to come along to a Matt Barnes' Creative, as he organized an amazing PhotoShoot at Gopher Dunes rein-acting a scene from the 1960s /70s with a couple of male models, dirt bikes, vintage clothing and a Smoke Machine!"
Vintage Lights For A Vintage Shoot

R. J. Kern and Amanda Tipton are both photographers from Denver Colorado. Together they setup a vintage "Mad Men" style photoshoot at the Cruise Room within the Oxford Hotel. They give a lot of useful information about how to achieve a true throw back look by using Fresnel Hot Lights, vintage clothing, and a classic 1950's style location. By shooting with hot lights, RJ and Amanda are both able to shoot at the same time without having to worry about recycle rates or light contamination as they work on sets in close proximity to each other. You can check out Amanda's images HERE and RJ's image HERE. I think both sessions turned out great but if you have a preference for one style over another, let us know in the comments.

Inspired by Light: Behind the Scenes of a Vintage Shoot from R. J. Kern on Vimeo.

Creating a Night Sky 360 VR Panorama

Creating a 360 VR panorama (also referred to as 360x180 degree panorama) has been an interesting side-challenge to take on for photographers, but in the past few years, it has been simplified to the point where phones, such as the Google Pixel series, make taking a VR panorama practically a point-and-shoot affair. But shooting one of the night sky remains a worthy challenge.

How Astrid Obert Shot 'Inception' in Cape Town

As creatives, we all love opportunities to work out creativity muscles and test how far we can push it. This was how the shoot “Inception” came about for photographer Astrid Obert.

Ralph Lauren's Runway Event Goes 4D

The other day I came across a popular video on Vimeo right now that featured an amazing new projection technique hitting large buildings across the world. The art is called 3D Projection Mapping and the effect is really cool. By creating 3D graphic models and merging it with video and stills shot on green screen, these artists are able to project dynamic sequences onto buildings in a way that makes them come to life. Everyone from Samsung, Adidas, and Toyota have used 3D projection mapping for advertising, and the results are spectacular. Ralph Lauren recently created a 3D Projection Map sequence for their 10 years of digital innovation runway show in NYC and they filmed a great behind the scenes video. Click the full post to see the final video and several other amazing videos.
Legendary Photographer, Robert Frank, Dies at 94

When I discovered Robert Frank’s work it fundamentally altered my perception of what, and how much, photography could mean. Mr. Frank passed away Monday in Mabou, Nova Scotia at the age of 94.

Fstoppers Reviews the Hair Retouching Course From Retouching Academy

Hair retouching is something that most retouchers and photographers cringe to think about. It's also something that we really need to be fluent in because the situation will come up where there will be things you need to fix. The Hair Retouching course by Retouching Academy with Michael Woloszynowicz is a full overview of the variety of hair issues and how to fix them.

Auxiliary Magazine Is Going To Print And They Want Your Support!

Auxiliary Magazine is all about the alternative. They go against the mainstream to bring you the beauty of sub-culture which they have been proudly doing for 5 years and through 32 issues. I sat down with the Editor In Chief for Auxiliary Magazine, Jennifer Link, to discuss what it takes to run a popular independent magazine as well as their recent Kickstarter campaign to help the magazine go to print.

[BTSV] Filming Skate, Wake, Snow, and Kiteboaring With The Red Epic

Adam Boozer, one of South Carolina's most taleted videographers, is currently working on a project that has the potential to become the most epic kiteboarding video ever filmed. To promote his Kickstarter project Adam filmed a quick promo with what he calls "The Gnar Bar." Adam shot a skateboarder, wakeboarder, snowboarder, and kiteboarder all hitting this oversized pipe with the Red Epic.

[Video] Composite Master, Dave Hill, Shows Us His Process

Here is a looong (but good) video of Dave Hill talking to a room of digital creatives, who aren't necessarily photographers, about how to make great images. It's all straight from the conference room and has quite the C-Span vibe to it, but it's well worth watching. This kid knows what he's doing and he does what he does so well. Enjoy!
First-Person View of Journalist's Protest Coverage is Enthralling

A recently shared YouTube video by Australian photographer Dillon Mak puts viewers behind the lens as he navigates rowdy crowds, police barricades, and scores of other journalists. The point-of-view setup takes you right to the front lines of the Reclaim Australia protests and counter-protests that have been taking place across Australia.

We Interview Tesni Ward, One of the UK’s Leading Wildlife Photographers

There are some photographers whose work you can learn from. Tesni is one of those whose wildlife photography is worth following not only because of her eye for a great shot, but her enthusiasm and knowledge of the natural world that also shine through in her images.

Fstoppers Reviews the edelkrone SliderPlus and HeadPlus System

As someone who produces a lot of timelapses and video content for YouTube, nothing excites me more than testing out a new piece of gear. So, when edelkrone asked me to review their latest motorized slider and panning head unit, I jumped at the opportunity to see what this kit could do.

The Making of a Composite With Mario Olvera

Mario Olvera is a photographer, digital artist, and friend from Mexico. He creates surreal conceptual composite images and commercial works.

Facebook to Allow Appeals, Publishes Internal Guidelines

Facebook announced today that they have released their own internal content guidelines and will begin allowing users to appeal the removal of their posts. What does this mean for photographers? Hopefully, it's an end to years of ambiguity and frustration.

Imagine a World with No Brands

Imagine a world of no brands — no Wal-Mart, Google, HSBC, or Canon. Is that the sort of world we would want to inhabit?