Should the Images From Camera Reviews Be Edited or Not?

Recently I got a friendly comment about the images of a camera review I did. It was all about how the results should be presented. Straight out of the camera, or edited? I want to have a closer look at this question and what could be the answer.

Who Does Your Photography Branding Appeal To?

You are about to embark on a magnificent afternoon of fishing, under a sun-soaked sky. Do you simply drive around town till you see running water, hastily place the car in park, and cast out, or instead carefully plan out a spot on the water that nets you the greatest chance of success.

Give Yourself Space to Be Creative

Creativity, while seemingly endless for some, is a beast we need to feed in order to have it work for us. We cannot simply expect to be running at 100% all of the time without stopping, reflecting, and spending time to nurture the force we require to make our best work. As some of you may have noticed (I’m hoping someone other than my mother did), I have just taken a one-month break from writing here at Fstoppers. This was a personal month taken to reset and bring my focus back to what’s really important. This is something I feel we all should do from time to time. Let me explain.

Interview with Set in The Street Photographer Justin Bettman

Justin Bettman is a portrait and editorial photographer based out of NYC and I first came across his #SetintheStreet project while scrolling through Facebook. I thought it was a fun, creative and unique project that was worth sharing! I love that the art kind of lived on after the shoot itself with him leaving the sets in place for people to engage with. So cool, right!?! With that said, I decided I had to interview him to find out what are his processes in creating these photographs.

Fstoppers Reviews Rocky Nook’s ‘Street Photography’ Plus Free Book Giveaway

Photography book publisher Rocky Nook recently released several new titles which join their now expansive library of topics. I checked out two of these new books, and in this article I review “Street Photography: The Art of Capturing the Candid Moment” by Gordon Lewis. In addition to the review, we are giving away two free copies of “Street Photography” to two lucky readers.

Wedding Photography:  How Jasmine Star Photographs Preparation Shots

It's no secret that Lee and I started our photography careers as wedding photographers. Regardless of what anyone says, photographing weddings is an excellent way to sharpen your photography skills since there are so many different types of shots you can plan throughout the day (and make a great living doing it). Usually when you first arrive at a wedding, the first photos your client will probably want you to capture are detail and candid getting ready shots. Superstar wedding photographer Jasmine Star recently released a great video outlining how she approaches these must have shots. If you are a guy then it's probably great advice hearing this from a female perspective so you know what's important to capture. And if Jasmine is reading, what's up with stealing our backgound?
This Photographic Arts Center in Colorado Is Offering Its Entire Collection Online

Despite museums, galleries, and cooperatives temporarily shuttering due to the coronavirus crisis, cultural institutions are finding ways to allow audiences to view their curated displays. One such establishment in Denver, Colorado has generously uploaded its 180-artist collection for viewers to peruse online.

Top YouTubers Criticized for Promoting Mental Health App With Dubious Record

Many popular YouTube personalities are facing intense criticism for making a deal with an app that connects users to mental health counselors, particularly as it has come to light that the YouTubers receive commissions from the company. As the app has become embroiled in controversy, the YouTubers are being criticized for toying with sensitive mental health issues.

Does Art Have a Place in the World of Commercial Photography: Toni Meneguzzo's Diptych

The OED defines "diptych" as a pair of thematically linked paintings, photographs, sculptures, etc. For Toni Meneguzzo, in light of his show, Diptych, opening at 29 Arts in Progress Gallery in Milan, the word seems to mean something much broader. Meneguzzo's Diptych is an invitation to engage with his newest work side by side with his growing legacy, perhaps as a challenge for the viewer to consider where art and commerce overlap.

Fstoppers Party In NYC Tonight!

The last day of PDN's PhotoPlus is coming to an end tonight and what better way to celebrate than doing it with the best of the best in the industry. Because we just can't get enough of Peter Hurley, we're teaming up with him again to make this year's party EVEN better than last year. The party will kick off at 8pm until MIDNIGHT at the Highline lofts located at 508 W. 26 St. on the 5th Floor. We'll be charging a $20 cover but that will include all the food and alcohol you can consume.

How a DSLR Camera Works: Free Lesson From Photography 101

Fstoppers has created an entire tutorial on the basics of photography, Photography 101. Today, we are releasing a free excerpt from the tutorial that shows the inner workings of a DSLR camera and how it is you actually take a picture with it. In addition to our free excerpt, we are offering a discount on the full tutorial, simply use code "INTRO" at checkout to save $50. This discount will expire on January 22nd.

Earning Money From Photography Is Steep Yet Brilliant Mountain To Climb

You are a professional photographer as soon as you sell a print or get any money for your photography. Excelling at that requires taking on tasks and responsibilities, some of which apply to amateur photographers too. However, there's much more to it than many people imagine.

Canon's New 200-400mm f/4L IS  1.4x TC Lens Around the Corner?

Canon's highly anticipated dream lens, the 200-400mm f/4 with a built-in 1.4x teleconverter that was seen at the Olympics has been used "in the wild." CanonRumors reports that one of its readers, Ben, got to use the likely $11,000 lens in South Africa for a bit after speaking with a product manager...

Zach Andrews And Corinne Alexandra Have My Back

As you all know The iPhone Fashion Shoot created a heated debate on the internet. I responded to all of the haters but according to my scientific tests, 95% of internet trolls are illiterate so they never read it. I have been getting tons of emails from people who want me to do the shoot again with only lights from Lowes but I am not really interested. The shoot was fun to do once, I proved my point, and I don't want to be known as "the iPhone photographer" so I am going back to only using my camera phone to take pictures of my drunk friends. Thankfully there are others out there that have my back. Zach Andrews and Corinne Alexandra created a quick video in which they take a beautiful portrait with a lamp, a window, a sheet, and a point and shoot. Once again talent trumps gear. Photoshoot for DIY-ers from Zach Andrews on Vimeo.
Peakto Integrates Pixelmator Pro, With DXO Links on the Way

I gave a favorable review to Peakto a couple of weeks ago, and one thing I noticed is that they do frequent updates, which is a positive thing in my view. Bug fixes and new features are frequent. Today, they've offered an update to Peakto that includes integration with Pixelmator Pro, a popular photo editor. Peakto, please note, is a Mac-only application.

Canon Introduces New CPS Cinema Membership Level

Early this morning Canon announced a new CPS level for Cinema shooters. To join, you have to own at least one Cinema Zoom lens or one of the following Cinema EOS cameras: the EOS C300, EOS C500, or EOS-1D C. The membership has an annual cost of $1000.

Greg Heisler Discusses Photographing Greg Louganis

If you haven't had the opportunity to attend one of Greg Heisler's lectures, you really need to find a way to do so. I realized after saying this that I have no idea how to help you do that because I can't seem to find touring information anywhere. Nevertheless, as far as I'm aware he is still traveling all over the country speaking and promoting his book "50 Portraits." In these lectures he goes through many of the life experiences and stories from his long and incredible career. This video is one of those stories.

There Is No Such Thing as an Original Idea, or Why You Should Copy and Not Worry

Artists enjoy calling their work “original.” For good reason too, as artists, we want to stand out and send an authentic message to the world. But, there are hardly any truly original ideas in the art world. Everything has been invented, reinvented, and re-reinvented over again. In this article, we will discuss how to create, reinvent, and stay away from copying.

How One Photographer Designed and Built His Own Unique Vlogging Camera

In 2019, a photographer from San Francisco designed, built, and launched one of the most innovative and bizarre cameras of its kind: the Idolcam. While GoPro and DJI rely on sensor stablization and digital wizardry to create smooth footage, Idolcam does something completely different.