Jason Koontz shoots fashion photographer James Weber behind the scenes

Here is an example of a behind the scenes video that puts ours to shame. We love the editing as much as we love the final images. Check out the photographers unbelievable portfolio here and check out Jason's video portfolio reel here. Fashion Shoot: Behind the Scenes from Jason Koontz on Vimeo.
Fstoppers is in NYC and needs your help

I am currently up here in NYC and Patrick Hall is coming up on Monday. Our goal was to come to the city to create our next Fstoppers video and the photographer that we had planned to feature doesn't have any big shoots lined up for next week. If you happen to to be, or know of a great photographer in NYC that will be doing a shoot on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week please give me, Lee Morris, an email (rlmorrisphoto@gmail.com) or a phone call (843.697.4282). We would love to feature you/them free of charge. At this point we are looking for a product/car photographer but since it is so last minute any cool photoshoot will do. If you happen to live in NYC and simply want to party with us feel free to call or email too :)
Photographer Joel Grimes shoots Rap Artist Mustafa Shakir

Joel Grimes has an amazing portfolio and in this video we get a glimpse of what it takes to shoot and then edit one of his images. Check out Joel's website at www.joelgrimes.com and visit www.joelgrimesworkshops.com for more tutorials. <
Oscar Van De Beek Shoots The Seat Leon Cupra R And Explosions

Here's a really cool video of Oscar Van De Beek shooting a new car. What better way to show of the new car than with fire and explosions. You can check out Oscar's amazing portfolio here.

Behind the scenes of the New Seat Leon Cupra R photoshoot from Simon De Man on Vimeo.

Nathaniel Welch:  Location Photography Specialist

Nathaniel Welch has shot with Joe Perry, Sarah Palin, Chuck Liddell, Terrell Owens, Myth Busters, Guinness Beer, Brad Pitt, ESPN, Ricky Gervais, and Snoop Dogg....just to name a few!
Mark Tipple Shoots The Underwater Project

When I think of underwater photography I think about fish and coral. Mark Tipple thinks about shooting waves and swimmers from below the surface. Check out this very quick clip and then head over to his beautiful website here.

Shooting The Underwater Project. from The Underwater Project on Vimeo.

Fstoppers Forum Update

It has come to our attention that one of the servers that hosts fstoppersforum.com has crashed and part of our database as been temporarily corrupt. We are working hard to resolve this problem and I apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused. If you have signed up for an account or posted to the forum in the last 10 days or so, sit tight and hopefully we can restore the database so everyone shows up again. All registrations and posts since Sept 22nd may not be showing up. We will let you know when everything has been resolved.
Innovative Musical Spotlights Renowned Photographer's Journey

A captivating musical is bringing the inspiring story of Matthew Murphy, a Montana-raised dance prodigy turned Broadway photographer, to center stage. "35mm: A Musical Exhibition" melds Murphy's evocative personal images with songs composed in response to the photographs. The University of Montana's talented Zootown Cabaret ensemble will perform the show November 17-18 in Missoula.

Dave Hill Shoots Wrestlemania Promo

This video is a bit old but I know many of our readers may have never seen it so I thought I would post it. You can check out the finished images at Dave's website here.

081228 Wrestlemania 25 - photo shoot from Dave Hill on Vimeo.

Who Are You People?

Recently I have been meeting random people who are Fstoppers readers. Sometimes they are professional photographers, sometimes they don't own anything more than a point and shoot camera. It got me wondering... who is our average reader (or in our case, watcher)? Click on one of the options below and let's find out! What Best Describes You?Market Research
We have a problem, we have become too popular

First of all, we want to thank everyone for their interest in our site. We launched Fstoppers 3 days ago. On day 1 we got 250 hits and I thought that was really good. On day 2 we got 4000 hits and I was blown away. Today we got 12,000 hits and I started to freak out. Why? Because we are running this site mostly through Vimeo.com which actually costs money (it isn't free like Youtube). We like Vimeo more because it has a great community and the videos are higher quality and they stream better than Youtube but we can't keep this up. I thought that we got 25,000 hits per month, I was just...

Christopher Lynch Shoots The Satellite Nation

Before Fstoppers.com launched I was in NYC at a scuba store preparing for my trip to Belize. I was talking to the store owner about underwater photography and Christopher Lynch walked up and joined in the conversation. Chris explained that he was a professional commercial shooter and after some great advice he gave me his card and went on his way. I went to his website later that night and found some fantastic behind the scenes footage. I have a hard time setting up shoots in small towns, he does it on the streets of Manhattan.
Patrick Lawler Inspires Me twice In 1 Week

A few days ago I posted Patrick's video of his friends jumping on a trampoline in the desert... I just ran across his skim boarding video on vimeo and I am once again smiling while I watch his work. You want to know how he did it? Simple; he put a GoPro HD Hero on a monopod and threw it around in the ocean. Love it!

GoPro HD - Skimboarding In A Storm! from Patrick Lawler on Vimeo.

S1 Studio Shoots MMA fighters

Sometimes you may need a flash that can recycle at 10 frames per second to capture your photoshoot. Watch as Profoto and Studio S1 out of Toronto, Canada sponsor an assistant shootout with Mixed Martial Arts fighters. If this does not have you wanting to upgrade to Profoto gear nothing probably will...

Profoto Fight Night from S1 Group on Vimeo.

Rudy Archuleta

Rudy Archuleta is a commercial photographer probably best known for his portraits of musicians and rockstars. His portfolio is a who's who of popular culture and his images quite interesting to deconstruct. View more of Rudy Archuleta's work at www.rudyarchuleta.com Rudy Archuleta - Photographer from Redux Pictures on Vimeo.
Behind the Scenes:  2010 Olympic POWERade Commercial

This little piece of awesomeness comes from a behind the scenes video for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games sponsor POWERade. Canadian NHL hockey player Jerome Iginla takes the ice in a promotional video for POWERade's new 2010 Olympic bottle campaign.
The Tamron 17-50mm 2.8 VC Lens Is My New Favorite Lens For Video

I own the Nikon 24-70 and 17-55 so why in the world would I choose to shoot video with the Tamron 17-50? Because it has VC (vibration compensation) which helps me keep my video nice and smooth. Head over to the full post to learn more about why I use this lens and to view the vimeo version of this lens.
[Contest] Random Winner of a Lowepro Pro Messenger

We had a great showing for our random drawing to win a Lowepro Pro Messenger 160 AW over at the Fstoppers Facebook page. Using a random number generator, we have a winner! Congratulations to Lisa Morris-Murray! Send me an email at Jaron@fstoppers.com with a link to your facebook profile so I can confirm your details (this may require that you accept me as a friend) to claim your prize. Love winning free things? Keep checking back to Fstoppers.com for more contests and more winning brought to you by the best brands in the business.
Who Should Fstoppers Feature Next?

That is the question we are currently asking our readers on our forum. We have a few really cool videos in the works but we still have to plan ahead. If you happen to admire a particular photographer please stop by our forum and write us a note, if we like what the photographer is doing we will travel to them and create a video for them free of charge. Visit the forum post by clicking here.
How to Calibrate Your Monitor With the Datacolor Spyder5ELITE: Plus Holiday Deals

With the holiday sales starting this week it's the perfect time to start calibrating your monitor or upgrade your old device to a new one. Datacolor is offering some great deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. So pick up a new device and read through my walkthrough on how to use your new toy.

The Last 3 Minutes Revisited

About a month ago we shared Shane Hurlbut's video The Last 3 Minutes and the behind the scenes on the making of that video. Here is another look at some more scenes from the short movie all filmed on the Canon 5D Mark II. It's really cool to see Shane taking the time to give commentary over this BTS footage. Enjoy.
I Learn To Scuba/Fail At Underwater Photography

I spend most of my time in Charleston, SC and NYC. It was February and Charleston was uncomfortably cold and NYC was unbearably cold. I had some free time so I decided to fly down to Placencia Belize and learn to scuba dive. As a photographer I wanted to get some cool photography as well. The trip ended up being the most memorable trip of my life but I broke 2 of my 3 underwater cameras on the first day and I didn't get a single quality image under the water... Read more after the jump and watch the youtube version is you happen to be on your cell phone. ><
Make your SB-800 better in under 10 minutes

I actually made a video about this over a year ago when I had no clue how to use Premiere. I also didn't have and wireless mics so I edited the whole video in movie maker and everyone who saw it said they couldn't hear me over the music. So we decided to reshoot it with our fancy D300s cameras, Sennheiser Mics, and Adobe Premiere. Hopefully you can understand me now because I am not going to do this again. Youtube version after the jump. ><
Behind The Mask Photography:  Glasspass Behind the Scenes

Marie-Louise Cadosch of Behind the Mask Photography is not your average run of the mill photographer. Her background as a fashion stylist seems to play a huge roll in creating a classy mood in her photographs. In her Glasspass behind the sceens video, Marie-Louise spares no effort on the production end and the images are great because of it. I love photographers who work with a large team of creative professionals, and you can really tell they add so much to overall mood of these images. It also looks like she gives a little Ode to the Kill Bill / Sin City movies without making it too obvious. Very cool shoot!

Glasspass Shooting - Behind The Scenes from Behind The Mask Photography on Vimeo.

Camera Preset Buttons:  Quickly Returning to your Previous Settings

Have you ever had to move between 3-5 different environments and maintain consistent exposure and color among each scene? Many photographers move between several locations every half hour (studio setup, indoor bounce flash, outside natural light, low light video) and have to quickly reset their camera's settings over and over again. Imagine only having to hit one button to revisit your camera's settings for an environment you were just in 20 mins ago! There could be a faster way to make those transitions.
68 Percent of Adults Edit Their Selfies Before Sharing Them With Anyone

Think we're in the middle of a Photoshopping epidemic? You don't even know how bad it is (well, now you do). According to a recent survey, 68 percent of adults take to some kind of photo editing before they share any photo with another person or online. As desktop and mobile editing tools become easier to use — with some even serving the specific purpose of being easy to use for the less technically inclined — Photoshopping images is the latest trend... and it's still growing.

David Jackson:  Behind the Scenes for Matter

I came across this video the other day by photographer David Jackson out of Appleton Wisconsin. David is a commercial photographer who like most innovative artists shoots primarily on location. Check out his latest behind the scenes video of a promotional shoot he did with Matters: A Design Store with a Cause. MATTER: Behind The Scenes from David Jackson on Vimeo.