Patrick Gosling's Playstation Composite

Patrick Gosling was faced with a problem: how do you create an image with more cars than you have available on set? This timelapse video proves that a little creative thinking can go a long way in creating an complex image without complex lighting. Click the post to read about how he did it.

Playstation GT Academy photoshoot from Patrick Gosling on Vimeo.

UK Photographer James Karinejad Makes A Pretty Mess

James Karinejad is a commercial product photographer out of Edgware, North London and his work is probably best described as clean yet imaginative. Some of the clients he has worked with have included Dolce & Gabbana, Pizza Hut, Clarins, and Addison Lee. It's also interesting to note that James made the transition to stills by first working in video.

I have always enjoyed watching these product shoots because the lighting required to make a product look desirable is often very different than the lighting needed to make a face or figure look good. In this video James...

Rock Climbing Photographer Simon Carter Scares Us To Death

I hope you are not scared of heights! Watch extreme rock climbing photographer Simon Carter as he discusses how he positions himself in open space hundreds of feet above the ground and still manages to get jaw dropping images. Click the post to view the second video.


Sam O’Hare makes NYC looks small

It is amazing what creative professionals are doing with their cameras. Sam O'Hare blew my mind today with his short NYC video called The Sandpit. I thought I knew how he created this but was completely wrong. Take a guess then click the link to read about how it was really shot.

The Sandpit from Sam O'Hare on Vimeo.

[FS Meetup] Fstoppers Unite Friday Night At The Bayou In Salt Lake City

So you've had a long week of work and just survived a record breaking wind storm...what does one do to cut the edge in Salt Lake City? How about socializing over a few beers with other local photographers? Lee and I will be in Salt Lake City, Utah this weekend hitting up Solitude (if the snow sticks around) before we head down to film the next Fstoppers Original in Phoenix. We've been told the best local watering hole is a beervanna called The Bayou (645 South State Street), and nothing cures a long flight and a little jet lag like a few cold brewskies. Meet up at The Bayou around 9PM if you are in the area and we'd love to hang out a bit. In typical Fstoppers fashion, yes this meetup is being announced within the maximum 48 hour notice :)
BJ and Richielle Formento are Fine Art photographers

BJ and Richielle Formento are a photography team that makes up Revolvershoots, and I must say I really love their moody images. Their project Circumstance combines a lot of unique locations with bits of adversity in the rolls they have their models play. It's definitely interesting stuff, and you can see how studying under Annie Leibovitz has influenced BJ's work.

Circumstance 5 from Peggy Peralta on Vimeo.

Canon's Emmy Award Winning Commercial BTS

I actually just stumbled upon this and was really impressed. View the full post to see the behind the scenes video.

CANON Commercial - Freeze Tag from Saman Keshavarz on Vimeo.

Are You On Fstoppers Forum Yet?

We finally got our forum up and running and we hope that everyone that visits Fstoppers will also take part in the community we are trying to create. Patrick will be releasing a video soon that is directly related to the forum but until then I wanted to show you a little bit of what you are missing out on. College student Thomas Woodson has created a thread taking us through his car photography techniques. Want to know what gear he is using? A D40, 1 Vivitar flash, and a sheet. Check out the thread here. If you appreciate what we are trying to do at then please do both yourself and us a favor and take part in our new forum at
John Chiara's Camera Is The Size Of A Truck

Check out John Chiara's home made camera; it's so big he had to build it inside of a trailer! If you thought it was tough getting out and shooting, you now have no excuse after you watch the amount of effort put into making these images. <
Philips Carousel

This online film by director Adam Berg and Stink Digital ( took home the Cannes Lions 2009 Film Grand Prix, and boy did it deserve it! Developed to highlight Philips new 21:9 cinema proportion television, the film consists of one long tracking shot a la Goodfellas (albeit with more explosions and clowns). Check out the visual masterpiece and then the making-of videos below. Betcha can't watch just once... <
Douglas Sonders captures a secret agent

Douglas Sonders is an amazing photographer out of Washington DC, and his work is very stylized with studio lighting and exotic action themes. Check out this behind the scenes video as he brings out the weapons, poker chips, and Bond characters during his Secret Agent shoot. Also check out his website for more inspiring work!

Secret Agent Photoshoot - Douglas Sonders Photography from Douglas Sonders on Vimeo.

Dylan Coulter Makes Cyclocross Look Messy

Dylan Coulter is the only guy I know who needs a special effects team when shooting top US Cyclocross athletes for the fashion spread of Men's Journal Magazine. Check out this amazing behind the scenes video of his shoot and click on the link to read about how he shot it.

Men's Journal Magazine May 2010 Cyclocross Fashion Shoot from Dylan Coulter on Vimeo.

Leo Burnett Creates "Space Chimp" And Makes Me Sad

This video does not have the most informative behind the scenes video to go along with it but it is so good that I wanted to post it anyway. View the full post to see "the making" of this fantastic short.

Space Chimp from Leo Burnett on Vimeo.

Joseph Watts Shoots Tom Anderson

Joseph just sent this BTS video over to me. The video is lacking but the images are so good that I wanted to post this anyway. It is pretty amazing what you can do with a small softbox on a stick. You can view more details about this shoot and the final images here. ><
Joel Sartore Shoots Endangered Species

This is the is what Fstoppers is all about. National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore has created a book that will feature portraits of endangered species. To go along with his book he created a quick video promo. This video is the behind the scenes of that promo. View the full post to see the extraordinary finished product.

RARE: Behind the Scenes from Joel Sartore on Vimeo.

Ray Demski Shoots Cliff Diving For Red Bull

Ray Demski, Marcel Lämmerhirt, and Chris Stadler were all commissioned by Red Bull to shoot their cliff diving event in Hamburg. Shooting the event was no easy task but luckily for us Ray Demski was kind enough to share how they did it. <
Fresh Photography Of Caesar Lima

Here's a clever idea: Create a campaign without showing the product... Watch this quick video of my good friend Caesar Lima doing his thing and then read all about this interesting marketing idea and the technical side of this shoot in the full post.

The Making of the chocolate girl from Caesar Lima on Vimeo.

Film VS DSLR Video

Many of you have already seen this but if you haven't you should check it out. Zacuto (the company that makes add-ons for DSLR video) has put together the most extensive video quality test I have ever seen. You can check out this weeks video at . Below is just a trailer since the full video is not able to be embedded any longer
Contest Entry: Fatal Attraction

Our next contest entry as just been posted. David Solomini shoots for A-List Magazine. It's really cool to see all that goes into getting a cover of a fashion magazine. You can view more details about the full shoot at and you can add to the dialog about this BTS video on the forums here. Please give the creator of this video your feedback, we would all appreciate it. ><
The Fstoppers Contest Has Received Its First Submission

Well it took a few weeks but we have finally received our first contest submission. Dave Gruentzel Photography of has created a solid BTS video of their latest underwater shoot. If you would like to ask questions or make comments feel free to leave them below or head over to our forum where they posted the video here. <
Dominique Daher Talks About Shooting Wind Surfing

Dom Daher is an extreme sport photographer. If you've ever wondered what it would be like to have to shoot commercial photos while avoiding crashing waves and aggressive surfers then this video should wet your appetite. <
Do You Know Who Dave Hill Is? You Should

I have been following Dave Hill for years now and recently he was hired to shoot a picture series for the March issue of Digital SLR Photography Magazine. Dave has an amazing style to his photography; it almost looks like an illustration. Check out Dave's website here and check out snapshots from this shoot right out of the magazine on his blog here.

090417 Girl on an Adventure - Behind the Scenes from Dave Hill on Vimeo.

[FS Meetup] Come Grab A Drink In New Orleans At Bar Tonique

I just wrapped up a future Fstoppers video here in New Orleans, Louisiana, and I'd love to grab a drink with anyone in the area. The meetup starts at 8pm Tonight Tuesday the 10th at Bar Tonique located at 820 North Rampart St. It's located just on the edge of the French Quarter so we can escape all the hoopla that comes with Bourbon Street. Hopefully I'll see you there.
Zack Arias sits down with CJ

I was just chatting with some people from Atlanta about which photographer to feature for the next FS video and Zack Arias seemed to be the hands down favorite. Well Chase Jarvis beat us to it so I'll pass this along to you. I have no idea how you can have a 2 hour video on youtube but if you have time to watch this check it out; they cover quite a bit of interesting topics that are sure to help you with your own photography and business. Enjoy <
Miami Photographer Andres Hernandez Shoots A Spring Collection

Miami photographer Andres Hernandez shoots natural light catalog images for Extyn Italy. He also manages to include some really cool video in his latest behind the scenes film.

Extyn Italy / Behind the scenes photoshoot from Andres Hernandez on Vimeo.

How To Shoot Stills Like A Bond Movie (Or The Avengers)

Marie-Louise Cadosch of Marc and Louis Photography has put together an amazing Bond-like photoshoot. Ater you check out their BTS video you can head on over to their website: <