Alexx Henry Revisted

Alexx Henry raises the bar again with his latest magazine motion cover for release with the Apple ipad. It is not standard practice for Fstoppers to highlight two videos back to back but this was too good to pass up. Click the post to see how this was created and shot.
How To Snowboard On Leaves

Zimtstern, a clothing company needed a new commercial so they decided to advertise their snowboard apparel in a completely new way. Watch the behind the scenes video below and then the finished product in the full post.<
Annie Leibovitz talks with Time Magazine

Earlier in the week we posted a quick video from Annie's photoshoot with Keith Richards. Today I thought I'd share an interview Time Magazine did with Leibovitz where she talks about some of her work, what it's like running a photoshoot, how she used to work with her assistants, and the whole Miley Cyrus controversy. There are no cameras or crazy lighting in this video but I think all of that stuff becomes secondary in comparison to being a confident photographer, having great ideas, and executing a productive photoshoot. Hope you enjoy <
Pete Barrett Shoots A New Balance Ad (Update)

Here is a quick timelapse of one of Pete's latests commercial gigs. It is a bit difficult to see what he is exactly doing in terms of lighting but I am simply impressed by the complexity of this shoot. Look how many people are on the set! After you watch this video head over to his website and be prepared to be blown away. Check the full post to read a message from the photographer.

Behind the scenes on the New Balance photo shoot. from Pete Barrett on Vimeo.

Be A Part Of Our Photo Critique!

One of our forum members "sajamil" created a cool thread on the Fstoppers forum. He asked us to critique the person in the post above you and then give a link to a website where the next poster will critique you. We would love for you to be a part of this FS community and join in on this fun photo critique by clicking here.
[FS Meetup] Fstoppers Meetup TONIGHT in Scottsdale, AZ w/ Blair Bunting

We are going to be in Scottsdale, AZ shooting our next Behind The Scenes video with commercial photographer Blair Bunting, so we thought we might hit up all you Arizona Fstoppers. Come hang with us at the Terroir Wine Pub (7001 North Scottsdale Road) starting at 7 PM on Thursday December 8! Knock back some drinks, meet Blair Bunting and your favorite FS crew, and debrief our latest project with us. You all may remember Blair from a really popular video we posted from his work with Deadliest Catch. Blair's a really cool dude who loves a good bottle of wine, so don't miss it! See you all there!
[Contests] Last Day to Enter November Contests

Our November Contsts, sponsored by Lowepro and Westcott, are coming to a close! You have just one more day to enter to win some great prizes. On Facebook you can win the new Peter Hurley DVD just by entering a before and after photoshop image to our group page. On the Fstoppers facebook page, just click the Contests tab, answer one question, and you're entered to win a brand new Lowepro bag. On the FS Forums, submit your best self portrait and you could win a new Westcott Apollo Orb. Just click any of the images below to go to the contest you want to enter. Hurry, all contests close tomorrow!
Chase Jarvis: "Backup Your Pictures"

Chase Jarvis has apparently figured out the secrets of creating a viral video. I think he released this video 3 days ago and it already has 50,000 views. I don't mean to keep posting CJ videos but they are all really good so here another. Check it out! <
Last Chance To Enter Our Wedding Photography Critique

Each month this year, Fstoppers is running a genre specific Critique the Community contest with some amazing prizes. The theme for March is "Weddings," and we are giving away $3,000 in prizes to 3 lucky winners. Oh, and one of the most successful wedding photographers I know, Pye Jirsa, will be guest judging the images. Here are the details!

Sony Launches $1 Million 'Create Action' Initiative to Serve Local Nonprofits

It's easy for large companies to donate a handful of cash to a worthy cause and call it a day. And although that money will be put to good work, sometimes, these non-profit organizations need more than just a few extra dollars. Because of that, Sony aims to do quite a bit more with their new "Create Action" initiative.

Vimeo Profile Pages Get a Makeover

Vimeo has redesigned their users’ profiles pages to show more information, better showcase their work, and more easily make changes.

Contest Entry: James Karinejad Shoots "Strange Fruit"

James Karinejad has officially raised the bar on this contest. His team shot Emma Michelle's music video and he created a great BTS video to show us everything that went into making this a successful piece. View the full post to see the finished product and remember to please leave James feedback in the comments below or on his forum post here.
Fstoppers Forum Is Now Re-Opened

As most of you know a few months ago we were having issues with a malware attack scare that turned out to be false positives. We cleared up the issue and as a precaution took our forum down to make sure that the entire Fstoppers site was in proper working order. I'm happy to announce that the forum is back up and running. You can now access the forum here: OR you can click the forum link at the top of the main page.

Fstoppers Meetup In New Orleans At Loa Bar

Lee, Patrick and I will be in New Orleans this weekend shooting a wedding and would love to grab a drink with any anyone in the area. The meetup starts at 8pm on Sunday March 10 at Loa Bar located at 221 Camp St inside the International House Hotel. We hope to see you all there!

New Ohio Legislation Seeks to Shield 'Kidfluencers' From Financial Exploitation

A prominent TikToker has thrown their support behind a proposed Ohio legislation designed to safeguard child influencers from potential economic exploitation by their parents. This new bill, recently introduced to the Ohio House, seeks to establish labor laws specifically for "kidfluencers" to ensure they are fairly compensated for their online presence and contributions.

How To Mount A Camera To A Drifting BMW

Dan Bartolucci and Gevorg Karensky over at Influxlab have put together a little montage video for everyone to see how they rigged the car camera up for the latest BMW M3 commercial. I'm sure many of you have wondered how they secured a camera when being so wreckless in a car; I guess now we all know.

BMW M3 - Behind The Scenes - Complete from Dan Bartolucci on Vimeo.

Douglas Sonders Shoots SWAT

Here is a very simple video of a very complicated photoshoot. I have trouble posing 1 subject but Douglas has to pose 7 guys, a truck, and a hovering helicopter. After turning day into night with Photoshop this is one successful shoot.

Swat Team Photoshoot - Douglas Sonders Photography from Douglas Sonders on Vimeo.

The new iPhone 4 is great for BTS video

Okay I'm not an apple fanboy or anything (I'm the only photographer still using a PC) but this new iPhone 4 is pretty cool. I'm most excited that it can now take 720p 30 fps video which is perfect for shooting behind the scenes videos of your photoshoots. I got my iPhone 4 early and figured I would take it out on the water to do a little video comparison with the iPhone 3Gs. If you are an iPhone user, this new phone is a necessary upgrade if only for the HD video and LED flash for low light photos and videos.<
Gary Jones And His Team Film A Backyard Burger Commercial

Watch Gary Jones direct his team as they film a short television ad for Backyard Burgers. Click the post to view the behind the scenes commentary.

BackYard Burgers Gouda Cheeseburger :30 from Jones Film Video on Vimeo.

Dave Hamilton Makes It Reign

I was just about to throw up a new post and I got this video in an email and decided to change things up. Check out Dave's fantastic BTS video and then head over to his website here.

Dave Hamilton Photography - behind the scenes from tashunka b on Vimeo.

Ring Revises Policy: Halts Law Enforcement Access to Doorbell Camera Footage

Amazon's subsidiary, Ring, has announced a significant policy change: it will no longer permit law enforcement agencies to access user-recorded footage from its doorbell cameras. This decision marks a departure from Ring's previous stance and was announced via a blog post on Wednesday.

Jonathan Bergqvist Makes A Shoulder Mount For His 7D

Normally I would not be too interested in this sort of thing. Honestly I don't really get the hype with these shoulder mounts. However, this is so well made and the follow focus he added is genius. Check it out.

DIY DSLR Wooden Shoulder Rig from Jonathan Clifford Bergqvist on Vimeo.

How To Shoot Better Videos With Your DSLR 1 of 3

3 months ago Patrick and I didn't have the slightest idea how to shoot or edit video but in seeing the importance and the power of this movement we decided to teach ourselves how. It was challenging and frustrating (especially with Nikon gear) but we finally learned enough to produce decent videos quickly. If you own a DSLR that shoots video we are going to make this simple for you. In the next 3 days we are going to release 3 videos that discuss: camera settings, audio, and editing. Today let's start with the camera settings on the D300s. View the full post to see a similar video for Canon cameras. <
Adam Swords Shoots An Audi R8

In this video Adam Swords takes us behind the scenes on his sports car photoshoot. Make sure you watch until the end to see the images he has taken. After the video you can head over to his website here. Adam Swords: BTS // Audi R8 from Adam Swords on Vimeo.
Kesler Tran Builds A Set Out In The Desert

Some photographers think taking a pretty model out to a remote location will result in a great photograph. Others know they need to build a studio on location to create something even better. Watch what Kesler Tran does when out on a dried lake bed!<
FS Contest:  5 Days Left To Win Photoflex Gear!

If you are laying on your couch reading this after a Thanksgiving binge, then there probably isn't much hope for you. But if you didn't over due the calories (or aren't in America) then you still have 5 days to participate in our Monthly Fstoppers Forum Contest! This month's theme is "Emotion" and I still think the winning image is up for grabs. The winner of this month's contest is going to win a Photoflex Multidisc Kit which is a great tool for when you need extra light and don't have a strobe with you. We use these all the time with video, and it is crucial to have the reflector holder when you don't have an extra set of hands on set. If you win, you will also get your image and website at the top of our site for a month. So head over to the Forum Contest Thread and post your best "Emotion" photo.
Seth Epstein Shoots Suzuki

Check out this amazing video created by Seth Epstein from The Group Digital Agency for Suzuki power bikes. Amazing stuff and much of it is shot with only available light! <
Matt Hawthorne shoots fashion in a haunted hotel

Matt Hawthorne is a talented photographer based out of Dallas Texas who has a very wide range of genres in his portfolio. Today he is shooting a fashion spread inside a haunted hotel. Click on the link to read some of the back story and the gear he used to take these photos.

Matt Hawthorne Photography Baker Hotel Mineral Wells Fashion Photo Shoot from Matt Hawthorne on Vimeo.

How To Make A Transparent Car

"Can we make a transparent car?... Of course, we can do anything given the time and the budget"